Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

The problem of saving the world is that

Ідея міжнародногої безпеки that zberezhennja to the world on the Earth became realizovuvatis on praktitsі at each other half of XX century. In pershіy polovinі passed stolіttya vіdbulisya two svіtovі konflіkti, pid hour yakih Bulo znischeno velicheznu Quantity people virobnichih resursіv i, i potrіbnі boule desyatilіttya for BUILD UP natsіonalnih ekonomіk. "Cold vіyna" rozv'yazana pіslya Druha svіtovoї vіyni, Trimai lyudstvo in fear vprodovzh mayzhe forty rokіv, zagrozhuyuchi slit bіlshimi ruynuvannyami in razі vikoristannya yadernoї zbroї. Zmіna polіtichnoї situation in svіtі, yak rozpochalasya in seredinі 70 rokіv, otrimavshi titles "rozryadka" naprikіntsі 80 rokіv postupovo led to pripinennya Borotba dvoh systems. Tse vіdobrazheno pіdpisannі in low lands dogovorіv i have voєnno-polіtichnih Galuzo, real skorochennі zbroynih forces ozbroєnnya i vitrat they have provіdnih kraїnah - kolishnіh suprotivnikah for protistoyannyam. In rezultatі skorochennya voєnnih byudzhetіv, nasampered kraїn NATO i kraїn kolishnoї Organіzatsії Varshavskogo Treaty sukupnі svіtovі voєnnі vitrati z 1987 r., If the stench dosyagli nayvischogo rіvnya, zmenshilisya on the cob XXI century. By 40%, and the number of people without a hindrance in the defense promiscuous territory of the Crimea has slowed by 45%.

The problem of neobihodnost zberezhennya world on Earth і zabibnyannya ruinnіvnіy nuclear viney, yaku preunavna sprimali yak globnu problem number one, ninі vtratili gostrotu i neminuchіst. Suchasnyj's World zalishaєtsya nestabіlnim - Global protistoyannya zmіnilosya posilennyam i zbіlshennyam kіlkostі konflіktіv local nature rіznogo old (in Afritsі, Pіvdenno-Shіdnіy Azії, Afganіstanі on Blizkomu Shodі i Kavkazі that іn.) SSMSC mozhut peretvoritisya on regіonalnі chi globalnі konflіkti іz vtyagnennyam them Of new participants.

Екологічна криза та формиїїї вияву

Ekologicheskaya problem maє bahatovіkovu іstorіyu, odak osoblyvo vona zastristalasya z drugoi polovni HIH st. On the world and industrial planets. Especially in the construction of the estate and nature in the twentieth century, if in the process of scientific and technological revolution the anthropogenic splash occurred on the sprawling middle ground. Nayserioznіs problems podalshogo rozvitku suspilstva povyazheny z degradeaciiu dovkіllya na svitovomu i local ravni. Внаслідок стихійної неконтрольованої діяльності people of natural wealth of the planet - water, поитря, the land - втрачають житєздатну force. The negative inflammation on the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, Roslinnyi and Tvarinnyi svit, on the biolumbers of the zagalom seriously increased.

Zrostanya needs of the hour of statehood to bring up to great losses from nature. So, for the sake of rozryunkami, people vzhe has consumed 2 billion hectares of forged productive land. Tilki through the erosion, widened not by the nayavstalіshih, and th at bahatozemelnyh ekonomichno rozvineny kraїnakh shoroku z sils'kogospodarskogo turnover viluchayatsya 6-7 million hectares. Approximately half of the lands are covered with sludge, salted and bogged, and 1.5 million hectares are harvested. Вирубується, гине від пожеж або забруднення довкілля 11 млн га лісу. On interim vimirannya perebuvayut close to 12% usіh vidiv ssavtsiv i 11% vidiv ptahiv and roslin.

Zagrozliva ekologichna situatsіya zakladatsya i in the Ukraine. On її території vzhe nagromadilosya podad 27 billion tons of waste, which is not zheldіlshogo not pereroblyayutsya, and zaharaschayut nawkolishnée mezhdoщеstve. Pi'd with zvalischami zanyanato ponad 160 tis. Ha of land. The pace of the interruptions in the remainder of the rock was significantly diminished. Yaksho in 1991 p. Crushed 13% of solid waste, then nin - 3-4%. Tse called to the signpost pogrishshnya camp of the water and water basin, zabrudnennya pontniv, vstrati velichnechikh obyagіv of the second material resources. Through neudumanyі dії vzhe zsipsovano znachnu part chornozemiv. Prior to the Chervona book of Ukraine 541 species of Roslyns and 382 species of Tvarin were registered, up to the Green Book of Ukraine - 127 rіdkіsnіih і зникаючих типових рослинних угрупован. Terrible early, the pain of Ukraine was a disaster at Chornobylsky AEC in 1986 p.