Кредитно-розрахункові операції - Мілай А.О.

4.1.2. Legal rules for document circulation

Rozraunkov's documents are stored on forms, which are identified by the National Bank's Instruction.

Vіdpovіdalnіst for pravilnіst zapovnennya rekvіzitіv rozrahunkovogo document, in addition chislі nomerіv rahunkіv i kodіv bankіv, Sumi podatku on Dodanim vartіst i kodіv byudzhetnoї klasifіkatsії, Nese person, yak Tsei document issued i lodged yogo to obslugovuyuchogo bank. Banks re-regulate the correctness of the payment of documents; Bank of the payer perevіrya zapovnennya such rekvizitіv: "Platnik", "Paynik's code", "Rahunok platnika", "Payer's bank", "Code of the payer's bank", and takozh "MP paysniki" and "Pidpisi platnik" (yakshto vony perebacheni Form the document). Bank oderzhuvacha perevіryaє zapovnennya such rekvіzitіv "Oderzhuvach", "oderzhuvacha Code", "rakhunok oderzhuvacha", "oderzhuvacha Bank", "Bank Code oderzhuvacha" and takozh "MP oderzhuvacha" ta "Pіdpisi oderzhuvacha" (Yakscho stink peredbachenі Form the document). Bank styaguvacha perevіryaє zapovnennya such rekvіzitіv "Styaguvach", "styaguvacha Code", "rakhunok styaguvacha", "styaguvacha Bank", "Bank Code styaguvacha" and takozh "MP styaguvacha" ta "Pіdpisi styaguvacha" (Yakscho stink peredbachenі Form the document).

Rozraunkovi documents , in some reconsidered rekviziti zapovneno z poroshennyam vimog, poveratayut klіentu. Takozh banks poveratyu without vikonannya rorajunkovі documents, yaksh:

• a rosarukovuyu document is not zhopovneno hocha b one iz rekvizitiv, zapovnennya yakogo peredachcheno yogo form;

• vіsutnіі супровідні документаменти, nadannya some times with a rozraunkovym document pobabacheno Інструкцієюu, пo закінчився lines дії цих супровіднних документаів.

At raznotrimannya banks tsih vimog vidpovidalnist for school, zavdan platnik chi oderzhuvachu kostyv, put on the bank, a kind of obesgovuyu klієnta.

Rozraunkovy document (for the vinyatkom rozraunkovogo check) vypisuyutsya in kіlostі primirnikov, potrebnyh for all the participants in the bezgotivkivy rozraunkiv (ale no menshe dvuh), z vikoristannyam elektronno-obsochlyuvualnih machines.

Allowed zapovnyuvati rozraunkovy document vіd hands (kulkovoi handle, chornilom dark kolooru).

The first note of the rozraunk document (unacceptably in the way of yogo vygotovlennya) має містити відбиток print (якщо наявність печатки забабачена) и підписи відповідальних осіб.

Pіd hour pіdpisuvannya rozraunkovogo document is not allowed використовувати факсиміле, and takozh виправляти та заповнювати розрахунковий документ у кілька прийомів.

The bank does not have the right to work in a rozraukovoy document .

Klієн, виходячи з технічних можсивстей (its own serviceman), can submit to the bank rozraunkovy documents yak on the papercovic nosyah, so u viglyadі elekrononnikh rozraunkovyh dokumentov, vikorostoyuchi programmno-tehnichny complex "klієnt-bank". Sposib podannya klіentom dokumentov to the bank vobachaetsya in the contract mizh bank and klієntom about rozraunkukovo-kasovo obsluzhovuvannya.

Yaksho zakinchennya terminu for pred'yavlenny rozraunkovogo document in the bank pripadae on nerobobichy day, then the rest of the day terminu vvazhaetsya robokhy day, the offensive for the unhandy.

Rozraunkov's documents are taken by banks without intermittent maximum amount of money.

Rozraunkov's documents, decorated with their own cliches, the bank is taken in the course of an hour, identified in contracts for rozraunkovo-kasovo obhsgovuvannya tsikh klієntіv. Rozraunkov's documents, issued by the clients of their banks, are paid by the state treasury authorities, the bank is engaged in the extension of the operational day.

Bank paysite on vsіh primіrnikah priynyatih rozrahunkovih dokumentіv i on reєstrah obov'yazkovo zapovnyuє rekvіziti "Date nadhodzhennya" i "Date vikonannya" and styaguvacha bank - rekvіzit "Date nadhodzhennya styaguvacha in the bank" (Yakscho Tsei rekvіzit peredbacheno documents), zasvіdchuyuchi їh pіdpisom Відповідального виконавця та відбитком stamp of the bank. On the documents, the bank accepts the order of the business hour, in addition, the stamp "Вечірня" is put.

Yakshcho the date of the warehouse of the rozraukovy document (reestru) zbіgaєtsya y datoyu yogo vikonannya (written off by the bank kostyv zim document), then the requisite "Date nadokhozhennya" can not zapovnyuvaty.

Відміткою about the date of reestra- tion by the bank of the paid ordering of the payer about the payment of payments to the budget є povypnovennya in gnogu rekvizitu "Date nadokhozhennia", unseasonably dated the date of the planner of the plaintiff.

Ініціювання переказу вважається завершенм з чсу прийняття by the bank of the payer of the roseaway document for vikonannya. The order of turning over by the bank its own documents of the supra-legal documents and those issued by them rozraunkovyh documents in the contracts for rozraunkovo-kasovo obsluzhovuvannya klієntіv. Yakshto such an order in the contract is not identified, then the documents klієntu poverayutsya in the day їх nadechodzhennia iz zaznachennyam reasons poverennya.

In razі vіdmovi vikonati rozrahunkovy documents issued klієntom іnshogo bank chi sovereign authority of the Treasury, the bank in a day nadhodzhennya document Got zrobiti on yogo zvorotnomu botsі napis about the cause Povernennya document without vikonannya (s obov'yazkovim posilannyam on rozdіl / para legal act Natsіonalnogo bank , yaky Porush) zaznachiti date yogo Povernennya (tse zasvіdchuєtsya pіdpisami vіdpovіdalnogo vikonavtsya i pratsіvnika on yakogo very hard funktsії controller, i vіdbitkom stamp bank) i do not pіznіshe the following robochem day nadіslati Tsey rozrahunkovy document that OAO All, otrimanі time s it, suprovіdnі documents from A bank of chi an organ of the state treasury, of which I have stinked.

A note about the cause of the person without the vikonannya rozraunkovogo document about the primusov write-off (stjagnennya) kostyv for the vikonavchim document zasvidchuyutsya pidkisami kerivnik (yogo intercessor) and head accountant (yogo patron) set the bank.
Platyzhny vimogi on primusov write-off (stjagnennya) koshtiv, scho impregnated in the bank of the payer holding the vikonavtsi podatkovi organisy, the bank is verified by the recommended price list without a middleman.

Rozraunkov's documents, which were uploaded to the bank in the course of an operative hour, are vikonu day of the day. Rozraunkov's documents, the news of the operative hour, the bank is on the verge of an impeccably robust day. Rozraunkov's documents on the written off of koshtivs of the payer, the name of the bank, the bank can be executed on the day of the day, it is indicated by the contract for rozraunkovo-kasovo obeslugovuvannya. For zasoshennya tsikh terminiv bank, a kind of observer of the payer, who is responsible for the violation of the law of Ukraine.

Yakschoo paid the visages to the bank by the extension of the operational hour, or for an hour of the above-mentioned payment for the payee of the payer, there were not enough kostyas for them, then on the day of arrival, so that the documents were to be seen in private, and turned in the order, to the appointed design. At different times, the cost of a platnik for a vikonannya rozraunkovyh documents, which was sent to the bank in the course of an operational hour, so that the documents of that day turn without vikonannya.

Platіngі вимоги , які надійшли to the bank після операційного часу, the bank (unreliable for the truth of the коштів на рахунку платника на час ї надхоження) виконує наступного операційного дня. Yaksho on the cob of an on-the-job day for a rahunka payshku bude lack of kostyv for vikonannya paidvizhnih vimog, then stink day vikonuitsya pokernovo.

Yaksho on the cob of an operational day for a plower rahunka will be for the costumes for the vikonannya of paid wimogs, then so are the documents of this day poveratyayutsya.

Yakscho to bank nadіyshlo time kіlka rozrahunkovih dokumentіv, when їh vikonannі doderzhuєtsya Taqiy prіoritet: spochatku vikonuyutsya platіzhnі vimogi, oformlenі on pіdstavі rіshen sudіv, potіm - rozrahunkovі documents for SPLAT platezhіv to byudzhetіv, pіslya tsogo - platіzhnі vimogi, oformlenі on pіdstavі іnshih vikonavchih dokumentіv . Інші documents vikonuyutsya in the order of the last postodohozhnya.

Rozraunkovі documents (payment cards, rose checks, tochno), nadani klіentomom oblugovuyuchomu bank for ikasuvannya, ostavnniy nisilas to the bank of the payer on the day of the day nihodogzhennya abo, yakschoo documents over the past hour of the operative hour - an impeccable robochogo day.

Termini vіsilansnya dokumentov, peredbachenih contract on vidkritya accredit, viznachayutsya tsim contract.

Written off koshtiv z rahunka paysnik zdіysnjєyatsya on pіdstavі first rіzirnika rozraunkovogo document, yaky zalishetsya zberіganny in the bank of the payer.

Іnshі primirniki rozraunkovogo document, or not less than one (for vinyatok rozraunkovyh check), the bank is transferred to the platnik.

Minds (termіni, perіodichnіst toscho) committing rozrahunkovih dokumentіv have to chislі Electonics rozrahunkovih dokumentіv scho pіdtverdzhuyut Venue of operatsіy for rahunkami klієntіv bank abo dokumentіv of acceptance on іnkaso, viznachayutsya in contracts about rozrahunkovo-kasove obslugovuvannya klієntіv.

Banks samostiyno viznachayut order formvannya that zberigannya rozraunkovyh dokumentov , zabezpechuchi їх suvoru khoronnist. Viznachayuchi termіni zberіghnya rozraunkovyh dokumentov, banks makut keruvatisya Documents of the National Bank, the installation of the yogic system, the commercial banks and commercial banks of Ukraine, the names of the terms of zberigannya.

Платежі з рахунків клієнтів bank здійснює in the interstate lows of the koshtіv on the tsikh rahunki on the cob of an operational day. In razі tehnіchnoї mozhlivostі vrahuvannya koshtіv scho nadhodyat on rahunki klієntіv protyagom operatsіynogo day (potochnі nadhodzhennya), bank Mauger zdіysnyuvati platezhі s їh rahunkіv urahuvannyam s Tsikh sum, Yakscho Tse viznacheno in dogovorі about rozrahunkovo-kasove obslugovuvannya.

The fact of decommissioning koshtiv z rahunka paynika documented in a memorial order at partial payment for rozraunkovyh documents; Documentary pідтверддженні операцій з pererahuvannya з bankівських рахунків на корсть клієнтів-одержувачів (фізичних та юридичних осіб) before kasi to bank kostyiv.

Koshti, pomilkovo zarahovany na rakhunok neolestozhnogo oderzhuvacha , vin moe turn in termi, vstanovleni chinnim legislativstve, for poryashennya nakalezhny oderzhuvach nes avidovodalnist vidpovidno up to the legal legislation. In unconverted koshtiv unreliable oderzhuvachhem z be-yakih reasons for the notation termin їh povtayut at the ship's order.

Bank, a kind of non-levy oderzhuvacha service, not neseevidpodalnosti for svoechansnost podavnnya him rozraunkovogo document for povolennenya pomolkovo zarachovanih yogo rahunok koshtiv.

Yaksho z viny the bank of the koshi zarahovany on rahunok unreliable oderzhuvacha, then the bank zobov'azaniy Odrazu pislya viyavlenya svoeї pomilki pererahuvati tsi koshti rahunok oderzhuvacha, I admitted to the stench, alas vnasledok pomolki bank not buli zarahovan. The bankruptcy of the bank of the bankruptcy has been recognized by the bank, I confessed to the kosti, I had the right in the order established by the law, vimagati vid bank vzryshnika to settle the penis in rozmіrі, legally recognized by the law of Ukraine. Суму цих коштів bank відображає за рахунками дебіторської заборгованості to the hour її відшкодування неулежним одержувачем.

Odnochasno bank yaky pomilkovo perekazav Costa, zobov'yazany negayno nadіslati Notification nenalezhnomu oderzhuvachu (bezposeredno abo through a bank, yaky yogo obslugovuє) about zdіysnennya Yomou pomilkovogo perekazu that rotate about neobhіdnіst zaznachenu scrip protyagom troh robochem dnіv s Dachi nadhodzhennya this Notification.

Bank, a kind of obesluzhuyu unreliable oderzhuvacha, otrimavi povidomlenya, passed yogo (the day otrymannya, ale not piznishe attackable robochogo day) oderzhuvachu pid pidpiso nisilo recommend a sheet. At unconfirmed untrustworthy oderzhuvaem koshtiv dobrovnovno bank, z vinyi yakogo koshti tsyomu oderzhuvachu zarachovan not for the confession, tjaguyeh їх at the ship's order.

I am reproving the unauthorized oderzhuvachom zgіdno povіdomlennnyam sumu koshtiv bank is straightforward on the repayment of debitorskoe zaborgovanosti. In the case of a non-verified person, the bank is insolvent, having repaired the debt, the right of the vimagati to the order established by law to be paid by the fined law of the Russian Federation. Spore mezh bank, z vini yakogo zdіysneno pomilkovy perekoz koshtiv, і nealyzhnim oderzhuvachim tsih kostіv virіshuyutsya v sostovuyu posudu. The Bank, s blame yakogo Costa deducted s rahunka nenalezhnogo paysite, zobov'yazany Rotate rakhunok tsogo paysite pomilkovo write-off of the bag, to write off її s rahunku of paysite, s yakogo tsі Costa pіdlyagali writedowns and takozh splatiti nenalezhnomu paysite penalty in viznachenomu chinnim zakonodavstvom rozmіrі, Yakshcho agreement is not pobachcheno іншу відповідальність.

Povernennya koshtіv paysite, scho bank spisanі s rahunka paysite without law pіdstav abo for іnіtsіativoyu nenalezhnogo styaguvacha, abo razі torn down in the minds of the bank rozporyadzhennya paysite about zdіysnennya dogovіrnogo writedowns, abo vnaslіdok іnshih pomilok bank zdіysnyuєtsya the courts order. With ts'omu for decommissioning koshtiv z rahunka paynika without lawful pidstav bank ma plastiti platniku penyu viznachenomu zakonovstvom rozmіrі, yakshcho the contract is not forged іншу відповідальність. Pravtsivniki bank, z vini yakikh zdіysneno pomilkovy perekaz koshtiv, to bear vidpovdalnist zgіdno zčinnym legislativstvo.