Кредитно-розрахункові операції - Мілай А.О.

2.2. The main forms and functions of credit

The main peculiarities of the credit system and the function of the commercial banks in the structure are to characterize the nature of the functions, which are the vibes of bank loans for a penny market.

In order to function in such a situation: pererozpodіlі on the market of young grosovyh resources; Ekonomiї vitrat обігу; Concentrating in the form of groshov; Obluhovuvannіі товарообігу.

Peredozpodіlna funktsіya. In the minds of the economy of the economy, the markets of the positives capitalists are a pump, akumulyuє fіnansovі resources in some sectors of the penny market, deimchasovo vony vivilnyayutsya z obygu, і spryamovuyu їh in іnshі, yakih pributkovіst vichcha і є і тімчасова demand in додаткових капіталах у грошовій формаі. Perefore the credit function, you can save money from vikoristivuvaty as much as possible, wagon water, bring it up to structural zmіn on macro, yakі not zavzhdi є optimal. Tse is in absentia visible on the appendix of Ukraine, de overflowing capitally and in the sphere of vibrobitvtva near the sphere of nabulo of a nasty and ruinous nature.

Economy of vitrage. Practical realizatsii tsієї functіії безпосередньо випливає з економічної сутності кредиту, джерелом якого є фінансові ресурси, що тимчасово вивільняються у процесі обігу промислового та торгового капіталу. Timachasovyi rozryv mizh nadokhodzhennyam i vikoristannyam koshtiv sub'ektiv godarskoї dіyalnіm mozhe viznachiti not tilki їh nadlishok, and i їх nestachu. The very same zastosovuyutsya poses for propovennya timchasovoi nestachi vlasnyh obivovkh koshtiv, yakі vikoristovuyutsya practically all poshchalnikami і znachno priskoryuyut process obygu, and ozhe, spryayut ekonomyi zagalnih vitrate obigu kapitalu.

Concentration of capitals. Process concentrііі kapіtalu є neodmіnnuyu іmvoyu stabіlnogo rozvitku ekonomіki that prіoritetnoyuyu metoju be-yak sub'ekta gospodarjuvannya. I have a very important role to play in the retailing of the loan coins. Wongs in a short term to give zmogu vzroshiriti vyrobnitsy vibrokittyva і in such a way otrimati dodatkovy pributok.

Obslugovuvannya commodity. In the process of realizing the function of the credit system, it is actively vplyvaєe on prisokorennya not tilki commodity, and thundering obogu, zmenshuchi in obygu kilkist gotivki.

The loan is to be used for the two basic forms - grocery and commodity. Відповідно розрізняють bankівський і комерційний кредити.

Bank loans are given at a grotesque form and issued by credit, yak ukladadaetsya mіzh komertsiynim bank and poshevalnikom.

Commercial loan is granted in the commodity form. The sub-projects of such credit investments are, as a rule, партне partners in the business, which are affected by the smacks of supply. The seller (the supplier) has to pay for the purchase of the form for payment of the delivery. Such a loan will be issued with a bill of exchange.

Forgive the bill - the whole madness of the crones, the purchase of a burg at the designations termin.

Perekazniy promissory note - tse rozporyadzhennya lender svoemu borzhnikovi plastiti borg tretiy odobili.

Prior to closing the term, you will receive a bill of exchange, you can submit a payment to the bank in the form of a subordinated loan. Він переється від покупця до продавця на основі инсаament

(Transferable to the written note on the negotiable bill of exchange). Як і be-який інший цінний папір, bill of exchange має nominаnu ta courseovu vartіst. The special nature of the va-rist bills is that in which the yo-yo's course of study is lowered in the nominee. This bill is wrapped around the course of the curtain, and repaid for nominative. Dohіd for a bill to rally in the form of discount, yaky otrimuє creditor vіd poschalnika. Rozmіr discount discount rozrahovuyutsya zalizhno vіd zagalnoy prehіdnostі bills ta terminu, yaky zalshivsya yogo zapushennia.