Міжнародно економічне право - Dakhno II


4.1 Legal status of the power of the sub-item of international economic law

Vidomiy French mathematician and philosopher R. Descartes (1596- 1650) recommending clarification ponimaetta before Tim, yak vperechchatsya. On taku I will be pleased to sally zveruti respect.

The state is the source of the primary and fundamental sub-element of international law, which is the participant of the international reports. Derzhava - tse kompositsіya з трьох елементів: певної території, поселення, що мешкає на ній, і політичної оргаізації (влади).

The main sign of the power of the sub-element of international law is the sovereign sovereignty .

The primacy of the power of the sub-element of international law is to be manifested in the fact that the law of the land is subject to the historical reality of self-assertion. Ніхто зовні не створив нинішню незалежну Україну. Vona z'yavilasya samostynno.

Yak pervinny sub'ekt 's power mya universal mizhnarodnu pravozdatnist. Derzhavi rozrobljujut norms of the international law, vstanovlyuyut vidpovdalnist for їх zaslashennia, viznachayut mіzhgornyj the law and order і functііунування міжнародних оргаізацій. Mozhlivіst dіy powers shchodo zaznachenogo obsoznetsya lishe principles and the norms of international law, throws ni kim іnshim, yak powers.

Power yak sub'ekti of international law majut basic rights and obovvozyki. Вони фіксуються уідповідних міжнародних acts. Yak vidomo, abandon nemyo єdinogo zagalnovichiznogo pereliku rights and obovvyaziv powers.

The subjects of the international economic law are the participants of the international economic papers . Vony - nosії mіzhinrannikh zhizni i zobov'azan ', yakі stinking at the borders and on the basis of the international economical law. The primordial (aboriginal) sub-elements of international law - the nations, peoples and nations, yakis fight for independence and peace of the national power. Pokhodnim (abo the second) sub'ektami є mizhnarodnyi organizatsii, mnzhinarodnaya zhurnob'ektnist yakih viznachaetsya act, scho zasnovuє tі organіzatsії (statue of chi please). Pravosub'ectnіst mіzhnarbnykh organizatsіy є pohіdnoyu vіd pravosbyt'ektnі of powers - uchasnits vidpііdіnogo ugodi. The oath of rights and the obvnovazhen international organizations (and in the middle of them - the chimal e economical nature) viznachaetsya powers-witnesses (marvelous theme 5).

Окремі елементи міжнародногої ведьб'эктності mоти мати so звані державоподібні utovorennya. Obviously, before such a recent istoriya can zarahuvati mist Gdansk, Trієст, Західний Берлін. Dehto up to the category of housing for the capital of the capital, vidomiy usyomu svitov yak Vatican.

At svyativyh jurisprudence, it is possible zustrіti conceptions about those, scho phizichny individuals (individi), vnutrishnjoderzhavnyi organizatsii (promyslovi, Torgovel'nyi tochno) є sub'ektami mіzabarodnogo publichnogo, then number ekonomichnogo, rights. Prote soi concept is not a panic. Do not enter into sub-projects of international economic law and transnational corporations (TNCs).

Ukraine is an independent sub-unit of international economic law. The nature of the international events for the part of Ukraine is nai- riznomannity. Shiroku uchast Ukraina beri і в діяльності міжнародних економічних оргаізацій (оцінювання ефективності такої участі perebuvaє poza mezhemі tsіого курсу лекцій).