Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

D) Literature

Pershi of the XVII century. In Literature characterized by the transgression of the church-words of the Russians. Polemik, yaka, the bula fell silent in 1610 rotsi, with the new force rozpalyuyutsya in 1620-their rock, with the fate of which does not take tilki Ukrainians-uniati that orthodox, without the Poles, I want to get away vonably Polish polkovyu. Alya, the rail with a Polish can and I begin to corrupt by literary Ukrainians. "Intermedia" by Yakov Gavatovich in 1619 rotsi written by the people's name; In 1630, the living folk troupe wrote "Virshi z tragedii Khristos Paskhon" by Andrei Skul'skii and "The word about zbuenne baked"; Literary Ukrainian painting written in rock 1646 "Perl mnogotsinnoe" - zbirnik travel Kirila Stavrovetskogo - i t. N.

Treba відзначити дві зв'язані з осою Петра Могили books, які займають поважне місце в богословській літературі та красному писєі и які з выпленням читалисься відського масу суспільства. For the purpose of the vision of "Paterika" and "Teraturim" of Kalfaloysky. "Paterik Pechersky" from the 13th century. Двічі відреподаваний у Києві in the XV century., Був увесь час улюбленим збірником. Він давав у формі невеликих біограічних оповідань ченців історію цього манастиря. In 1635, Sylvester Kosiv saw the text of Paterik as a "Patericon" with Polish music, the text of Peter the Tomb, Petr Mogili, Atanasiy Kalnofoysky, in 1638 rotsi nadrukuvav polkoyuyu mavoyu "Teraturgimu" - zbirnik opovidan about miracles, sho-ikh created the saints of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery. Gurt pupils of cents of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, a well-known participant of Peter Mogili, a kind of author of the author's notes, giving yomu for vichorennya vlasnі notes. "Theratura" is very important tym, scho in the 17th century, without a mean, is called from the old hours. Pіднести znachennya Kiєvo-Pecherskogo manastir, yak osredku pobochestya.To "Teraturnimi" dodano bulo reports of the dance of the monastery, and takozh Kiyiv's dance.

Characteristic knowledge of the literary cob of the XVII century. Є buried in virshami. Багато віршів мали літературний nature, іноді, з українським гумором, але themes їх shirshal: з'являються вірші-пангірики, привіти, descriptions of гербів, епіграми. Everyone is shklyne sacred, head in Kiev Kievan, viklikalo virshi, z yakimi vikrupili і profori, i spudey. Bulo bagato viršiv unit form - acrostic, that vibaglivic forms: eggs, pyramidi, mushrooms, choki tosche. Tsіkavy vіrsh on the honor of Yelisey Pletenetsky, written by Stefan Berindoy in the form of the coat of arms of Pletenetsky.

Beautiful virsh for the funeral of Peter Sagaidachny (1622) Kas'yan Sakovich . The author gives a picture of Ukraine's sufferings against Tatar attacks, yakim borosya Sagaydachny; Zagud yogo merit in the defense of the Church. Duzhe important tendentsiya of the author zv'yatati suhchastnu Ukraina z tієyu, scho fought to be forged from Gratiei, for Oleg, for Volodymyr - if the Christianity had taken over. Slava Sagaydachnogo - закінчуєє Sakovich, - bude golosna, "leave Dnіpro with Dnіstrom mnogibnі pluni budut".

Douge widen buli panegiriki: "Veserunok tsnot" on the honor of Yelisey Pletenetsky, panegiriki on the honor of Peter Mogily, "Ірмологія" Pamvi Berindi ta Taras Zemka, "Evfoniya", yaku drukarі v svyavvyachennya Petra Mogili on the metropolitan; "Gelikon, i.e. garden of intellectuality" (1632 rubles); "Evharisterion", pisdisaniyas uchenni school (1632 rivers).

In the XVII century. Pinned cobs of dramas. In Ukraine, the dramatic visibility is imagined in 1619 р. In Kam'yantsi Strumiloviy, on the day of the death of Ivan Khristitel: Yakub Gavatovich vystavka polsku drama on the plot of the death of the Christ. Prior to the drama priadnano dvі інтермедії українською мовою та на народні українські those: "Selling a cat in a box" and "Naykraschy dream."

Dramatic vistavi buli zv'yazan head ranks iz shkilnim navchannyam. For the visage were serving in the Polish зуzuтtskih schools, the dears stood on the high river. Cі види vідбувалися в розкішній обстановці, in the pidnye zalya, in the presence of representatives of the gentry. In Ukraine, the dramatic vistavs were ridden by vashstovuvati from the first half of the 17th century. The head of the rank of Kyevo-Mogilyansky Kolgi. Naidavnіshoyu drukovoyuyu drama bula "Christ Easter" - a fragment of the Greek tragedy about the terpinnya Christ, nadrukovana in Lviv 1630 rock. Another drama of the bula - "Rozmyshlyany about the Mutsy Christ" - Joakinia Volkovicha in the river. 1631.

The main themes of the shkilnyh dramas of the boulevard are the abolition of the saints, the abomination of the saints of the saints, the drama "About the Oleksia, the choir of Bozhy", about the riches of garrison - "Milost Bozha", "Milist predvichna" tochno. The drama was stored in the prologue, in which the author chi chtos iz actoriv explained the zmist that morality, duh oh trioh diy ta epilogu.

Дуже цінні для історії культури інтермедії, маленькі комедії-scenery і українського побуту, not affected by the text of the drama, scho ig grains in the interludes mіzh діями. Wants mali zhartіvliviy character, buli peresipanі dotepami, anecdotes і vikonuvalis sochasnoju їм українською мовою. Treba tell me, however, the unfolding of the drama took place in the 18th century, and in the first half of the 17th century. Buli tilki zarodki її.

Okremiy a kind of drama is a theater , in a kind of actors buli lyalki. The Lyalkovy Theater of the Boulevards is widely represented in the Western Europe, and in Ukraine - in the first half of the 17th century. - Він nabuv so feed so zvanyh "vertepiv."

Вертеп поеднував у собі шкільні різдвяні драми та інтермедії. Nazovny tse bula great screen, podilena on two tops, yakih vidbuvalisya one-hour dvі дії: нагоіі - біблійна, релігійна, and below - двитова, українська з її дотепами, жартами. The wreck of the zhed were carried along the villages by the "bursaks" abo "sputter". Repeated rozvitku swearing vin takozh at the XVII tablets.