Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


The 90-ti rock in the Ukraine boule carried out a large-scale penny reform, which, for its own character, could be brought to the category of structural reforms. Before naiharakternіshih її specialities nalezhat: bahatochinnikova zumovlennost ta bahatotsіlyov spryamuvannya; Trivalous period; Zastosuvannya timchasovih groschen yak perehіdnih ta їх гіпервисоке знецінення; Alignment in the course of the reform of the new mechanism of monetary regulation; Especially the societal rectification of the reforms.

Bagatochinnikova zoumovlenost groshovoi reform in Ukraine polagala in that, scho, krim suto ekonomichnyh reasons, buli i dosit mozhnny polichnychni pripini її spent. Україна з 1991 р. Has become an irresponsible power and is responsible for the status of a mother's boulevard, the government system, the penniless system, the building of a reservation, and the regulation of the turnover of national pennies. Без вирішення цих завдань годі було й во мову про політичну самостійність та економічну незалежність України. Після виходу зі склада СРСР Україна it was written without a vivid electronic center,

And її rubleveni groshi vyyavilisya penniless neisnujochoi power, emisііya yakikh passed over to the spasms of the Russian Federation. Spodivishsya in chih umovah on the normal zabezpechennya consumption turnover penny masya ta held by Ukraine self-economic, financial and monetary polity not boule jodnyh pidstav.

Bagatotsilyov sprymyvannya penny reformed in the fact that it was spent less than three times:

- create a national scale that pennies the system yak attribute of self-reliance and mehanizm zabezpechennia nezalezhnostі ukrainian powers;

- zabezpechiti stabilnіst natsionalnyh groshe on rivnі, dostatnomu for stimuliuvannya ekonomichnogo i sotsialnogo razvitku kraїni;

- to formulate and introduce in the new method of regulation the regulation of the groschen turnover and the penny market, adequate to the needs of the rink economy.

Such a bagatoclic character of that particular nature of the implementation of the reforms signified the meaning of "triviality and bureaucracy."

Довготривалість reforms. The reforms were being reformed in the early 1992s. Vipuskom gotivkovy obog coupon-karbovantsya bugatorazovoy vikoristan, and zakinchalasya vesnі 1996 р. Vipuskom in obyg grivny, tobto trivala mayzhe 5 rockiv. Beruchi up to respect vzhitі for tsey period go in, you can see the link of the reforms:

- the first stage (sichen - leaf fall of 1992 p.), On yakomu in the bulo vypusheno coupon-karbovanets and izbezheno yogo funktsionuvannya. At the cost of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has given permission to formulate a vernal economic mechanism and has gained the opportunity to self-conscientiously consume consumer goods in a groovy mass;

- other etap (leaf fall 1992 - serpene 1996 p.), In which the Ukrainian carbivanets remained in turn yak єdina natsionalnaya, hoch і timchasova, currency, and takozh buli ekonomičnі fіnansovі peredumovi for її staliblnogo funktsionovannya, nasampered yak zasobu obygu ta zagobu Payment;

- third stage (veresen 1996 p.), So that the reform was completed successfully in the turnover of the post-privatization grocery odinnitsi hryvnia. Completion of the reforms in 1996. Bulo pіdgotovleno uspіhami її another Etap: podolannyam gіperіnflyatsії, vitіsnennyam s gotіvkovogo obіgu Dolar, pomіtnoyu transformatsієyu rinkovih ambushes on Economy, zaprovadzhennyam in practice novih metodіv that іnstrumentіv monetary regulyuvannya.

Frozen timshasovih pennies that їх гіпервисоке знецінення not було заздалегідь drafted і sіdomo conducted warehouse zheloshії reformі1. Discharge of coupon-karbovanetsya bagatorazovoy korushuvannya buv vimushenym crook, we will take into account the need to buy back the penny-maw, oskilki z veresnya, 1991 p. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation ceased to postachati up Ukraine gotіvkovі rublі and nomіnalnі obsyagi trafficking steel Shvydko zrostati vnaslіdok іnflyatsії scho rozpochalasya pіslya lіberalіzatsії tsіn. Shchob uniknuti "gotіvkovoї krizi", and bilo priinyato rіshennya about the issue of coupon-karbovantsya.

Spotka pobachalosya, scho coupon-karbovanets bude prokvadzhuvatisya "m'yako", postopovo zamenyayuchi in ruby, scho zabezpechit yogo dostatnu stabilnist, and zagalny termin yogo vikoristana, yak timchasovyh groschen, not to interchange 4- 6 months. Prote actually podії rozvivalisya zovsіm for іншим сюарієм. Already in the quarter of 1992 p. Coupon-karbovanets "zapovniv" entire gotіvkovy turnover, and ruble buv ponynistyu vyblueny. Idea ruble prodovzhuvav obslugovuvati all bezgotіvkovy turn right up leaf fall 1992 p., Scho negatively on vplivalo stabіlnіst gotіvkovogo coupon-karbovanets, spriyalo yogo Shvidky znetsіnennyu.

In the leaf fall of 1992 p. By the decree of the President "On the Reform of the Penny's System of Ukraine", the coupon-karbovanets do not booze with the post-currency currency, but the shirsh bouw of the interrogations into the turnover are wider and broader. In the course of the hour, becoming єdinym on the territory of Ukraine by the official payment, the payment is "Ukrainian Carbivan". Tim himself boulo in the main virisheno Pershche zavdannya penny reform triokh, zaschischeny vische.

Having gained in svoє Povny rozporyadzhennya mehanіzm emіsії timchasovih pennies, Uryadov that NBU vikoristali yogo on Povny potuzhnіst for realіzatsії svoєї іnflyatsіynoї monetarnoї polіtiki. For two rock (1992-1993), the Masa of pennies in circulation behind the M2 unit grew older than 240 times. Vіdtak CCB stvoreny dosit zruchny mehanіzm mobіlіzatsії digit fіnansovih resursіv for pokrittya nadmіrnih budgetary vitrat, sprichinenih nevivazhenoyu ekonomіchnoyu polіtikoyu. Zumovlena tsієyu polіtikoyu gіperіnflyatsіya became characteristic Find our groshovoї reforms in Ukraїnі i Mauger yak rozglyadatisya її warehouses yelement, oskіlki through neї boule znischenі OAO All groshovі zaoschadzhennya etapі on other reforms.

Stvorennya new- (rinkovoy) mehanizmu monetary regulyuvannya vyyavilosya characteristic osoblyvistyu groshovoy reform in Ukraine for two reasons:

- to the end of reforms such a mechanism in Ukraine did not boo;

- for the personalization of hyperinflation and transition to anti- inflationary policy, the bankrupt yakneishvyshe shall master the nenefective tools of monetary regulation.

I will look around at the other on the prefabricated stage of the reform of the bula, conducted since 1994, the robot is very large, the robot is being scooped in the same way as the anti-inflation countermeasures: it is distorted by the mechanics of the course, the rinks of the money parcels, the currencies, the credit markets, In the bank practice, so the monetary authorities, yak polity of the regional percentage, obovyazykov reservoir, the policy of refinancing, operations on the external market of the ín. Staggering 1994-1995 pp. Tsі methoda інструменти були widely approbated in діяльності National Bank for the purpose of enflation, but has crossed the line of thought for completing reforms in 1996. Якраз на цій основі National Bank of Ukraine вдається підтримувати відносну стабільність гривні в післяреформений період.

Chi does not find the peculiarity of the grotesque reforms in Ukraine є її соціальний аспект. Як відомо зі світової practice, pіdvigotіya і spent by be-like grosovії reform vimagaє додаткових фінансових витрат, які it is important перекладаються on the shoulders of a wide land of the population.

In Ukraine, on the final stage of the process, a denomination in the hryvnia boula has been carried out for 1: 100000 all stock indicators, stock of pennies (gothic and bezgotic), and all current income for all categories of legal and legal matters, unreliable for the exchange of statements before the exchange Stockpile of groschen and rizzism of current yields. This proportionality of the exchange, the yak was designated as a bush, the boule was not vipadkovo - vona vidpodidala rivnyu інфляції for 1991-1996 р. Everything was written to say to the analysts of our reform of pro-non-confessional, pro-Russian, socially just nature. Prote in such assessments do not talk about the burden, which designated the population on the first and that stage of the reform. Nasampered tsepatrata populated its own zaoschadzhen, zokrema rozmischenih in the Oschadnom Bank and not on the riven інфляції. At the time of the denomination in 1996, Більшість із them it was reorganized at мізерні size.

Yakbi tsi zaoschadzhennya buli svoechasno іndeksovanny, then carry out the reform in 1996 p. Happened to be a caller in a little way. Aje on the hour Ukraїnі z'yavivsya Pevnyi prosharok "novih ukraїntsіv" SSMSC nagromadili znachnі reserves pennies on speculative operatsіyah in tіnovomu bіznesі through illegally vikoristannya іnflyatsіynogo pіdvischennya tsіn toscho. A part of these stocks of pennies happened to be confiscated in the course of reforms, having crossed the basic tie-breaks on shoulder-arms. Taku reform could not be called nekon-fiskatsynoyu, zate vona bula b spravdy socially just.

Otzhe, its reform Ukraine has just once confirmed the rule of poddannya main financial tjagarya, otkazyanoj z reform, on the shoulders of the wide vestments of the population. It's a pity trivala stagnatsiia ekonomiki pislja groshovoi reformi not give nadiy on those, sho ti vertitsy poplareniya oderzhat vidpovidny vigras zavdyaki prokvazhenzhennu stalins penny. Bіlshe of trivalі zatrimki s viplatami pensіy that zarobіtnoї pay, SSMSC dopuskayutsya zaradi stabіlіzatsії grivnі pіslya reforms zavdayut naybіlshih zbitkіv note GROUP population SSMSC vtratili zaoschadzhennya on stadії pіdgotovki reform.


1. Inflation - is extraordinarily folded socially-economically, it is manifested in the trivaloval and shvidkomu zetsnennenni groshn vnasledok nadmirnogo zerostannya їх маси в обороі. The basic form інфляції є тривале і швидке зростання цін, додатковимими forms її є trivaliй дефіцит товарів і послуг та девальвація національних грошей.

2.Inflation - tse trivaly process, si moe kіlka stadіy, yakі різняться не тільки рівнем зростання цін, а й впливом на економіку. On the first stage of the implementation of a penniless viperjaja zrostanja tsin, yake is unimportant (up to 5% per рік) або зовсім відсутє. Vona positively vplyivє on economical rozvitok. At the approaching pace of the pace, the zostanjna tsin priskorjutsjutsya, nablizhayutsya to tempiv zrostannia proposoziії grosheni і mozhut navіt perevischuvati їх. Taka інфляція назидкритою або помірною і колвається в межах 5-20% на рік. Vaughn can be a positive mother, and a negative flush for economical rozvitok. Після цього починаються етапи галопуючої інфляції (20-50% на рік) та гіперінфляції - понад 100% на рік. Кожна з цих видів інфляції несе розруху для економіки і соціальної sphere.

3. Zalizhno vіd that, s yakogo boku rinkovoi konjunkturi formeitsya tisk na rinkovі tsini, vidilyayutsya two vidin іnflyatsії - інфляція витрат і інфляція попиту. The Persian is to be provoked by chinniki, but to form in the side of the goods, and the friend is to the side of drinking on the comrade.

4. Інфляція вимірюється трьома виды показників: індексом споживчих (роздрібних) цін; Ідедесом цін на засоби виробництва (wholesalers); Deflator of GDP.

5. Doctors of the causes of inflation understand the possibility of formulating themselves at a cost of money (monetary causes) and on goods (vitratnnyi cause). Monetary reasons are imposed on the monetary policy of monetary policy for the financial support of the budget deficit, zrostania zanyatosty ta virobnitsva. Vitratnі reasoning поp'яъні зі зростанням витрат на виробництво чи монополізацією виробництва та праці. Prote obidva Vidi prinin tіsno pereplіtayutsya i at sutі, zlivayutsya one - lіberalіzatsіyu derzhavnoї monetarnoї polіtiki i zrostannya on tsіy osnovі Offers pennies without chogo Purshia ni, ni another kind chinnikіv not Mauger materіalіzuvatisya in trivale zrostannya tsіn.

6. Іnflyatsіya Ponad criticality point Mauger mother tyazhkі ekonomіchnі i sotsіalnі naslіdki: ruynuvannya virobnichogo potentsіalu, znizhennya obsyagіv virobnitstva i skorochennya zaynyatostі, padіnnya zhittєvogo rіvnya population zagostrennya sotsіalnih that polіtichnih superechnostey, posilennya habarnitstva that krimіnogennoї situatsії in kraїnі. Tom diyova antinflyatsyna polity of the state is priorytitelnoyu and guilty to secure the pressure of groschen.

7. Inflationary processes in Ukraine are developed in accordance with the publicly known laws and regulations for the period up to hyperinflation. Zrostania tsín was provoked by the costs, and by monetary chinniki. Prote keyovu role in "rozkruchuvannі" інфляції відігравала занадто ліберальна monetary policy in the order of the NBU. Lishe pislja to transition in 1994 r. Before the anti-inflationary policy, the inflation process fell into decline. One more thing is the fact that the phenomenon is a monetary phenomenon.

8. Penny reform Je warehouses Elements antiіnflyatsіynoї polіtiki i spryamovuєtsya on usunennya naslіdkіv іnflyatsії in groshovіy sferі i stvorennya monetary she ekonomіchnih peredumov stabіlіzatsії for pennies.

9. Penny reform Ukraїnі scho completed in 1996 p, for svoїm character nalezhit to Povny, abo structural reforms Vaughn sider blizko p'yati rokіv (sіchen 1992 -. Veresen 1996r). I zabezpechila stvorennya natsіonalnoї groshovoї system formuvannya new mehanіzmu Підтримання стасті грош та та регулювання грошинвого обороту, адекватного умов ринкової економіки.

Self-control nutrition

1. Give viznachennya ponjattenja інфляції. Які розбіжності існують у трактуванні поняття інфляції?

2. Chi ё розбіжності в трактуванні суті інфляції кейнсіанцями і монета-ристами?

3. What is the critical point for developing an in fl ation process?

4. Do chomu poleagayut cause інфляції. Chomu M. Fredman vvazhaє, scho Іnflyatsіya skrіzі і zhzhdi є monetary phenomenon?

5. Chi vsek zerostnja tsін інфляцією? Chi zvoditsya інфляція тільки до зростання цін?

6. Sho tak taake, halopyucha and hyperinflation?

7. Chi zavzhdi іnflyatsіya negatively vplyivє on economy?

8. Who in Ukraine did the naftula form stagflation?

9. To name the specialization in Ukraine in 90-ti rock?

10. Yaku role in the budget deficit in the development of inflation?

11. Give vyznachennya ponatetti penny reform?

12. Yakis seem like a penny of reforms. Wie know?

13. What is the main peculiarity of the groschen reforms in Ukraine?