Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Відмінності в харакі економічних відносин між sub'єкты грошового обороту дають підстави стротуризувати його на окремі сектори. The first, for logyu vіdtovyuvalnogo process, a kind of economical invoices, but realize in a rotary turnover, і відносини обміну. Characteristic for the rush groschen, scho obsluzhuvuє tsі vіdnosini, є:

* Еквівалентність, оскільки назустріч грошам, які delivery to buyers of sellers, переміщться продукти рівновеликої nomінальної вартості;

* Безповоротність, оскільки одержиі продавцем гроші не повинні перетатися до свого попереднього весника, the stink of bezpovorotno passed away from the power of the new sub'ekt to turnover;

* Straightness, yaka vyavlyaetsya at postyynomu viddalennnyi groschen vіd that sub'єkta turn, yakі використав їх для купівлі продуків, оскільки наступний sub'єкт теж витрачає їх для нових закупівель.

Such a character ruins a penny, but obusluzhivu sphere of obminu, let pidstavi vidiliti yogo in the sector, which is called a groovy obog.

Significant part of the penny turnover is affected by the processes of the rose capital of the gross national product. Ruch groschen here maє one suttєvu відмінність від грошового обігу - він здій снюється нееквівалентно, тобто назустріч грошовому платжу pays the tender for real еквівалента у формі товарів чи послуг. Tse the sector of a penny turnover is called finance and credit.

Крім спільної риси - нееквівалентності, відносинам між sub'єктами цього of a sector of a penny turn of power †"а а аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа. Part of the cichlism is related to the nature of vidchuzhennya, if it is identified by the laws of the part of the income of the economical sub-categories, to vigilate in the vigilant submissions of the most obovyazkovy payments, and to step over the rasporyadzhennya power, yaka vitrachaye ikh with vikonannі his own functions. The result is not a non-existent, but a bezpovorotny rush of pennies, tobto odnі sub'yekti tsi grosi vtrachayut nazavzhdi і without having won a be-yak income, and іnші їх oderzhzhuyut tez bezpovorotno i vyplati be-yakoї tsіni for them. Part of the financial and credit turnover is called a fiscally-budgetary one.

The other part of the financial and credit turnover is serviced by the scope of the reorganization of transactions, in which there is no vesting of sub-issues, and transferring oneself from Timchasov to the corridivan, in addition to the amount deposited into the bank deposit, on the hour of purchase of the securities of the paperns. Tomu for tsikh vidosinin characteristically retained income thim sub'ektom, which transfers its vlasnist at timchasov korostuvannya. Tobto ruins of groschen, scho obezpechuyu realizatsiyu tsikh vidosinin, mae rotary character, if the clerk turns its own thunder-

Shi in obromovleniem termin chi mozhe їх turn, on the application with the purchase of acrylic, and, moreover, oderzhuє dohіd u vihliadі percent chi dividenda. Otzhe, Tse the sector of the groschen turnover, is not strictly recognized, not in the form of a fiscal year, but in a fiscally-budgetary sector, and is called a credit turnover.

Groshovyi obig, fiscally-budgetary loan turnover of yak warehouse, succulent grocery turnover, is interdependent, it is possible to replenish and add one to one of the widened doors. Warmth of the stench is a self-evident manifestation, and its own is characterized by the mechanization of regulation and speci fi c features in the process of creation.

Zalizhno vіd the formation of a penny, in the yakіy vіdbuvaєtsya groshny turnover, він поділяється на безготівковий і готівковий. Хоч критерій такої сттуризації грошинвого торту досить формальний, проми між цими йоми частинами є істотні відмінності, які мають важіі економічні наслідки. Zokrema, in the sphere of the gothic turnover, the pose of banks is being thrashed, banks, without any intermediary services, in the presentation of economical sub-categories. Otzhe, the turn of the ciche groschen mozhut vlivati ​​lishe priim yogo sub'ekti, scho daє mozhnivіst ім napovnіshe realizіvati svoї vіdnosini v vіglyadі, yak vony samі їh vysnachili.

Tse dosit vidchutna perevaga gotіvkovogo turnover for the minds of the economy. One side, with great difficulties, form private ownership and new prosharok Ії носіїв, які є active sub-projects of penny turnover, and іnshogo - є can, ініі сиі, які захищаю державн власність і найчастіше through державніі structures всеіляко гальмуть ставлення приватних власників, використовойчи для And control over the penny turnover. At a time, you can practice widely on a regular basis, pay a lot of money, provocate tinizatsiyu vidosin.

In the sphere of fireless circulation, grotesque plowing at the rahuns of banks, do not vigil for inter-banking systems. The goal is to control the yoga, and the annotation to vlivati ​​on the presentation of the external economical sub-ects not by the people themselves, but by the third persons - to the banks. Viznachayuchi legislatorvche rights and obovvozyki bankov shchodo zdіysnennnja such control, the power can vlivati ​​for the whole bezgotovkovy penny turnover, and vidtak і on the process of suslinnyi vidvtrenennya in tsilomu. In the case of the headless transfer of the Bezgotivka traffic over the Gotyvkov, the volume in the world of the transition to the economy of the economy, the protection of the legal basis for the development of the private sector is rooted out by the sphere of the Bezgotivka turnover and the sound of the Gotivkov.

Poki zhchoo, behind the camp on the ear of 2000 p., Spivvydnoshennya tsikh two spheres of penny turnover in Ukraine can be approximated vychachit yak 2: 1, the incidence in zagalniy mass of pennies (behind the unit M1) gotivka became 68.0%, and current deposits - 32 , 0%. Ported by the foreign lands in the structures of Ukraine's penniless turnover, there is a high-altitude pythoma of the wagon of the gothic turnover. Tse fact neridko roztsinyuetsya yak nedolіk penny turnover that groshovoi sistemi vzagali, yak is more negative in the bankruptcy systems, zakrema NBU. Protecting the law of the reaction of the penny turnover on the problems and difficulties of the economy of Ukraine. In situatsii, scho folded in the economy of Ukraine in the same period, the structure of a penny turnover and could not be done in the future. Detailed reconsideration of that nedolіky готівкових та безготівковиких грошей budet проаналізовані в розділі 4.