Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Історія розвитку крединих відносин у незалежній Україні ще досить коротка. Al was folded on the basis of these credit lines, they were placed in the Radyansky Soyuz y yogo administrativno-command system gospodarjuvannya. Щоправда, у галузі крединих відносин перехід від старої до ринкової системи годарювання здійснювасься швидше, ніж in other spheres життя нашої країни. The goal is to clarify the timeline, but in the main it is necessary to lie naimobilnyy resource - groshni. Ale, on a pity, credit in Ukraine in the fall of Radyansky to the Union were rooted in a lack of, but negatively influenced by the expansion and the economy.

In the transition to the minds of the minds, the state dowry has a warehouse of yak lenders, and so on. The main creditors were commercial banks, in addition to the number of loans. And pozhal'nikami dedalі bіolshe privatnі ta kolektivnyi pіdpriemstva, privatnі pіdprіmіtіcі tі okremі gromadyani. Zvichayno, zdіysnyuvalo credit and і підприємств state formations. Significant changes began to take place in forms and types of credit, especially in methods of credit. In the credit of the number of registered customers, the Banking Instructions in the Radian hour, commercial banks have passed to the credit of sub-objects, turbojashchis nasampered about its own income and credit. Zamist to inform the collapsible order of credit, a kind of perebach specialties for pidpriemstv okremih kaluzey chi pidgaluzey ekonomiki, kredituvannya pochalo zdіysnyuvatis in the main on pokrtya defitsitu revolving capita pidpriemstv.

Shche at the 1991 p. Laws of Ukraine "About payments in Ukraine" і "About tsіnnі paperi ta fondovu birzhu" bool it was legalized commercial credit, which in 1930s. The Radyansky Soyuz of the burial mounds. At the same time 1991 p. Bulo viznano, sho vekselniy obіg in Україні має здійснювасьідідповідно to the Geneva bill of exchange promulgated by the law on the promulgated and simple promises. In the fierce 1993 p. The National Bank of Ukraine has confirmed the procedure for conducting bills of operations on bills of exchange, bakies have been established to impersonate written documents of the international patent law in Ukraine. Yak has already been designated, commercial loan can be taxed in the form of bills of exchange, so without such formalities. Ostannye perevazhaє, bo pogotkatu in Ukrainі not ponnistyu bilo priinyato bills of credit legislation of the public domain in the right of the bula deficiencies. At podalshomu pshirennu vekselnogo obogu zavazhala plizhіnna kriza.

Z 1995 p., Pislya vypuska oblіgatsіy vnutrishny gosudarstvii, znachnyh osyagіv nabuv sverhvniy credit. To Prichom through the visibility on that hour of the above-mentioned positives, that is, in the wake of the hunger for the states of the state of affairs (the high unemployment on the oblasts, the foreclosure of the sum, the arrangements for the region, the rags of obovyazkovichi minimum reserves of commercial banks, zvilnennya income on the basis of the payment for the surplus Тощо) комерційні banks in Ці облігації contributed significant resources. And this meant that the stench of stench was crammed into the credit of the subordinates of the state dowry. Пізніше through погіршення of minds of the state of things that is not vain. Урядом своїх зобов'язань schodo svoechasnogo її repayment довіра до цих облігацій з боку банків дещо впала.

Yakshcho in the Persian Islands of the state of independence of Ukraine, the credit of the population for settling consumerism was pinned down, then it was approached from 1996 onwards. Lend money to work. In the Ukraine pislya zatverdzhennya v vevesi 1993 p. By the decree of the President of Ukraine Timchasovyy laying about the credit of spill in Ukraine, they started to talk about credit loans, they began to borrow money from the Gromadyans. Widely razgonnulos lentuvannya pid settlement outposted rihogo mine pawnshops that neruhomogo - komertsiynimi banks. Povilno, alle all the same, the growth of sales by the trade organizations of goods in the population with a shipment. All bolshogo rozmahu otrimulo creditu budivnitstva i pidbannya zhitla populated areas, the number of pilgrims for the overcrowded categories of the population, if a part of the vitratus took on itself the power of the moscow organization vladi. Schopravda, the pace of such a loan was taken in the presence of legislation on mortgage. In the 2000 p. Harder to push nadavatis credit talanovitіy molodi na perіod navchannya u vyshhimsya osklady osviti.

Commercial banks "novyh hvilі", bіlshіst з яких були відомчими, at перші роки the transition to the rink economy, rozviivaychis himself, spurred the development of the economy. The stinkers gave credit to the malim pidpriemstvam, kotrі in the main і could iznuvati that schwidko rozvivatis zavdyaki tsim loans, so і great pіprpriyatstvam. Діяльність цих банків підтримувася як The National Bank of Ukraine, and the Authorities. So, at the 1992 r. Кожен із цих банків на розвиток своїх операцій мав modularity отримати credit from the central bank of the state in розмірі its statutory fund. They lent money to the credit resources, such as the State Bank of Ukraine, the Ukhsotsbank, the APB "Ukraina", the Yakis at that time were malignantly valiant, they were molded for a rahunok koshtiv on rahunki klієntіv that loans to the central bank.

One of the most important banks in the world has been struggling to overcome financially difficult times through the unfairness of credit in its own way, to the financial crisis, which has negatively impacted the delivery of triwal documents, especially when exporting transactions, that provoked the tsar by digging up govaders' names with pendencies, whiskers on the teritory lines, Scho were plotting the fall of the Radyansky Union. The difficulties of the bully have been stabilized, the number of credit banks has been listed on the balance sheets of Ukrainian banks, and the funds of the pre-mortgage credit, which were formed in the union territory, were not transferred. In this way, the stink of bullock was placed in the lodge, if it was ruled so zvane "to the gold bank rule", for some structure of activity of banks behind the terms is guilty of compliance with the passive.

With the access to credit to the central bank in the other half of 1992, Mali is no longer all, but no longer okremi, as a rule, great banks. Motivated tseim, scho stinks take the fate of the pidtrimtsyavstvennyh tsil'ovikh programs rozvitku pervnyh galuzey ekonomiki. Prote Crisis Stove Ukraine's economy is not subject to payment, the banks of the Bank of Ukraine have been accumulating at low prices for the development of economics, then the economy, the galuz for the guluzzy, has already reached the crisis level.

Beginning in 1994 p. In Ukraine, the process of mono-loan loans, zosredzhennya yogo in the hands of the great (for the Ukrainian scale) banka ta all the more the vicarities of credit resources in the territories of the different clans of ugrpovan, which control over the local bank. Tse, from his chervon, to the diversification of minds, access to the bank loan of the other pidpriemnitskikh structures. Prichomu tse prochav ovoplyvaty i kolyshnі sverhvnі, so zvanі sistemny banks.

In the deficit of deficit in the Ukrainian banks of credit resources, that transfer from the warehouse of short-line resources to stink, as a rule, short-term loans, prichomu is very important in the sphere of obyg.

Nezvazhayuchi na tse, spochatku okremi pіdpriєmstva, and potim d okremі pіdgaluzі ta galuzі promislovostі, spirayuchis on its own resources, loans to commercial banks, koshi natsionalnyh and nezemnegikhinvestvіv, at the same time postopovo, they have to leave the crises, vidnovlyuvati vibrobitnitsu i navit eksportuvati its products on Calligraphy. The first things in the crisis were the appearance of the blinds with the shvidkim turn of the capitals - the confectionery industry, the promises of nonalcoholic beverages and bottling mineral waters, the pharmaceutical industry, sewing promises and activities. Yakshco Ukraine in the SRSR did not vyroblila, napriklad, Akumulyatori, magistralnyh ehlektrovoziv, trolley buses, grain harvester, then in our time vona ikh vyroblyaє. Postupovo acceded padinya obyagivv vibrobitvtva, and in 2000 rubles. The yogo zrostania was on its way, the curve of real GDP was beginning to go into the woods. Obviously, it's time, if Ukraine is postpone to get closer to the regional economy and social development of the advanced regions of Ukraine and the CIS, while at the same time it takes a lot of time. Сприяти цьому має й розвиток крединих відносин в Україні.


1. The form of a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a loan, a bank account, a bank account. Z cih positsionny right vidiljati dvi form a loan - a groschen that commodity, yakі tisno povyazhany mozh soboyu і є dyama parties vartisnoї form of credit. Подібні формы муть мати й інші економічні інструменти (фінанси, торгівля), it is not possible to isolate the essence of the form of a nihilistic, contour manifestation of an economical manifestation. Such a contour can be mati інші ватісні явища.

2. Pід type of credit slid rozumiti concrete demonstrating the elements of the loan yak ekonomichnogo yavishcha. See the loan can viokremljuvatisya in the forms of yoga forms and look at yak warehouses elemeni system, as an є credit. For the needs of the practice, you can see a loan that can be classified as a value for money and a loan. You can have a lot of credit for it. The main of them - commercial, banking, state, international, vibro, spozhivchy. Oskilki tі vidilіenі for rіznimi критериіями, then one and the same itself poschkova vartizh mozhe viznachatis yak rіznі see credit. Napriklad, pushed by the bank pozhka mozhe nalezhatiti up to bankovskomu credit і up to vibronichego aby sobozhivchogo credit zalizhno vіd tsіlоnogo її spryamurvannya.

3. Functionality of the loan - one of the most important disbursal supply of loans. Zagalno viznanoyu є funktsiy pererozpodilu vartosti through mehanizm credit. The function is to carry out a clear-cut turn of the credit and that role. Існування її не викликає сумніву.

Another function is imposed on credit for grants in the grotesque sphere. Але у форванні її мають місце істотні розбіжності - від емісійної до заміщення справжніх грошей. Such a divorce can be explained to ototozhnennya authors of the functions of credit with the functions of banks, but wrong. To that friend, the function of the loan is more efficient than the transition to the succession of reforms for the effective regulation of the turnover of groschen in the interests of the stability of the groschen and repetitive consumption of the turnover in the paid salaries.

Є Sufficiently pidstav for vidilennya і such functions to the credit, yak kontrolno-stimuljucha that funktsialija kapitalizatsii iznih grosovih prihodiv.

4. In its manifestations, the credit of the cities, the volume in a number of forms and types of loans, a number of forms and loans, and the power of its own. By rozvitkom lyusskogo sspіlstva chіlne місце займає та чи інша форма або навіть kind of loan. Alya on be-yakomu etapi rozvitku meststva credit vіdіgraє dosh important role. In the first place, Ukraine has no credit for credit, it has not been developed in the first place, nor has it been assigned to the susceptible needs.

Self-control nutrition

1. Do chomu polegayut rozbizhnostі y traktuvannyi form i vidiv u credit, scho miut mіsce v litateraturі?

2. For some criterions of the right form and form of credit? Chi mozhut Buti nevotimi kriterії for klassifikatsii forms and visiv?

3. Yakі form a loan Vie can visіliti і chоmu?

4. Yakі see credit Vi can you name і for some criterias of stink of visions?

5. Chim to understand the "bank loan" and "sovereign credit", "bank loans" and "loan loans," "loan loans" and "commercial loans"?

6. Yaka function of the groschen є naybіlsh viznanoyu in ekonomichniy lititeraturi?

7. Does Chi live in the wake of the loans to the effective credit? At chomu slabkist positії zahisnikіv tsієї functіії?

8. Yakі diskusії conducted schodo control functions of credit? Чому більш правоірно виділити control and stimulus function?

9. What is to be exchanged for a commercial loan?

10. What is the bank's credit?

11. Do you want to settle for a loan?

12. Do you understand the meaning of the loan between credit and money stinking?

13. Чому percentage є економічною категоrієєю?

14. Yaku the role of credit in the development of economy?

15. What are the riches characterized by the development of credit in the transition to the transition of Ukraine to the market?