Кредитно-розрахункові операції - Мілай А.О.

The list of recommendations is recommended

1. The Law of Ukraine "About pidpriemnitsutvo" dated 26.02.91 № 785 / ХІІ-ВР // Відомості Верховної Ради України. - 1991. - № 14.

2. The Law of Ukraine "About Assistance in Ukraine" dated March 27, 1991 No. 887 / ХП-ВР // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1991. - No. 24.

3. The Law of Ukraine "About the Call of Duty", dated 16.04.91 No. 959 / ХП-ВР // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1991. - No. 29.

4. The Law of Ukraine "Pro tsinnyi paperi i fondovu birzhu" dated 18.06.91 No. 1202 / KhP-VR // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1991. - No.


5. The Law of Ukraine "On Gentlemen's Partnerships" dated 19.09.91 No. 1576 / ХП-ВР // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1991. -

No. 49.

6. The Law of Ukraine "About the Outpost" dated 02.10.92 № 2654-ХП // Відомості Верховної Ради України. - 1992. - № 47.

7. The Law of Ukraine "About insurance" dated 07.03.96 No. 85/96-ВР // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1996. - No. 18.

8. The Law of Ukraine "On Lizing" dated 16.12.97 No. 723/97-ВР // News of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1998. - № 16.

9. The Law of Ukraine "About National Bank of Ukraine" dated 20.05.99 № 679-ХІУ // Voice of Ukraine. - 1999. - No. 112 з зіінами, introduced by Laws No. 1458-Ш dated 17.02.2000 // ВВР. - 2000. - № 14-15-16. - Art. 121 No. 1658-Ш dated 20.04.2000 // ВВР. - 2000. - No. 29. - Art. 230 No. 1919-Ш dated 13.07.2000.

10. The Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Services" dated 07.12.2000 No. 2121- Ш // Урядовий кур'єр. - 2001. - No. 8.

11. The Law of Ukraine "On Payment Systems and Failure" dated 05.04.01 No. 2346 / Sh.

12. The Law of Ukraine "On the Obligations in Ukraine" dated 04.05.01.

№ 2374-Ш.

13. About zastverdzhennya perelikiv і tariffs of banking operations (services), I shall be relied upon by the administrators of the NBU for operations (services), which are due to the disinvestment of banks and correspondent banks of the National Bank of Ukraine: Decree of the Bank of Ukraine dated 08/08/2000 No. 311.14.

14. Provision for credit: Zatv. I order Rule of NBU dated September 28, 1995 No. 246.

15. Poslozhnya about the order zdіysnennya consortitsionalnogo credit: Затв. Decree of the Board of NBU dated 14.03.96 No. 351 // Legislative normative actives of banking and dairy. - 1996. - № 2.

16. Laying about rozraunki plastic cards of the international payment systems: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated 24.02.97 No. 37.

17. Poslozhnya about plastic cards in international payment systems for rozraunkah for a friend, nadanі obgigi ta vidachi gotivki: Zatv. I order Rule of NBU dated 24.03.97 No. 86/1890.

18. Poslozhnya about vykrkrtya that funcionnuvannya korespondentskih rahunkiiv bankov-resident of those non-residents in foreign currencies and those korrespondentskih rahpunkiv bank of non-residents in hryvnia: Zatv. I order Rule of NBU dated March 26, 1998 No. 118 (Issue No. 185 dated May 7, 01).

19. Положення щодо оргаізації діяльності комерційних банків на ринку цінних паперів: Затв. Рішенням Державної комісії з цінних паперів та фондового ринку від 18.05.99 // Законодавчі та нормативні акти з банівської діяльності. - 1999. - № 7.

20. Poslozhennia about operatsії banks with promissory notes: Затв. Decree of the Board of NBU dated 28.05.99 No. 258 // Legislative normative actives of banking and dairy. - 1999. - № 7.

21. Poslozhnya about the procedure for formulating such a vicarious reserve for vidstokduvannya mozhlivkh vtat for lending operations bankiv: Zatv. Decree of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine on 06.07.2000 No. 279 (from the clerical and other documents dated 24.10.2000 No. 418 dated 05.04.01 No. 151).

22. Положення about механізми реінансування комерційних банків України: Затв. Decree of the Board of NBU dated 15.12.2000 No. 484 // Legislative normative actives of banking and dairy. -

2001. - № 2.

23. Poslozhnya pro vedennya kasovikh operatsiy u national nationalcji in the Ukraine: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated February 19, 2001 No. 72.

24. Poslozhnya about the order of types of banks to bank loans, letters, permissions, and licenses for vikonannya okremih operatsi: Zatv. I order Rule of NBU dated July 17, 01 № 275.

25. Poslozhnya about the order of the secession and the state control of the bank, vidkritya їх філій, представництв, відділень: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated 31.08.01 No. 375.

26. Rules zdіysnennya operations on mizhbankivskomu currency market of Ukraine: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated 18.03.99 No. 127.

27. The rules of the organization of rozraunkovo-kasovogo obelsgovuvannya commercial banks klієntіv i vzajmovodnosin z tsiogo pіtnnya mіzh teritorіnymnymi upravlennyami NBU and commercial banks in the national currencies. Затверджені постановою Rule of the NBU від 05.02.2001 р. No. 44.

28. Instruction № 1 з оргаізації емісійно-касової роботи in the establishments of banks in Ukraine: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated 07.07.94 No. 129.

29. An Instruction on the Procedure for Executing Visits and Voting in National and Foreign Currencies: Zatv. I order Rule of NBU dated 18.12.98 No. 527 with suspensions and additional payments on 22.07.99, 20.03.01, 04.04.01.

30. Інструкція about the organization of the robotics of the social security in the establishments of banks in Ukraine: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated February 19, 01 No. 69.

31. Інструкція про безготівкові розрахунки в Україні в національній валюті: Затв. I order Rule of NBU dated 29.03.01 No. 135.

32. Інструкція про порядок регулювання діяльності банків in Ukraine: Затв. I order Rule of NBU 28.08.01 № 368.

33. Banks and Banking Operations: A Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions / Ed. Prof. EF Zhukova. - M: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, 1997. - 471 p.

34. Банківська енциклопедія / Pід ред. A. M. Moroz. - К .: Elton, 1993. - 328 with.

35. Banking operations: Pidruchnik / AM Moroz, M.I. Savluk, MF Pukhovkin and ian. / For Ed. A. M. Moroz. - К .: КНЕУ,

2000. - 384 p.

36. Banking: Reference Guide / Ed. Yu. A. Babicheva. - Moscow: Economics, 1994. - 397 p.

37. Banking: Textbook / Ed. VI Kolesnikov, and LP Krolivetskaya. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1995. - 480 p.

38. Збірник виробничих ситуацій з навчальної дисципліни "Bankівські операції" / Керівник авт. The co-authorship AM Moroz. - К .: КНЕУ, 1998. - 448 with.

39. Kalina A. V., Kochetkov A. The work of a modern commercial bank: A teaching method. Allowance. - К .: МАУП, 1997. - 224 with.

40. Commercial banks / E. Reed, R. Cotter, E. Gill, R. Smith. - Moscow: JV Cosmopolis, 1991. - 480 p.

41. Kochetkov VN Analysis of the creditworthiness of clients. Credit Risks: A teaching method. Allowance. - К .: UFIMB, 1995. - 16 with.

42. Kotsovka R., Richikivska V., Tabachuk G., Vovnjuk M. Operacije komercynykh bankov: Course lektsiy. - Lviv: Center of Europe, 1997. -

276 sec.

43. Ostapishin TP The basis of the bank's statistics: A course of lectures. - К .: МАУП, 1999. - 112 with.

44. Fundamentals of Banking / Ed. A. N. Moroz. - К .: Libra,

1994. - 330 p.

45. Платіжні системи: Начч. Посіб. For stud. Vis. Off / V. A. Yushchenko, A. S. Savchenko, S. L. Tsokol ta іn. - К .: Libid, 1998. - 416 with.

46. ​​Popovich VM, Stepanenko AI Management of credit risks of a borrower, creditor, insurer .: Ucheb.-prakt. Allowance. - К .: Правові джерела, 1996. - 259 с.

47. Savluk M. I., Moroz AM, Koryak AA Introduction to the Bank's Information. - К .: Libra, 1998. - 344 p.

48. Usoskin VM Modern commercial bank: management and operations. - Moscow: "Everything for you", 1993. - 320 p.

49. Shevchenko R. I. Banking Operations: Navch-method. Посіб. For the samost. Vivch. Dis. - К .: КНЕУ, 2000. - 160 with.

50. Shirinskaya E. B. Operations of commercial banks: Russian and foreign experience. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1993. - 144 p.