Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

C) Sprobi "Obedinati Rus from Rusu"

Перші спроби досягти компромісу виявляються серед головних репрезентанів Української Православної Ієрріії з перших чів існування її. The reasons for this bulo were bagatoes. Peredusim - grievke stanovishche noviye ієррхії, омеженої actually a small teritorієyu, devona perebuvala під захистом козацтва, але could not vikonuvati zavdan u svoїh єparkhіah. Napriklad, Ivan Kopinsky, Bishop Peremysky, not able to stand there. Translations to Smolenskaya and Chernigivske єparkhiy, do not migrate there. Pіznіshe, yak already vtrastiv Kievsku metropolitan, іменувався as bishop Lubensky, але мешкав на Поліссі. Іnshі іpіpіpі perebuvali v rіznih monastyrs abo in Києві. Ignoramus vyyavilsya, all hopelessness soymovoy Borotby, marnist kozatskih domagan that negotiation with the Polish detachment. Навіть такі факти, як домовленість Сагайдачного з Сіґізмумандом ПІ і Хотинська перемога, нічого did not give Церкві. It is hopeless that the repres- sion is overtaken by that decree to the detachment about arresting in vain, as no violence to the class has occurred.

Unyatska Tserkva in the first half of the XVII century. Bula slavshoyu nіzh Orthodox : a weak bula vzhe tim, scho in the lavas її not a boule of noble people, navyat shlyachtichiv. Behind her, not standing nykhto, but Polesie gromadyya not rahuvalosya with her.

Prihilnikam compromising the building, scho, obednavshis zuniєyu, Orthodox Church, the camp of the Mother of God, the power of the bula in the Orthodox churches, but also the bullet in the form of the Ukrainian element in the sphere of cultural and national life.

Перші прихильники компромісу - Kasyan Sakovich та Мелетій Smotrytsky - spodіvalysya tsim slym zmіzniti Ukraina, "posennati Rus s Russu" - for the visas of Smotrytsky. 1628 року в листі до Лаврентія Древинського Смотрицький називав своїх однодумців - митрополита Йова, архимандрита Петра Могилу і «декого інших» їх, it is possible, the boule chimalo, or all the stinks "have stumbled on nebezpechnіy dorozi, if such force has broken through zagalna opozitsіya їх to the plots of the means of Ukraine Suslinosti. Smotritsky did not realize how to wrap himself up, and he went to the office, casting the peacekeeper into the role of an apostate, and sitting alone in the baking tragic tragedy ... yak spitka nayviznichnishu literaturnu i naukovu force of the Ukraine.

The first conflict of Meletius Smotrytsky with the clergy is that of the orthodox Suspinism of the viceroy to the drive. For a quarter of the brotherhoods in the middle of the 16th century. Pomichalisya pragnennya їх розширити свої компетенції коштом владичної влади, що вигасала майже на всьому просторі українських і білоруських земли. Kasyan Sakovich, rector of the Kievsky Bratsk School, 1625, who formulated the goal of the Church: "Do not clerish rule the people, but people clary." In the view of the specter of the demonstrations, they were stauropegic, they were hanging around the manastiri and the brotherhoods of the rulers of the monastery and of the government, and without the help of kerivnitsvo patriarch of Tsargorodsky. Taka stanovishche found in Ukraine novovisvyacheni Vladika.

For 25 rock, but passed an hour to the transition of the ruler to the uniyu, the people znik do without the rulers, and the brotherhood zvikli to the people's rights. To the tsilk zrozumilim bolo proruchennya Metropolitan Yov Boretsky Meletієvі Smotryts'ky, if vin y 1624 rotsі їhav to shіdnіh patriiarkh - to bring shkіdivіst nalіdkіv decentralizatsii, yaku contributed stavropіgіya. Obviously, the patriarch set himself up to a whopping aid and gave him the diploma, yak on a dayliked the stavropy and handed over a manastir to the possession of the bishops.

Tsya patriyarsha literacy viklikala frightfully obrebrenya - in the Pershum cherman archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, Zakhariya Kopistenskogo. The diploma of the patriarch is shattered by a falsifikat, so itself, the letter of Metropolitan Jov, yak viklikala її. Obih - і Smotryts'kyi and Metropolitan - became accusing him of misconduct, admission. Shchob zberegti svoe stanovishche, Metropolitan Yov vigolosiv number of claims to the cathedral, scho vidbuvsya in Kiev, in some zapevnyav, in the right to the Smotrytsky. Alya pіdozrynnya zalishilisya, їh did not rozvіyala another literate patriyarkha, as though filling up tilki tі stavropіgії, tо giving patriyarch Єremіya, hoch chіtsya іmota tіlkom clearly brought the authenticity of both sides - i metropolitan up to patriyarkha, and patriarch to metropolitan.

K. Sakovich the first to let the senses, about the noblemen of the Orthodox, know porozuminnya zunyatami and role in the tsomu Smotrytsky. Podorozh yogo to schematyh patriiarkh vyznuet vin bazhannyam dystati they zgodu "zaspokoєnnya reklіynіnogo borotby", - sebto on the compromise by zanyatami (in front of the "Desiderosus", rock 1625).

Rock 1623 vperish on the Soymi is supplied with a drink about the scribble to the Cathedral of the Spivn - unityat with the Orthodox, orthodox monks, protested. The cathedral-there were stinks-mozhlivy tilki for zgodoyu patriyarkha i pіd yogo wire. Rock 1626 at the Cathedral in with. Kobrinі ніхто з orthodox not прийхав.

Roku 1627 Smotrytsky Mav pobachennya with Peter Mogiloyu, yak, yak pisav Smotrytsky Velyminov Rutsky, "is more tolerant" put before the Catholic Church. То же ж року в Києві відбувся з'їзд in the arena tісному колі: Smotrytsky, The grave is Boretsky. Virisheno, scho Smotrytsky on the approaching z'ezdі to submit his own respect for the basic rіznitsі між of the Orthodox yam ta Catholic. Prisutnі - Yov Boretsky і Petro Mogila - Buli solіdarnіі z Smotryts'kim і viznavali zmіlіvі prinyati pochene zvrepnitsu papi over the Ukrainian-Belorussian Church.

Rock 1628, near the Great Pist, the cathedral in Gorodoku, Rivenskoy poyit, Volyn. There were present at the bouillon: Metropolitan Yov, Meletiy Smotrytsky, Іbiopi - Іsaak Boriskovich ta Paisyі Іpolitovich і archimandrite Kiev-Pechersky Petro Mogila. The memorial of Smotritsky was discussed at the Cathedral, in which a sign was given to the Ministry of Culture, and the Same: 1) the reception of the Holy Spirit from Otsya Sina; 2) purgatory; 3) the blessedness of the righteousness of the souls of the souls in the sea: 4) the primacy of Pope; 5) the definition of that 6) involved the laity of the Tila of the Blood of Christ. Vladiki obmirkovuvali pokіyno pitannaya, yak povednati "Rus from Russu", do not zarouchuchi viry. The cathedral is praised for the spiritual and the svitskikh people for rozglyadu memorial and that self-knowledge.

Cathedral of Sklikano at 13 sickle 1628 in Kiev. Before the Cathedral Meletiy Smotrytskyi nadislav metropolitiv ta Petrovi Mogilі svіy noviy tvіr: "Apologіy peregrynіcії up to kraїn shііdnіh". Tsebuv is a great treatise, for the sake of yogo enemies in the road to Sid. Voyak Buli duzhe negativnі: pravdivoї vіri vіn not znayishov; Himself patriarch of the Tsarods'kyi Otrenye Protestantism. Smotritsky gostro zasuzhuvav Scihdnyu Church for єres and і kartav avtorіv, scho vystupali na zahist Orthodox Church, in that number - himself, yak author of "Trenos". "Apology" wiklikal sumniv Peter Mogili ta Yov Boretsky, i vony not sphishali її drukuvati. Todi Smotrytskyi nadislav manuscript Kasyanovy Sakovichu (vyn already priadnavsya to unyi), і te nakrukuvav kilka arkushiv at Krakow їh gained in Kiev before the Cathedral, and stinked the shoddy of the orthodox medics. Metropolitan ta Petro Mogila tiezh vedstvsya v Smotritskogo і steel pіdotovlyati borotbu him on the Cathedral. At the helm there were written the poems of the few theologians: Fr. Lavrentyі Zizanіya th. О. Andriya Muzhilovsky.

The boulevard is a crowd of people: the boules are the metropolitan, the bishop, the archimandrite, the clan of the clergy of the laity. The act accused of opposing Smotrytsky Mav 105 non-Orthodox points. Melětіy Smotrytsky ugusheny buv zrektisya "Apologii", i tsu the book is vykisto viklyatno z zchencheno. Alya Zrechennya Smotrytsky boule vimushene obstavany.

Після Собору надрукував він у Львові «Протестацію», в якій having accused the Cathedral of 1628 rock in the wrong days, violent. On the street, A. Muzhilovsky "Antidotum" , Wiklikav imidovid M. Smotrytsky "Ekstezisom . " Tsei tvir G. Luzhnitsky nazivayet "one of the most naskraschih creativity of that hour."

Після того Мелетій Смотрицький офіційно приєднався до унії Але катдри він не дістав і не ненадого having survived my Kyiv tragedy. For otsynkoju M. Grushevsky, "перехід Смоттцького on uniyu нічого without giving унії".

The Poles took the test of the orthodoxy of the Orthodox with the ducklings. Rocku 1629 Сіґізмунд III having provoked the Orthodox to go to the city zynyatami і acknowledging the spinal Cathedral of Lviv in жовтні 1628 року. For підготови having recognized він окremі соборри: in Києві - orthodox and in Володимирі - for уніятів. At Kievsky Cathedral Orthodox gentry did not come up, motivating Tim, but scrolling to the Council of the King's order, or without the adage of the gentry, ruled out the right. Prote, zaporozkі Cossacks without request z'yavilisya at the Cathedral and zazhadali zakriti yogo.

Povidomlyayuchi korolivskogo representative, Adam Kisel, about such a millstone of speeches, Metropolitan Yov dodav, scho spiritual divisions Soboru pogozhzhuyutsya gave to talk about the subject, or ask, shob Soim, recognizing the new Cathedral, giving the opportunity to take time before the patriarch Zarodgorodsky.

On Unyat's'kyy Cathedral of the same day Volodymyriv's death was caused by the Orthodox, or to the Cathedral of Lviv not from Orthodox Christians. On the cliff, they knit the obedience of the churches. Prote, unhealthy unihi, and takozh Adam Kisil, viznisya vizhennya, sho vichcha ієрархія is ready піти назустріч об'єднанню, навіть визнати примат прили пали, але самі не погоджуються зробити цей крок без згоди патріярха. Velimin Rutsky, having crushed the pittance at the root of the nourishing Russian patriarchyat, - dumka, yaku vzhe pіdnіs buv at the "Parenesis" M. Smotrytsky. Lipshim candidate for patriyarkha vvazhav vin archimandrite Kiev-Pechersky monastery Peter Mogila. Він міг би, на думку Веляміна Рутського, прийняти кочатку унію / потайня, засланячись наверх православным, і підготовити ввесь the people before the transition to unya.

Proposozitsіya unyatіv orthodox at the right obnednanya zakladalasya 4 points: 1. pitanie about pokhozhennia st. The spirit is enraptured for the offenses of the Churches; 2. Pravoslavnі priymayut uchennya about Purgatory; 3. Unity to understand the Church and the Church Scandinavia; 4. Pravoslavnі viznayut zverhnіst pali, ala zalisyaetsya і znovernost Tsar'gorodskogo patriyarkha.

Incoming chorazhi dalі vіd mozhnovostі porosumіtіsy zіnіyatami, znati dіtі sіpіlnu mоvu, orthodox shukali morіnії pіdtrimki beside Protestants, and on the other side of the shoraz bіshe shilіlisya up porozumіnnya іnshim orthodox. Patriarch Tsargorodsky boom is far, a little shorter, in Moscow, Buv takozh orthodox patriyarh.

The first zvernuvsya before patriyarkha Filaret in 1622 rotsi Archbishop of Isaiah Kopinsky, from the Mgarsky Manastir. Vin skarzhivsya to the onslaught zobok polekіv і pityv, chi not allowed to go to Moskvishchini yomu 150 centsyami. 1624 metropolitan Yov Boretsky, not zvazhayuchi on the tolerant stavlennya before unya, tezh zvertavsya before the king Mihaila ta patriyarka Fіlareta z "cholobitneyu", yakіy hastened to the accusations of the ick of the Polish king, "the sovereign God, sent over us"; Especially if he scampered at those, scho eh, Orthodox bishops, "from the throne, from places ... expelling", and asking the zahist.

Bishop Yosif - Єзекіїль Курцевич from 1625 році перейшов to Moscow and becoming the bishop of Suzdal. In 1638, the mass of the Maslov entered into the Chentsi to Mos- zhshchina: the Gustin Manastir passed 70 censors and 20 novices; Z zinochogo Ladinskoy monastery - 50 sisters and 16 novices; Із Мгарського манастиря - 14 ченців.

Zvichayno, can not be explained in the fact that they do not want to roam the stories: not by agents of buli ti vtikachi, stink of bullets such zanatichno vkddaniem Orthodox Church people, yak buli vіddany unyi unyati. In that way, you have hunted Ukrainians, orthodox believers, have passed to the uni chi rimokatalitwo, or have been sucking the Zahist in the volume "The Third Rome", "the Moscow", Moscow, the whole time, I've stretched out my hand with generosity I shook my head in obedience and obtuse. Цела була ідеалізація, від якої вилікували події 1655 і наступних років, але як ще бато українців - навіть після 1655 року - have not entered врири в благодійну опіку «старшого брата»!