Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Sered complex zahodiv schodo zdorovlennya і vporyadkuvannya pennant turnover especially the loan loan groshni reforms. The stinking of myself is the nature of the Pecunov perekbudovu penniesystems, the yak is to hold the state in the form of a healthier penny, or the fullness of the mechanics of regulating the penniless turnover of the new social and economic minds, one and the other, water.

Groshov reform, scho spent in the rsis of the hour in the Baghdakh territories, were visibly crossed by their own values, the glibinous reform of the various financial systems, the methods of the stabilization of currencies, and the preparatory calls of which, for example, can be classified for a number of signs.

For the gli bina of reformist approaches, it is possible to observe structural reforms in the form of reforms of the private type.

Structural (povni) groshni reforms 1 were carried out with the transition from Bimetalizm to gold monometalism, from the rest of the system to the papermaking and agri-food credit system. In the past few vipadks, it is not necessary to lock one type of groschen to another, but to create economic stability in economics, in major finances, banking and currency systems, and so on. Soi structural zmіni dictate the specialties of the novices of the pennies, but to seek out in the Obligion and Obedience to peredumovi for їх uspішного functціонування.

The same character is used to miscalculate the reforms, which are to be conducted with the powers of the new powers, whichever comes first with the collapse of the imperial imperial powers, the yak, the superpowers, the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In the case of vipadkas, it is not necessary to create new computers and system, but to restore the economy of the new economy, the bank could prevent self-management of the new system. At kraineh, sho vinikli on terreni SRSR, structurally zavdannya was accommodated, oskilki potibnobo bolo to translate economics from command-and-administrative ambushes on the market. The backbone of such reforms is a penniless reform, carried out in Russia in 1895-1897 pp., The grotesque reform in the Radiance of Russia in 1922-1924 pp., The grotesque reform in Ukraine in 90-ti rock.

Reform of the private type of torkayut tilki self-organizing penny turnover і зводияться до зміни окремих елементів грошової системи. The very basis of the penny-bank system is the structure of the economy and the penny-and-loan transactions that are littered with unmanagements. For such reforms, the scale of prices, the type of the nominal number of signs, the mehanism of money penniless, are significant. In the case of the southerners, if in the other regions there is a need for unjustified grotesques, but to mute the building up to the Shvidz znetsinennya, reform of the private type should be carried out often, є naybіlsh tipivimi at svyotyy pracitcі. Naybilsh demonstrative reforms of this type of Buli groshni reform 1947 and 1961 pp. In the CDSP.

Tsi reform, with its own cherga, it is possible klasifikuvati for povnotyu zdіysnyuvanyh zmіn u groshovіy sistemy. Tse formal reform, for some bills of a single zrazka zameniynitsya on the loan of an iznogo zrazka, and the scale of tsin (the value of grotesque oditnitsi) is not affected; Denominational reforms, for some of them, the denomination of the groschen at the expense of the grotesque odinitsi (scale tsin). Formal grosovi reforms were carried out in the SRSR in 1990 p., If you bought a new note 50 and 100 rubles. At the same time, the reform is carried out in SILA, where the banknotes of the bank are 100 І 50 dolar. The drive for such zamіynі of banknotes mozhe bouti nenadіyna їх захищеність, що to bring up to масової falsifikatsії groschen.

Denominatsіynі reforming to conduct the exchange of old bills on new varieties of all the pennies, for the first time, in vasledidok chaos of groschen in obi vidpovіdno zmenshuyutsya, and groshova oditnitsya zbilshuyutsya.

Behind the nature of the exchange of old groschens on new forms of non-confiscation and confiscation of groschen reforms. For non-confessional reforms, for ědinym spivvodnoshennyam obminu groshe zdіysnyuetsya uchinskaya pile of pennies, income and money for all economical sub'ektivs however, it is uncomfortable to supply up to the stock of old groschen chi інших критеріїв (готівкові запаси, безготівкові запаси тощо). So the boule carried out a penny reform in the Ukraine at the Verkhovna Rada of 1996.

For the confiscation of forms, a copy of the penny exchange is determined by the amount of money given to the stock of old pennies (chim von bilsha, tim menshe spivvidnoshennya obmina, chi vstavlyuetitsya limit on obmin banknotes); In the form of zberigannya stock old groschen (contributions to banks can obminyuvatisya

By menshomu koefіtsієntu, nіzh gotіvka, chi vzagalі spіvvidnoshennya 1: 1); In the form of the power of the monster of the gros (for the sovereigns of the pennies, you can settle for a bill of exchange proportionality, nizh for privatnyh). Up to this type of reforms, it is necessary to nilize, if old signs are annoyed not by deeds and by turns, but by the lack of them, new ones are heard. So, on the suti, Buli carried out grosovi reforms in Nimecchyni in 1924 and 1948 pp. Conducted confiscations of reforms zvichayno obruntovuyutsya neobhidnistyu viluchennya illicit income, vidnuvlennya sotsіalnosti naivostosti tochno.

After the order, the one-time grotesque reform of the parallel type reform was introduced in the future of the groschen.

For one-time reforms introduced by the newcomers into the world, for a short time (7-15 days), in the long run, technically, it is possible to exchange old grotesque novels. Yaksho reform є confiscations, then lines of exchange are guilty of bouti yaknayykorotshim, scho vlasnik great reserves of pennies did not grasp the "shovati" їх від конфіскації. Simultaneously carried out a penny reform in Ukraine in 1996 p. Ale vona bula is not confiscatory, and that volume was spent in the course of 15 days. A yakshcho htos iz good reasons not zmіg obmіnyati groshi in ti strings, then їх obmin allowed a long stretch of approaching rock.

For the reforms of the parallel type, the issue of newcomers to the circulation of new signatures is decipitated, in parallel with the old signs and trunks, the hour of function is one-hour and parallel. Yaksho new and old cumbersome banking system on the same ambush, then the offense seems to be sprinkled nevertheless, but to be exchanged for oneself with spies 1: 1. At the time of the old times, you can make money in the bank of the bank. To replace them, banks are already turning into a turnover. So conduct in the US a roll-over into the circulation of new bills on the inter-XX-XXI century.

Yaksho zh novy i і starі groshі emytіyutsya na різних ambushes, наприклад, старі спрямовуться для покриття бюджетных витрат, а нові - for the credit of economists, registration of new ones for singing of money (gold and silver), but for old people they do not, then in turnover Vinikne rivalry, vaslidok anchovy mensh nadіynі snyi grooshi priknut shvidko znetsinuvatysya. The exchange rate on the new to the market will last an entire hour. Korystuvannya old with a pinched budet unsettled і all більш, ризикованим. Power zmushena budey vzhivati ​​spetsialnі zahodi pidtrymki "padayuchih" groschen, shobob stony not buly negayno vitensny z z revotu. It is more than worthwhile to make up for the functioning of the penny systems. Power zhmushena bude residual viluchiti oldi groshi z revotu, obminyavshi їх on novy for the proportionality, close to the rinkovyi course for the future obminu. So the boule carried out a penny reform in Radiansky Rosii in 1922-1924 pp. Parallel character is a small penny reform in Ukraine on the goat її in 1992 p., If Ukrainian karbovanets trivali hour wrapped in parallel with the ruble.

Neridko grosnovi reform makut znakki vse rozgljanutih tytyv, napriklad penny reform in Russia in 1922-1924 pp., Penny reform in the Ukraine in 1992-1996 pp. Та ін.

Chim Bi not viklikalasya neobhіdnіst carried out groshovoy reforms, nigolovnіshoyu її method zavzhdi є stabilizatsya penny turnover. For досягнення цієї метиі it's inadequate to adopt ті chi іnshі legislative acts, but neobhіdno підготувати відповідні економічні передумови. Without a clamor and a reform, you can talk about it. The same is done with the groschen reforms of the vimage of the preparations: the accumulation of gold and currency reserves and material reserves, the accumulation of chi znecne zmenshennya tempiv zrostannya groshovoi masi, the improvement of state finances, the development of the structure of the susceptible vibrobitvva, the zonal balance of the market.