Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

C) Science

Short perіod mіzh Beresteysky Cathedral 1596 р. І rebels of Khmelnitsky 1648 р. Є one of the most prominent in the Ukraine. During this hour Kyiv became a church overseas and an occasional Ukrainian culture.

The head of the cemetery was the archimandrite of Kiev-Pechersky, the monastery Єlisey Pletenetsky (1550-1624). Narodivsya vin at rodinі dribnyh shlyachtichiv village Pletenichi, біля Zolocheva in Galicia. The biography of the yogo is small, leaving the 1599 rotsi, the death of the battle of oppositions, the Nykyphor of the Tour, not the revelations of the archimandrite of the Kyiv-Pechersky monastery.

З допомогою козаків Плетенецький having turned Лаврі земельні маєтності, що їх the king having transferred був уніятам, і почав закликати to Києва pupils, проповідників, письменників, перекладачів . In vitro, they felt the yomu of the thrust, which the Orthodox called Orthodox on Pravoberezhnnyi Ukrainy, in Galichyna on Volinsky Catholic Church, and before Kiyova hunted vichi. So zorganizuvav Pletenetsky gortok people, the middle of some buli soi vidatny individuals, yak Zakhary Kopistensky , brother of Bishop Pereimsky, "the husband of teachers and teachers in the divine writings"; Pamva ta Stefan Berinda - scientists, with her own pratyami; Taras Zemk a - znavets of Greek, Latin, Church Slavonic and Russian, sebto Ukrainians; Lavrenty Zizaniy Tustanovsky - "Didaskal i Vіtіya"; Gavril Dorofeevich - transference of the works of St. Ottsiv; Yosif Kirilovich is a knower of the Greek language. In addition, there are some individuals who can use for scientific and technical research. Thumbs up badly called Yelisey Pletenetsky "people's attitudes pritulkom, lyublyachih science promoter, shkil zichlivim foundation." Behind the words of Zakhariya Kopistenskogo, Buv Vin "Batkom is not a little for Lavry, it's just for the Ukrainian people".

In the "Points zaspokoinnya" obomovleno pripinennya polemiki, imaginative for both sides of the story, i chyogo on mozhilostі dodtrimuvalysya orthodox Movchank having defeated 1642 rock Kasiyan Sakovich, scho pereishov already vid unyi on latino-katolitstvo. Він having entered into the "Epanortosis" abo "Perspective" and vyasnennyaam fornication, єresey і zabobonіv in the Greco-Russian church dizunitsky ", - in the Polish army, the pratse, the brutal pro-Orthodox Church of the Uniatski Church.

On the "Prospectus" in 1644 rotsі vіdpovddyu buv "Litos, abo kamіn s pravtsi pravdy Churches of the Holy Orthodox", piddisanniy pseudonimom "Evsevei Pimin" , sebto "pious pastry." Until the eleventh hour, there was a lot of singing, hto pogodavsya pid tsim pseudonimom. The henchmen vvazhali, but then the buv himself Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, ali piznіshi doslіdniki skiljayutsya to dumki, scho tse buv tvіr kіlkok osіb s velikogo mestropol'it metropolitan. In the "Litos", which is very important for the southerners, but also for the yogo grandson's wartime for the Church, they have been widely authoritative. "The goal of the apologetics of the Orthodox Church against ... unityat those Catholics," - thus characterizing the meaning of "Litosa" Metropolitan Makar.

The greatness of the meaning of Mali is of a pragmatic nature, in the Pershu - the "Ipovodannya Orthodox Church." Persha sproba - Mali Catechism, the ways of Stefaniy Zizan and the visions of Vylny 1595 rock, do not zberihsya. The other tvir is "The Great Catechism" of Brother Stefaniy , Fr. Laurentia Zizaniya Tustanovsky, nadrukovany in Moscow in 1624 rock - dormant, before the tim bouv extensions in manuscripts.

The nebdaloyu bula demanded Meletiy Smotrytsky, a 1624 rock prince of prusyuvati above the Catechism, without seeing yogo. 1618 rock in Pochaivskyi drukarinni "The Mirror of Theology" by Kirila Trankvilion of Stavrovetsky, given to the rock 1627 after having been transferred to the Uni; "Mirror of theology" was the first dogmatic system in the Ukrainian Orthodox theology "- Pishe I. Vlasovsky.

Vsі tsі probi dati іospііdannya vіri svіdchat, as the great boule in them demanded, and the greatness of the meaning is little "Іpovіdanya" of Peter Mogili, boasted by the Council of 1640 rock.

The adversary of Pletenetsky, Zakhariya Kopistenskiy, the viznachniy doctrines, selling yogo diyalnist. Yogi "Palinodiya" bula top of theological science.

About the nature of the spiritual region vschih, scho zibralisya in Kiev in 1620-their rock, svidchit, scho "Nomokanon" abo "lawful rule" was imposed by the boule 1620 rock - from the front of the hieromonk Pamvi Berindi, 1624 to the rock - front of the monster Zakhariya Kopistensky , 1629 rock - From the front archimandrite Peter Mogili; In 1646 the fate of Vishnosh remained. In this way, the stretch of the 26 rockies was rooted in the vidanny of "Nomokanon", the pidruchnik for the priesthood, yak povoditisya at spovіdіa nakladannі putat for grihi. In "Nomokanoni" the rules are given, which the Dukhovnik himself is guilty of; Mіzh іnshim, в ьому гостро заборонялось відкривати be-to whom таємницю сповіді Порушення цієї таємниці "Nomocanon" naming "betrayal, Yudin like".

Naukova praca of the Pechorsky Gurk shook its head more for Petra Mogili, becoming Archimandrite and Metropolitan Cathedral.

Bogosluzhibov's books were drunk in the riches of the Ukraine until the ponovlenya orthodox ієрархії. In 1602 it in 1612 r. In Ostrozi: і in 1617 році in Києві Видно «Часослов»; In 1604 in the Derman - "Oktoch"; In 1606 in the Stryatin, Fyodor Balaban's drummer saw the "Trebnik", the arrangements of Gideon Balaban and the letters "The Strya Trebnik". Laying out the "Trebnik" Gedeon Balaban zіbrav українські, слова'янські чини, звертався до східніх требників. Rock 1616 and 1617 near Vílní vidano the "Trebnik". At 1620 rotsi u Kievesviyshov "The Counselor". In 1619, the monumental pratsu - Mineiu - "Anthologion", a monolith of Yov Boretsky, was revamped, and Zakhari Kopistensky and Pamva Berinda converted.

Після поневолення ієраріїі and especially після обрання on archimandrite Peter Mogili, видання богослужбових books збільшується: в Києві друкуть "Бесіди св. Іоана Золотоустого on Діяння Апостолів »та його ж« Besidi na poslyannya sv. Apostle Peter "," Triody "- in front of Peter Mogili; "The book" - in the r. 1629, 1639 and 1653; "Trebnik" - 10 kinds of poetry; "Akafisti" - in the river. 1625, "Trіодь Пісну" - 1627 rubles; "Third Circuit" - 1631; "Anthology" - 1625 and 1626 rivers; "Oktoch" - 1629, 1630 and 1639 (Lviv); "Psalter" - 1625 rubles; "Apostle" that "Gospel", "Mineiu Zagalnu" - 1628 rubles., "Apostle" - the river. 1630.

Naiviznachnishimi vidannami Petra Mogili Buli: "The Book" 1629 and 1639 rr. І "The Trebnik" 1646 р . The grave of the Mavs on Meti is to redeem Ostrozke Vidannya Biblii, in a sort of Boleta pardon, I see "Bibliya" with the Ukrainian Monument. Взагалі він дотримумувся дух мов: слов'янської і української. On the other hand, the Lord's prayer is filed in a new Ukrainian translation: "Our Father, Cotrius is in the heavens ... do not lead us into a frenzy, scarcely bringing us down from the evil one."

Did not bother in the first half of the XVII century. І сутауковиких творів. Prior to such, birch to the respect of the zagalny nature of science, the treble to bring pidrugniki for shkіl: poetiki, aritmiki, grammatiki, fiziki, astronomi tochno, pisanі words'jano-Ukrainskoj abo latin'koju moivoju. The character of the devil is little "The Mirror of Theology" by Kirila Trankvilion Stavrovetsky (1618, 1635). In tsіy knіnі, the science of God is presented, about svіt, about death. Prior to the scientific literature it is possible to take part in the field of fieldwork, yak "Trenos" Meletiya Smotrytsky, "Litos", "Palinodiy" - Zakhariya Kopistenskogo.

The authors of the works of creators of the bullet in the home of antiquity literature; Dehto from them volodiv zheltskoyu movoyu (Kopistensky reading, and Stavrovetsky navit talking in Greek). Everybody knew Latin. Добре відома була схоластика середньовіччя та твори Renesansu, але переклаів в цю добу було мало.

Greatness znechennya little molding Ukrainian literary art. It was evident that a simple "mauva" is a prerogative for the vyasnennya naytonshih theological nourishment, - characterized by the izї viznachnyi znavets Ukrainians, Metropolitan Ilarion, in the world of Professor I. Ogienko. Tsia mova did not shout at all from other people's flocks: Polish customs, she flipped at her life, in institutions, that latin school, in the institutions, in science. Alya is not a bula clean, Latina is pathetic, but vulgarized, overshadowed by Polish words. Qiu mishanin was called "macaroni". Bully shi sidіnі vplivi,. The Tatar regime is very important. Ale, pobyryuyuchi tsі vplyvi, vborayauchi vid them potrybne, on the wide bases of church-words-yanskoi moi shvidko rozvivalas Ukrainska literaturna mov.

Great help was given to grammatists. The first of them, yak, put a date for singing the laws of the church for the ecclesiastical monks, which was heavily stolen, the boule gramatique Laurentia Zizaniya of Tustanovsky rock in 1596. Behind her, in 1619, the grammar of Meletiy Smotrytsky, the yak did not appear to be buried before 1755 rock, If Lomonosov's grammar is instructed, or that the grammar is not literary, but church.

Douche's important reference boulo ukladannya slovnikiv. Rock 1596 Lavrentie Zizanіy having seen the "Lexis". Vidatnim tvom buv "Lexicon Slavorosysky." Pamvi Berindi, applications in 1627 році. Vin pratsyuvav above him 30 rock, and for zhittya not zmig yogo nadrukuvati. Dictionaries viklikav having flown people vklyvovih, yaki did not pashirjuvati ukrainsku literaturnu moivu. In his own, Berinda's vocabulary to the ecclesiastical words of the church, I will explain the word "living Ukrainian language".

Acting hour at literaturi sharpened the struggle between the old and the church-words of that new, litera-tional Ukrainian art, ale povolinova vitynila old. Oboronets church-slovansky, Archimandrite Zakhary Kopistensky, writing to rock 1623 in front of "Besid Іvona Zolotoustoy": "words'yanskaya mova by her power dorіvnyuetsya gattsky i perevishchu latincku, i tsilkom nadustsya to fіlofіїї, theology and vzagali to science." Dali pishe vin so: "In the language of that language Slavic is famous, which Japhet and his generation have been getting along, wide and far from being tall and glorious". Tse bula dumka, sho dovgo panuvala і in Kievo-Pecherskiy Lavrі i in Kievskiy kolgії, zv'yazuchi Ukraina from ancient times and pidnosyachi poteutty natsionalnoy pride.