Міжнародно економічне право - Dakhno II

11.3 The European Currency System

The european currency system (European Monetary System) was created by the kraini-members of the European Spivovarism in 1979. At that hour before the yogi, the virgin power entered the warehouse. The system of the poklikan bole is securely exchanged for stamping with a stash of currency on the collation of foreign exchange rates [21, 487].

The system of warehousing of three basic elements was examined: the European Currency Unit (ECU), yaku was vikoristvovali at the currency operations of the European Spivovarstva, Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), zhіdno z yakim kraїni- , They took it on, they were exaggerated to exaggerate the collusion of the currency in terms of the balances, the European Monetary Cooperation Fund (EMCF), which until then had the potential of the ECU and the vision for the IOC.

Jacques Delors, head of the Union of European Spritures, at 19B9 r. Having challenged the performance of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) . Цю ідею було зафіксовано в Маастрихтській угоді 1992 р. About sec. For the real estate of the boulevard, the European Monetary Institute, the head of a political economy in the co-ordination of economic affairs of the European Central Bank, has been subject to the method of keruvannia with a lot of money, and that has been demanded for Іdinu european currency - euro.

1.4 Міжнародні валютно-кредині відносини

In the sphere of the international economical співробітництва the monetary and credit reporting is supplemented by the following letters:

• trade in payment cards, yakі perebachayut vikonannya credit operations on the basis of dovgostrokovogo kliringu;

• The lands are about economical, that promislovo-tehnyne spivrbotnitstvo;

• міждержавні удь about the supply of goods on the compensating basis;

• special credit facilities.

Briefly rozglyanemo mizhchadnarno-legal aspect in the sphere of currencies , yakі ukladanyutsya powers, ale vyglyayutsya vragulyuvannya vіdpіdnії діяльності.

At temi 7 vzhe zagaduvali dvі otavsky kontsitsії 1988 р .: about the international factoring і міжнародний лізинг. In the 1988 r. The New York Convention of the United Nations on the International Monetary Funds and the International Monetary Funds laid down a boule. In Geneva, the 7th chernvnya 1930 p. Boule laid convention, meta yakoy - virishuvati okremі kolіzії schodo law about perevіdnі that simple bills, and takozh conventions on the law of the law of the repulsive and forgiving bills.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with its laws dated 6 lipnya 1999 p. № 827-ХІУ і № 826-ХІУ приєднала Україна до зазначенийх женевських конвенцій.

Zgodom, and Same 19 Bereznya in 1931, Geneva had a convention laid out, and it is small on meti viirishiti okremi kolizi legally about checks.

Veliku kіlkіst rules and kerіvnitsv (scho majut facultative force) from the legal protection of the international financial institutions is rooted in the interiors of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which is located in Paris. Navedemo basics of them.

• Uniform rules for documentary accreditation


• Kerivnyi zauvazhennya to the standard forms of documentary credit (document ICC No. 416).

• Standard applications for a documentary credit that is kerivnyi zauvazhennya for applications for credit (document ICC No. 416A).

• The international rules of the national economy (1978).

• Uniform rules for enactment (edited in 1995, received the order of 01.01.96, document of ICC No. 522).

• Uniform rules for pre-warranty (1978).

• Uniform rules for guarantees of liabilities (document ICC No. 458). SPECIAL MILITARY COUNTRIES

By the creditor-holder (poskodavtsem) of the power-borzhnitsi (posko-oderzhuvachu) of the penny-pennies with a loan. In the Qiqi, the sums of the poses, the viscous rate, the lines of the pose, are pinched.

Derzhavi-lending often vimagayut gritschenya guarantor udo-inozemnyh credit.