Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Міжнародні валютно-фиінансові оргаізації

In everyday life, the meaning and role of international monetary and financial institutions are postponed, the sphere of financial and financial affairs is nagging, unstable and not repartee. Naybіlsh has a significant role in the sphere of currency regulation, which is responsible for financing the economic development of the provinces of the region - "Velikiye Sіmki". That is the all-vіdіm fіnansovo-ekonomіchnі orgіzііїї.

"Velika sіmka" is an informal club of seven provinces of the world, which is economically economical and that is rooted in the system of political democracy. Prior to the "Great Saimaa" lie: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, FRN, Italy, Japan. Щорічні зустрічі керівників країн "Великої сімки" utloryuyut osoblivy mіzhnarnyi institute, yak nalezhit to najvischego rivnya mіzhderavnogo regulyulyannya polіtichnykh ta ekonomichnyh zv'yazіv. Він координує дії країн, що доть до "сімки".

The Fundamental Monetary Fund of Ukraine has 180 member banks, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Держане регулювання зовнішньоекономічної діяльності - one of the forms of participation of the state in economical life, it is to be manifested in a direct and indirect way in all the direct economic development, in the form of optimal proportionality of the economic and social dignity. At the edges of an economically sound economy, the state is regulating itself on the basis of diversification of forms and methods of such regulation.

Directly to the state economy is regulating vikorostvuyu riznomannit formless financing (subventions, subsidies, additional payments, subsidies) to sectors of economy, ternoriyam i pidpriimstvam. Prior to them, levy on such loans that they pay taxes. Prior to the mediating forms of the sovereign economical regulation, there is a lot of credit and money supply, tax, amortization, currency, taxation, in the number of mitigation tariffs, policies and procedures. Reguljuvannya zovnіshn'oekonomichnoi dіyalnіі здійснюється for all the signs of tension. The main forms of the state regulation in this sphere are the rule of currency exchange rates, mitne reguliwuvannya, litisuvannya, kvotuvannya. Derzhavne regulyuvannya currency exchange rates on the basis of the currency exchange rate and the low level of the transfer: забезпечує відносну стабільність умов звнішньоекономічної діяльності, знижує валюні ризики.

National banks keep on currency exchange through the purchase of currency. Purchasing central banks of national currency and sales sales of foreign assets to the foreign currency market to bring up to the equivalent zmenshenny reserve in the international currency of the grocery mai on it. The result is the sale by central banks of national currency for the purchase of foreign assets in the call currency market є rivnoznachne zbilshennya mizhzhnannyh reserves to the bank and the grocery mashi. Vtruchannia natsionalnyh bankov in function of the currency market call money currency intermittent.

For the regularity of the foreign exchange rates, it is up to the zhorst administrastnyh zahodiv. The middle of them is a method of rational vicarities of non-terrestrial currency. One of the yogo variants was bored in Ukraine in 1993-1994. Відповідно до цього Method всі суб'єкти звнішньоекономічної діяльності збовіяіні фіксовану a part of the virgin in currencies selling the countries, yak in its own self is viznacha nayvazhlііlі statіmі importu. For such situations, they can be placed in the presence of virus, otrymanoi pidpriemstvami-exporter. Part of the surrender to the foreign currency is being looted with the uninvited. Power can regulate the currency exchange rate and through the liquidity of macroeconomic policies. For example, in the case of a piracy of national income, it is ported to other countries, if there is a corruption in the rate of national currency, the country can impose a rate of payment, and in such a way to streamline the purchase of goods and services. Another widened form of the sovereign regulation of the exchange rate is trade policy. Підтримуючи або стримуючи експорт чииімпорт, the power збільшує або зменшує попит на неноземну валюту на ринку.

The main zavdannyam Torgovelnoy polity - ubezpechenchenya neobhіdnogo rivnya zahistu vnutrishnogo rinku vid negative vplivu dії svitovoї rivalry. The main methods zdіysnennya Torgovelnoy Policies - mitno-tariff policy (vmotovlenya importnogo taksportnogo mita), go non-tariff regulatory. It includes, inter alia, eksportu i importu, litsenzuvannya zvnіshnotorgovelnikh operatsi, oboronu ta obmennya eksportu (importu), pіvidenyi control anchorі, viznachennya standardov.

Controlling food

1. Перелічіть forms здійснення міжнародних економічних зв'язків.

2. Які є засоби регулювання зовнішньої торгівлі?

3. What is the basis for protection? Chi neobhіdno zdіysnjuvati її in Україні?

4. Yakі chinniki viznachayut privalblіst kapitalovklokden in the economy of the edge?

5. International credit and yogo vis.

6. Name the currency.

7. For a foreign reserve in foreign currency?

8. What is the value of the currency exchange rate?

9. Viznachte elementi natsionalnogo i mizhnarodnoї svitovoї currency systems.

10. Перелічіть основні міжнародні валютно-фиінансові оргаізації.

11. If, for example, does the National Bank of Ukraine use the currency exchange rates?