Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Groshovy turnover pobezpechuetsya pevnuyu masya penny, the value of the anchor is an important characteristic of a penniless turnaround of the market price. Zmіna groshovoi masi bezposerednyo vplyvaє on іntensivnіst turnover of groschen, on formovaniya platospromozhnogo попиту, on коньюнктуру ринків, and mean - on економічний розвиток. To that regularity of the grotesque Masi is key to the tension of the state monetary and credit policy. Zavshyaki tsiomu vivchennya that properly viznachennya Masi groschen in turni me not so much theoretichne, and th importantly practiced znachennya.

Understand penny-weighted Masi to fold, the folds itself folds the category of groschen, great is the diversity of forms and functions. Not vipadkovo in the tracted zmistu ta pokaznikiiv vimiryugannya groshovoi masi є pomіtnі robizhnostі.

У зарубіжній літературі до 30-х років XX ст. Panuvalo yyavlennya about grosovu Masu yak sukupnist zalishkiv metalevich groschen і rozminnyh banknotes beside rozporyadzhennyi sub'ektiv turnover. Усі інші грошові інструменти - нерозмінні банкноти, розмінна монета, депозитні contributions тощо - виділялися у поняття "засобів обігу" і not included in the zagalnu Masu groschen. Situation principally changed from the skazuvannya gold coins to the standard.

In the radiant literature as much as before the rest of the rock, there was a clamor about a groan of yak, a dry pile of signs of pennies (banknotes, treasury bills, and rozmeninnyi moneties) from retail outlets

Turnover. Takі pіdhdi superechili principles of єдності та безрервності грошового обороту і піддавалися гострій критиці.

Same Zhittya brought (at sunset - early, in the SRSR - пізніше) neobhідність include up to the groshovoi masi not all the signs, and the deposit coins - a short-stalked sword, and zgdom і dovgostrokovogo. More than that, in the meantime, you can save the central banks to the grocery masi in the form of be-yaki activism, we can see the power of the song of the day (regions, countries, pawns, pawns, etc.). It is cumulated by the head ranks ambiguous, soto empiricichnimi pidhodami to viznachennya samostnosti groshe, yak mozhe zmіnuvatisya zalizhno vіd tsіley analizu i vіkoristanny pevnogo elementa penny turnover. Otzhe, і in the very penny mas the stench can be turned on and off, so that it does not occur until the concrete situation.

Zarubizhna ekonomichnaya science, that practice has given enough to ignore the interpretation of the law and statistics of the grocery masi, which can be effec- tively vikoristovuytsya in regulatory practice. Перехід України до ринкової економіки робить назвичайно актуальным вивчення і використання цього доьвіду в насій практиці.

Vigodachi z vikladenogo vizche rozumnіnja sutnosti groshe ta groshovogo revotu, pіd groshovuyu masyu slіd rozumiti all sukinnnost storing in pennies in all forms, yakі perebuvyvat beside rozporyadzhennyi sub'ektiv penny turn in the pivniy moment. Such sub-entities are private individuals, individuals, organizations, government agencies, state authorities, and masters at their own high-risk gothic deposits of deposits on commercial banks.

Groshova Masa moe pervny kilkisny viz (osyag at miylyardakh chi mіlionah grooshovikh oditnits), the structure of the dynamika ruhu is folded superficially. Z point zoru i kisnoi characteristics of the grosgowie masive important meaning of the structure, and from the point of view of the practice of the regularity - the dynamika ruhu the oath that structure.

At the structured vidnodishennyi grosovu masa it is possible rozdіliti for kіlkom kriterіami:

O Behind the steps of "willingness" to the elements to turnovers, toto for steps їх ліквідності;

"For the form of groschen zasobiv (gothic, deposit);

O for rozmischennyam at sub'ektiv penny turnover;

O for teritorialnym rozmіschennyam um.

Naybіlshu skladnіst Got strukturizatsіya groshovoї masi for Perche kriterієm, oskіlki Absent unambiguous rozumіnnya stage lіkvіdnostі skin її Elements, yak i Absent chіtkogo rozmezhuvannya mіzh Vlasnyi groshima i visokolіkvіdnimi fіnansovimi assets SSMSC vzhe not e groshima. For the cyme criterion, science and practice see the number of elements of grotesque masi, the combination of which can be visually depicted behind the warehouse and by the oath, the showpieces of the grocery mashi, and nazivayutsya pennies aggregates.

Groshovy aggregate - tse specifichny pokaznik penny grosvo, scho characterize pevniy nabir її elelementіv zalizhno vіd їх ліквідності. Quantity agregatіv, SSMSC vikoristovuyutsya in statistichnіy praktitsі okremih kraїn not odnakova scho poyasnyuєtsya іstotnimi vіdmіnnostyami in elementnomu skladі groshovoї masi, from the spectra aktivіv, SSMSC rozglyadayutsya in natsіonalnіy praktitsі yak groshі have zavdannyah vikoristannya groshovoї masi in regulatory tsіlyah. So, the US zastosovutsya chotiry aggregati for viznachennya Masi groschen, in England - p'yat, at Nimecchini - three.

In the statistical practice of Ukraine, it is important to be vikorostvuyutsya for the purposes of analisis and regularity of the richer aggregates: M0, Ml, M2, MZ.

Aggregate М0 відображає масу готівки, яка perebuvaye poza banks, tobto in the hands of phisical osib and in the tangles of legal autumn. Gotivka in the banks of banks is not included.

Unit M1 vklyuchaє groshі in agregatі M0 + deposits in banks, SSMSC shaping can Buti vikoristanі vlasnikami negayno without Poperedjennia bankіv, tobto reserves koshtіv on the production rahunkah that on Savings rahunkah to zapitannya.

The M2 aggregate is a penny in the M1 + koshti aggregate on all types of string rahunkiv, koshi on rahunkah kapitalnyh deposits in this other special rahunkah.

The unit MZ is hunting in the aggregate M2 + koshi on deposits for trusts on transactions with banks.

Hover of the aggregates in the world is not a problem, but a matter of fact. So, the unit M1 virazhaye Masu pennies, yak perebuvae bezsosednyo in obygu, really vikonuichi functiії zaobіvі obіgu that payment, and that є naybіlsh lіkvіdnoyu. Vona naytіsnіsya is tied up with commodity masya, to go through the process of realiza- tion, and without any harm to the market conjuncture. To the same, the aggregate is perebuvaye pіd napilnіshoyu uvagoju analitіtіv t regulyuyuchih organіv.

Пильної уваги заслуговує також the unit М0. Він має ті ж самі якісні characteristics, the first half of a mill oil to the M1 aggregate, or the turn of the market to build the position of the banks and the regulation and control over it.

In the smaller grocery aggregates (M2, M3), urahovan takozh stock up the groschen in the various organizational forms zaoschadzhen (string deposits, oschadnyi sertifikati, trusts, deposits, etc.). Cis grooms timuchasovo perebuvyvat at the quarters, vikonuichi for їх Власників functцію нагромадження вартості. Tomu likvidnist groshovoi Masi znizhuyutsya kozhnym oncoming unit. Naybіlsh lіkvіdnіmі and ready obusgovuvuvati commodity turnover і grossy aggregate М0. Nainizhchu lіkvіdnіst makit groshi aggregate MZ, okklіlki znachna part of ikh can not enter into without, čobo vlasnyk zazdalegdіd, not moving the bank and not recognizing the past financial losses.

The water unit M0 is a naiwazhy pokaznik of groschen masi, oskilki is characterized by a single element - gotivkovu masu. The basic unit М MZ, bo vin hunted all the elements of the grocery mashi, and perebuvayut in turni.

The pointer of a penny-bank is not just one aggregate of grotesque masi. Tse yakisno іnshy pokaznik, scho characterize Masu grosz z boku otvevu її on balance of the central bank. Tomu tse fore and nickel nazivayut shchashima central bank, a kind of bezarededno control and regulate, vplyivayuchi in kitscevuyu pidsumku and zagalnu Masu groshe.

Groshova base includes reserves of all services, yaka perebuvaye in turni poza bankiivskoyu sistemoy ta in regards to banks, and takozh sumu reserve commercial banks on their correspondent rahunks at the central bank.

The size of a base can be calculated as follows:

The formula of the magnitude of the base

Mal. 4

De Gvip - suma gotivki, vipuschenoi by the central bank and not turned into the yogi fund; Grez - suma grooshov koshtiv (reserve), yaki perebuvayut korespondentskih rahunkah bankov from the central bank.

The first element (Gvip) of the grocery basis is meticulously registered in the housing unit M0 - the higher one in the sum of the goths in the banks' bonds. The other element (Dream) of the groschen basis is in the form of a clear, і кількісно від безготівкового елемента грошових агрегатів Ml, M2, МЗ. Він is itself a bag of zobov'azan central bank before komercitsnimi. And bezgotivkovі Elements of grosovyh aggregativ - tsezobovaniya komercitsnykh bankov before its clienites. Pong formuyutsya komertsіynimi banks yak rakhunok for koshtіv, obsession od central bank tobto for rakhunok of Dreams, so i for pennies rakhunok stvorennya themselves komertsіynimi banks protsesі kreditnoї dіyalnostі through mehanіzm penny-credit multiplіkatora (details Tsey mehanіzm bude rozglyanuto in pіdrozdіlі 2.7). Tom bezgotivkovі elemeni grosovih aggregatіv znachno bіlshі for its own vіd of the безготівкового елемента грошової basis. Zavshyaki z'yomu zagalnyh otsyag dermal zheshovih aggregativ (krim M0) I switch the penny's base. Ступінь цього перевищення свідчить about the amount of a pennant-credit multiplayer for commercial banks.

In Ukraine, the grotesque mass in circulation of the pennies of the penny reforms in 1996 p. To be characterized by a high tempo zrostanya that nadmirno great vagoiu in niy gotivki, pro scho svidchchat dan table. 2.1.

Groshova Masa, scho obslugovuє groshiy revolut v kraїnі

Mal. 5

By a stretch of three pisljareformovyh rockivs grosov base of the aggregate of groschen masi were grown schorichno, zbіlshivshis відповідно в 2,4 та в 2,3 разу. On the background of the fastest rate of real gross domestic product - by 5.1% for three rock - the designated zrostania of groschenie masi is seen above. Vano boulo sprichinene a high рівнем budget deficit that does not carry a stiff-penny-credit polity of the central bank. Takі nozhitsі in dinamіtsі groshovoї masi that obsyagu suspіlnogo virobnitstva could not vplinuti on vartіst pennies: the hryvnia in three Rocky vtratila 36.5% svoєї vnutrіshnoї vartostі i 55.0% zovnіshnoї.

Znachniy enteres to become a structure of groshovoi masi ta її dynamika for three rock. Attached to yourself respect nato visoka (151.7%) zrostannya in 1997 p. Unit MO, vnasledok chogo gotіvka in zagalnіy mass of groschen (behind the unit МЗ), borrowed 49% of the Mayzo, but negatively characterizes the structure of the groschen masi and the mill of the grotesque turnover. At the same time, the trend tended to speed up the rennovation of the penny-credit multiplayer, through the cash register in 1997. Aggregates M2 and MZ zrostali znachno povilnishe, nizh groshova base, sho little pevnі antinflyatsіynі nalіdki. In 1998, that 1999 pp. groshovoї masi descho polіpshilasya structure: Pocha znizhuvatisya Pete Wagga gotіvki widely pennies (in agregatі MOH) and zbіlshennya groshovoї bazi vіdbuvalosya povіlnіshe, nіzh zrostannya wide pennies, scho svіdchit about postupove posilennya rolі komertsіynih bankіv in formuvannі groshovoї masi that in upravlіnnі penny trafficking. The protec- tion of a positive trend is rooted in the spirit of the past and the python of the wage of the state in the penniless grotesque all the time is sunk over the high leap - 43.4% at the ear of the year 2000.