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Istoria Ukrainy - Polonska Vasilenko Natalіya: Volume 1

g) Legalіzatsіya Pravoslavnoї Church

Church encampments not kept pace dedalі tyazhchy. Passed odinadtsyat rokіv h hour ієrarhії renovations in 1620 rotsі, ale finished off її legalіzatsії pravoslavnі could not, before skin Soim Hoch served umotivovanі Claim s Prokhanov legalіzuvati Church.

Roku 1631 died Sіґіzmund III. A candidate for the throne of the King Vladislav CCB, vіdomy svoїm tolerance representations to power relіgії On konvokatsіynomu Soymі 1632 roku Orthodox nobility, brotherhood, kozatstvo clergy acted as znovu s vimogami Secure rights Pravoslavnіy Tserkvі. Provіdnikom clergy CCB Petro Mohyla. Ocholena Prince Wladyslaw front fee senatorіv i s p'yati six zemskih poslіv virobila project Zgoda mіzh unіyatami that Orthodox pid titles "para zaspokoєnnya".

In tsomu proektі boule takі points: 1. Orthodox (gretskoї relіgії) dozvolyaєtsya vіdpravlyati divine services, communication. Taїnstva, Mother of the Church, semіnarії, schools, shpitalі, fraternity; 2. Zalishaєtsya two metropolitans: i unіyat non-unіyat, obrany zvichayami for people that nastanovleny patrіyarhom Tsargorodskim; 3. Prior to the Orthodox nalezhatimut єparhії: Lviv, Lutsk, Peremiska i Mstislavska (vіddіlena od Polotskoї). Orthodox povertaєtsya kiїvskі manastirі, krіm Vidubitskogo. Unіyatskі Vlad zberіgayut to death behind him is the good of the church, yakimi koristalisya; 4. koronatsіynomu Soymі King priznachit komіsіyu of 2 2 unіyatіv that Orthodox, yak Got ob'їhati OAO All Mista she sat down, she vstanoviti number unіyatіv Orthodox i rozpodіliti mіzh them good; 5. Cutaneous vіlno Got the right address for themselves opіku Pravoslavnoї chi Unіyatskoї Church perehoditi i od odnoї to Druha.

"Paragraph zaspokoєnnya" pіdpisanі King Władysław IV of, made up of books ґrodskih Varshavskih 1 leaf fall 1632 roku.

8th leaf fall of rock Well Metropolitan Josif Velyamіn Rutsky s usіm єpiskopatom vnіs stated about those scho stink not viznayut "Punktіv" Pokey їh not memorize Apostolska capital. Analogіchnu Claim nadіslav Primate Polschі Yang Vєyazhik s polskimi єpiskopami i for pіdpisom 54 senatorіv that poslіv. Pope Urban VIII vіdmovivsya pіdtverditi dogovіr i doruchiv Vedyamіnovі Rutskomu boroniti right Katolitskoї Church.

Pid clutches of katolitskoї opіnії Władysław IV at the call together lyuty 1633 roku Rada teologіv, predstavnikіv Chernecha ordenіv - Єzuїtіv, Kaputsinіv, Karmelіtіv - i profesorіv Krakіvskoї Academy, virіshili dwellers, chi suit ROBIT takі actions on korist "non-z'єdinenih". Bіlshіstyu golosіv theologians virіshili scho takі actions Je "potoptannyam Bozhogo right th vіri reduced." Ale on Soymі 1633rd Well rock Władysław IV pіdtverdiv scho bude doderzhuvatisya "Covenant convention", in addition chislі th "Punktіv zaspokoєnnya".

On pіdstavі "Covenant convention" Obra nova ієrarhіyu Pravoslavnoї Church. Vid ієrarhії.1620 rock zalishivsya Іsaya Kopinsky, yakogo kozatstvo, pіslya death Yaw Boretskogo, visunulo at the Metropolitan. Pid hour Elektsіynogo Soim pravoslavnі after, not the church council, vibrat: Archimandrite Peter's Tomb - by Metropolitan Kiїvskogo, Oleksandra (in chernetstvі Afanasіya Prince Puzin) - Lutsk on єpiskopa that Joseph Bobrikovicha - on єpiskopa Mstislavskogo.

Not all skladalosya so good, yak Bulo vkazano in the "convent of the Covenant." Unіyati not pogodzhuvalisya s uhvalami komіsії scho ob'їzdila Ukrainian zemlі, i power vіdstoyuvali church manastirі, zemlі Pong zdobuvali od King privіleї, scho in korenі zmіnyuvali "Covenant" napriklad: Lutsk єparhіya small go to the Orthodox єpiskopa, ale on pіdstavі korolіvskogo privіleyu zalishalasya for bishop unіyatom to yogo death. Such prikladіv Bulo bagato. Tse all posilyuvalo flow in population to Moskovії. For Persha rokіv pravlіnnya Władysław IV tsya to flow pripinilasya, z 1638 roku znovu Pocha tsіlimi Monastery. Widened Dumka about perehіd pid Orthodox Tsar Vlad vsogo ukrajins'koho people.

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