The basis of the game is pračí - Kerb L.P.

8.2. Terminological dictionary

Managements - tse sukupnist diy, scho sprymovuyutsya na pidtrymannya chi poliipshennya funktsionuvannya ob'ekta u vidpovidnosti z navyavnuyu programmu, scho stvooriyuetsya dovyagnennya singing tsil.

Functionality of management is a complex of vzaimopov'yanyh vidiv diyalnosti, sho zdіysneeutsya sub'ektom upravlennya pid hour tsіlesprjamovanogo vplyu on ob'ekt upravlennya.

Sub'ekt upravlennya hunter pratsi - diyalnist functionalnyh services that structural pidrozdіlіv pіdpriєmstva іz zabezpechennia bezpechnih ta zdorovyh minds on the robots, workshops, pidpriemstvsti v tsilomu.

Collective dogovir - the letter of the courtyard of the plea, the sides of the anchor, the one side, the labor collective, the other - the admis- sion of the property, establish, the organisa- tion in the individual kerivnik. Tse juridical instrument, for the sake of the work of the Ikolkiv collective, for the sake of safety. Tse - the guarantor vikonannya prinnyh legislations of Ukraine to the sub-norm of the minds of the minds.

The management of the hunting management of the preparation, the acquisition of the real estate, the technical, the sanitary and hygienic, the lykuvalno-profilakticheshnyh zahodiv, zapozmovanyh on zabezpechennya bezpeki i zberezhennja zdorozheniya zhizni in processi pratsi.

SUOP - tse Mekhanizm realizatsii vimog legislatstva і normatel'nyi komentatsії pro hunter pratsi na pіdpriemstvi, and posozhennia about SUOP - tse doku, scho uzagalnyuє tsju dіyalnіst.

The control over the protection of property in the system of the systematically postponed ones in the course of their visits, the rectification of the procedure for the management of the administrative rulings, the bullets, the punishments, laws, regulations, standards, standards, rules; Vyyavlennya result in vplivu sub'ekta (governor structures) on the subject of management (okremih pratsivnikiv ta kolektivi) i vidhilen vіd upravlinskih rіshen; Vikonannya pripisіv posadovyh osib і derzhnaglyadovyh organіv schodo usunennya viyavleny varushen vimog normativnykh aktiv tescho.

Conversion of normative minds is the control of the minds of witches in robotic spaces and calendars, of technologic and vibrotic processes for the observance of normative wimogs, but of the self-restraint of rules and norms without universal vikonavtsy, lack of access to inventory, the camp of robots and dignitaries. Tsei control zdіysnyuetsya vikonavochomu rіvnі.

Organizatsionno-tehnichna perevirka - control over organizatsiyno-tehnichnim zabezpechennyam bezpeki prazi in pidrozdilah, which is realizing on the regional authorities and the vikonavtsiv robot.

Complex perevirka - control of pidrozdілів for all aspects of dіyalnі in galuzі ohotorі pracі: management, organіzatsіnim, technical pozhzpechenchennyam bezpeki praci; For organizing the vikonuvanoї profilakticheskoe robot, alignments and restraints of normative minds; Analisis of injury statistics tochno. Realize on the management of the river.

Цільова перевірка - control, a kind of peregrine pogliblenu perevirku pivnogo mnogo diyalnostі pіdrozdilu (ів) з охорони праці (додержання rules of exploitation of machines, budivel і sporud, elektrichnogo chin іnshogo udatkuvannya, zabezpechennya spetsodjagom tosch) on відповідність normative visogam.

8.3. Навчальні завдання

Zavdanya 1.

1. Viznachte sub'ekti ta ob'ekti ogranichennya ohotornoyu pratsi na pidpriemstvi.

2. What is the essence of the integrated approach to the vyrishennya zavdan і problems in the galusies of hunting for pidpriemstvі?

3. Describe the functions of the management systems of the hunting forestry (SUOP) on the property.

Zavdanya 2. Behind some parameters viznachaetsya efektivnіst functііonuvannya sistemi upravlennya ohotnoyu praci na pіdpriemstvі:

A) nayavnistyu tsil'ovikh programm zholdo zabibnyannya vyrobnichomu travmatizmu ta professynim zahchyovannanyam;

B) tsіlesprjamovanistyu shorichnyh complex zahodіv ta planіv shodo zmenshennya rivnya vibrochnichogo travmatizmu і profzakovdavan;

В) наявністю посадових інструкцій з охорони праці;

D) control, field and analysis of robot z huroni prači;

Ґ) securitization of the system of motivation of robotics;

E) vikonannnyam zavdan z horyroni pratsi.

Zavdanya 3.

1. Describe the system of managing the hunting practice on the property and the obovyazyka of the administrator of the property.

2. Yakimi права the rights of the clerk pidpriemstva із zabezpechennya bespechchnikh і nekshkidlivyh minds pritsі na pіdpriєstvі?

3. Name the obovyazyka prazivnika schodo vikonannya normative actives about the hunter pratsi.

Zavdanya 4.

1. To name the post of servant of the service for the protection of prac- tice.

2. Describe the functions of the service of the hunting of prac- tice.

3. What are the rights of the ministry of the service for the protection of property?

Zavdanya 5. Rosahrauvati chiselnist service zhoroni prazi na pidpriemstvah.

Вихідні дані:

Загальна чисельність працівників, чол.

Z of them

Pratsyuyut із шкідливими речовинами, чол.

Pritsyuyut on robots pidvitchenya nebespeki, chol.

Penetration A



Підприємство Б * 4



Penalty In








* 4: {On the reception of the viboukhov material.

Efektivnyi rіchnyi fond robočogo chasu spetsialistіv z htoroni praci - 1820 year.

Zavdanya 6. Rozrauwati Chiselnist service with the help of pratsi on pidpriemstva A, B, C, D.

Вихідні дані:


Чисельність працівників підприємства, чол.

Z of them

Pratsyuyut shkіdlivyh umowah, chol.

Pratsyuyut s pidvitychenu nebezpekoju, chol. (Підлягають щорічній атестації з питань охорони праці)

















Efektivnyi rіchny fond robotchogo chasu spetsialistіv z htoroni pracіі 1820 year.

Zavdanya 7. Vivchіt tipoe povozhnya about komіsіyu z nash nachorini praci pidpriyatstva. Give comments on the following:

1. Як формається комісія з feed хорни праці та хто go to the warehouse коісії?

2. Які основні завдання комісії з powered by охорни праці?

3. Name the rights of the comission from the feed of the hunter pratsi.

Zavgdania 8. Vivchit typoshev poslozhnya about robot otnnovnovenijah rabotovyh kolektivіv z nashn zharoni pratsi. Give comments on the following:

1. Yak viznachayutsya osnovnovazheni labor collegium from the power of the hunter pratsi і яка має бути їх чисельність?

2. Yakі functііональні обово'язки овновноважених з feeds охорни праці зі стрення безпечних і нешкідливих умов праці?

3. To name the rights of the indulgence of the labor collectives from the food of the hunter pratsi.

Zavdanya 9.

1. Brisk the essence of the principle of control over the hunting tradition.

2. Name the sight of the control of the forest guard.

3. In chomu polyaga? Tristupeneviy control for ohotornoyu pratsi?

Zavdanya 10.

1. SHCHO is itself otsynka Stanu shtaroni pratsi na pidpriemstvі?

2. Yakim chinom zdіysnyuyatsya planunuvannya organizatsiyno-tehnichnyh zahodiv z zharoni pratsi?

3. Describe the role of the collective agreement in the system of normative regulation of food.

Zavodnia 11. Vikorostoyuchi spilnі rekomendatsії sverhvnyh organіv і profspіlok shodo zmistu rozdіlu "Ohorona pratsі" at the collective agreement, give an admission to the following:

1. Yake znachennja kolektivnogo the contract at virіshnnі problemi ohotroni pratsi?

2. Yakі vzhivayutsya go zahistu rights і соціальних інтересів осіб, що потерпіли на виробництві від нещасних випадків?

3. Yakі rekomendatsii shchodorizmu odnorazovoe dopomogy viznachenі kolektivnim contract zalizhno vіd pivnikh factorіv: important care of health, warehouse sіm'ї (наявності утриманців), stepping up vinny patripіgo тощо?

Zavodnya 12. Кожному студені видається набір матеріалів, який вклює форму звіту № 1-ПВ (выви праці) по трох підприємствах.

І. Слід проаналізувати:

1. The mill of minds praci on the skin of the peninsula:

A) the number of desks in the regional warehouse, they haggle in the minds, but do not meet the sanitary and hygienic standards;

B) Chisel of pratsivnikiv, yaki pritsyuyut u nichnu zmіnu;

C) chiselnist pravtsivnikіv, yaki pritsyuyut on robots, zaboroneni chinnimi normativnymi acts about the hunter pratsi.

2. Chiselnost pravtsivnikiv, Yakim for the robot in shkіdlivyhheskih vmovah vstanovlennyi pіlgi ta compensations.

ІІ. Porivnya pomovi pratsi na pidpriemstvah.

III. Give a proposal for an incentive to take action for a robot from the brain of the mind.

Zavdanya 13. Pidgotuvati abstracts.

8.4. Supervised livelihoods

1. Yakimi є obovzyazki vlasnik pіdpriєmstva v galuzі ohotroni pračі?

2. Yakimi є obovyazyka pravtsivnika in galuzi ohotroni pratsi?

3. What are the functions and rights of the service?

4. Yake confessed to the comittee of the guardianship?

5. What is the essence of control over the hunting principle of the yogic principle?

6. Name visible control of the hunting area.

7. To name the demonstrators of that critique of the otsinki I will begin to take care of pidpriemstv.

8. Yak zdіysnyuetsya planunuvannya robit z zhoroni pratsi?

9. In which are the systems of managing the hunting rights?

10. On some principles, form a complex pidhid before vikonannya zavdan ohotroni pratsi?

11. To name the functions of the management system of the hunting area.

12. Open the essence of the collective agreement in the system of normative regulation of food.

13. Які показники включає єдина system обліку умов і безпеки праці?


Rozdil І p. 2; Item 3; Item 4; Item 5; Item 7; Item 11; Item 12; Item 13; Para. 14; Para. 15; Para. 16; Para. 17; Item 23; Para. 24;

Rozdil V p. 3, p. 74-80; 6, p. 42-59; Sec. 7, p. 65-78; 13, p. 138-142; Para. 17.