Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Active banking operations in the regions, in the cities of Ukraine and in the regions of the capitalized capital, in the settlements and in the positions of the koshtis for the sustained influx in the course of the rationalization of risks for the types of operations and contributions that are being made. Активні операції банків поділяються на кредині та Інвестиційні.

The credit operations of the lodging for the complex of dy's, which are connected with the bank accounts and the redemption of bank statements. Bank loans can be repaid in advance to the principles of string and vest, value of nature, loan disbursement and payment.

Carried out credit operations of commercial banks, guilty of adhering to the pivnim vimogam i umovam.

Credits vidyayutsya tilki in the boundaries of the original resources, yakі mee bank. About kozhny vipadok nadannya poshchalniku credit in rozmіrі, shcho perevishchu 10% of the capital capita (velikі credit), komerciyny bank is guilty of the National Bank of Ukraine. Sukupna zaborgovannost for loans, for vrachivaniem bills that 100% sumy pozabalansovyh zobov'azan, vidanih one poschalniku, can not overhaul 25% of the kostyiv kovttsivny bank.

Obogalny rozmіr credit, nadanyh bank, usіm pozhal'nikam, з урахуванням 100% позабалансових гобов'язань bank, can not перевищувати eight-fold rosmіr vlasnyh koshtіv bank.

Loan-guerrilla poshchalkin is guilty of a bad debt with the restrained by the commercial bank of economical standards, the banking regulations of Ukraine, the NBU, the form of obovyazkovykh, insurance and reserve funds.

Poses nadayutsya all sub'ektam gospodarjuvannya nezalezhno vid form vlasnosti for umovi, pso pozhalnik є juridicheskoe especial, zarestrovanoyu yak sub'єкт підприємництва або фізичною особеню.

Рішення about наданя the credit повино прийматися колегіальне (credit committee (комісією) to bank, відділення, філії) і to be made out by the protocol.

Credits in the interim parameters, visas to the bank, include: priorytitny in the credit; Credit lines in the structure of the loan portfolio; Border loans to a single poschalnik, methods of financing of a credit institution; Riven the interest rate.

Loans can be spent on commercial ambushes, but vimagaє vіd bank restrained such dodatkovyh minds:

* Урахування кредиспроможності почальника, фінансової стабільності, рентабельності, ліквідності;

* Credit tilki tі dіyalnіі poschalnika, yakі perebachen yogo statute;

* Poschalnik guilty of mother vlasne mayno і brother fate in fіnnisuvannі ob'ekta, scho lentuyutsya, pevniyu syomu vladnogo kapitalu.

Banks can not insure unsecured loans, ali tilki in the interstices of local koshtiv and lishe klієtamam іz stіykim fіnansovim stan ta іnsayderam banku v sumy, scho not perevishchuet 50% nomіnalnogo vartosty aktsіy bank, yakі perebuvayut u їхній власності.

Banks can not nadavati lend: to pokrtya zbitkiv gospodarskoi diyalnosty poschalnika; On the form that the statutory fund klієnt, on the payment of the amount of money from the budget and pozabudzhetnі funds (for vinyatkom kredituvannya for kontokortentnim rahunkom); Pіdpriemstvam, proti yakih pobrazeno spravu pro bankrutstvo; Підприємствам, at contracts such it is not забачена страхування можливих втрат від non-deliveries of commodity-material tsennosti; Підприємствам, які мають прострочену заборгованість за раніше отриманими заками i not paying with interest.

For the loan secured, the zachatelnik zvertaetsya to the bank with a loan application, but enter the warehouse of the singer with a package of documents. Warehouse neobihdnikh documentov zalezhit vid character of credit operations, і for різних клієнтів він може бути різним.

Loans are made on the basis of the mortgaged bank and the seller of credit (contract). Prior to the loan agreement, the bank was guilty of repeatedly proanalizuvati credit-promo-. Zhnist poschalnika, zdіysniti ekspertizu project chi godararskoi operatsiі, scho proponuetsya for kredytuvannya, vysnachiti stepin for the bank and the structure of the Maybutnya pose (sum, lines, interest rate tochno).

At the credit agreement: the meta, sum, lines, the order, the form of the loan and the repayment to the credit, the form of zobozpechennya zobov'jan of the post-worker, the interest rate, the order and the form of the interest, the basic burgu, rights, zobov'yazannya, vidpodalnist storin shodo nadannya i otapshennya Loans, repayment of vidomosti, rozraunkіv ta інших документаів, необхідних для кредитування, perіодичність іх filed to the bank, the ability to conduct a bank transfer to the real estate and the camp of the zarigannya zastavnogo lane tochno. Zmist loan agreement vysnachaetsya parties lying in a particular credit operations.

In the case of a viscount person, the Timashevs'kyi fіnnіsіvіh fіnnіchіvі zіkektivnyh reasons that nemozhіlіvostі at у зв'язку з цим repayment of the loan in lines, the establishment of a loan agreement, the bank can, in the back of vipadkas, nadati pozhalniku vіdstochku (prolongatsііy) pozhashennya borgu zі zmіnoyu, кнцецевого a line of repayment of the loan. Prolongatsyya credit is issued dodatkovauyu pre-loan to the loan agreement.

Bankovka lentuvannya zdіysnyuyutsya із zastosuvannyaem poschchkovyh rahunkiv: forgive, spetsialny, kontokortentny.

Forgive posekviy rakhunok є naybіlsh widened the form of bank loans. On the other side of the bank, the active (debit) balance, the fact of the fact that the loan is being redeemed, is made out in the documents of the client's credit to the bank (the payer's order, the credit line of the bank to the bank for business invoices).

Special puchkovy rakhunok zastosovuyutsya bank in okremih vipadkah, napriklad with creditworthy poschalnika pіd outpost vekselіv. Він є moldy обліку позичок до запитання. Yakshtso on zyomu rahunku vinikaє lending balance, vono in that day moe bouti zahrahovaniem on razhunnogo razhunok poschalnika. The loan can be repaid for a loan, or for a pre-paid pair of poshchavnikas, so it is a burden for the kostyanovs, they must be on the corridor of a bailiff for bills of exchange, with a special sponge credit. The Bank can right to engage in fencing for a special poshchkim rahunk at any hour without having to deal with the clien, or even commit a loan to the credit.

Contokortentny rakhunok - tse active-pasivny rakhunok, on yoyom obkolkuyutsya all operatsiіy bank z klііntom. On vnomu vidobrazhayut, z one side (for debit), zaborgovannist before the bank and all payments for rahunku for proruchennyam klієnta, and for the loan (for a loan) - the insignia of the bank for the loan from the vigilant deposits, pozhannennya pokk tochno. Contokortentnyi rahunok poednuє in posi pozhkovyi rahunok z potochnim i mozhe mati debotov abo credit balance. Operatsi on nyomu zdіysnjutsja for dopomogo kaklivih doruchen 'the granny rahunku.

Save the main Sumi burgu є one of the main principles, a kind of manager is guilty of underworning with a bank of poschkovoi operations. Tom otsnka an anchor potentiynogo poschalnika - one of the most important stages in the process of credit. At the time of finding, the value of the value of the loan is established. Ніякі додаткові go zahistu not zamozhut zapobigti krizovіy situatsії, yakshcho pozhichka na svoyї snoviі not є obgruntovanoyu.

One element of the credit quality is the establishment of personal anchors of a potential pozhalnik. Here, respect to the bank is guilty of zoeseredzhuvatysya at such moments, such as reputatsiya, orderliness and honesty, professiyna zdatnist, materіnna zabezpechenost, stavlennya before her zobov'azan before інших creditors і in the past.

Necessarily vivchiti fіnansoviy stan poschal'nika, lіkvіdnіst yogo balansu, efektivnіst virobnitstva i vіkoristannya main th turnaround capitals. For the sake of accounting, statistical and financial support of the pozhchalnik, the material of the transversal changes on the territory, the forecast of the financial settlement of the route in the course of the periode of the crooked position.

The main overturning of the order of the bank's position is the protection of the capital, the income, the surplus of the real estate, and the proclamations. Alya be-yaka credit operation is punished with a shabby rizik, that's why a poshchalnik can not save money for money, tsil'ovyh groshnikh nadohodzhen, income and that not zobezhechy sochechasne ponennennya borgu. For insuring one's own risk, zasosovuytsya pevnі form zabezpechennya borgu, tobto pevnі garantii.

In bankovyk practice vikoristovuyutsya two seem jaded extinguished positok - pervinnyi i vtorinni.

For fіnansovo стабільних позичальників, які належать до першокласних клієнтів банку, цілком выттньо закріпити в крединій угоді first dzherala pozhashennya posychki v vyglyadі Доходів позичальника. Ale pershoksnі klієnti not є dominoychimi in zagalnіy masі pozhchalnikiv. Tom in bilshosty vipadkiv banks zmusheni zastosovuvati, order pervinnimi, i vtorinni (dodatkovi) dzherela form zahistu vіd credit risk, tobgo vimagati vіd poschalnikіv pevnogo zabezpechennya.

Zgіdno zіnnim in Ukraine by the law banks can mozut vikoristvuvati soi form zabezpechennya posychka: outpost, guaranty, transfer (cesia) on the corridor bank vimog i rakhunkiv to the third person, the mortgage, the insurance of the good (polis).

Bank zdіysnjue control over vikonannyam poschalnikami minds loan agreement, tsіlovim vіkoristannyam loan, svoechasnim і povnim yogo zapushennyam i izlatoju vіdsotkіv nyomu. At vikinnennі pivnikh nashnen minds of the credit agreement in the side of the poshchalnika bank is the right to secure the economical right of the law.

In the case of the economical camp of a positivnik, the credit to him is not for credit, confiscation, misappropriation for the control of the bank, filing for the lack of registration in the accounting area, for the incomplete credit check, and for the credit, if the loan is not presented to the bank, the bank is entitled to pretend Vimogu about dostrokove stlygnennya credit і vіdsotkіv nyomu, in that number shlyam stryamuvannya stjagnennya na zabezpechennya in the order established by law.

Yaksho vyyavleni fact vikoristan credit is not for tsіlоim gratitude, bank mаy right достроково розірвати credit contract, пo є підставою для стягнення всіх коштів у межах зобов'язань почальника за крединым договором.

In the case of a non-recurrent repayment of a loan, i and interest, and an uninhabited bank, prolongation of repayment of the loan, the right to impose fine penalties on rozmirs, credit agreements. At разі відмови почальника від paying borgіv for pozhichkami bank †<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†< Yakshchoo poshchalnik systematically not vikonu zobov'yazannya shodo razboti borgu vidpovidno to credit, the bank can zvernutisya at podborkenomu law order іz claim about poroshennya spravi pro bankrutstvo.

By the method of fastening roses for straggling loans, the bank can be so vikoristovuvati taki form, yak perevidstlennenya rights vimogi that translated Borg.

Згідно зі статтею 197 Цивільного кодексу України in період дії зобов'язань може здійснюватися заміна кредитора або боржника. The creditor (bank) can transfer its rights for the zobov'yaznyam іншій особі, having issued one in favor of the transfer of the right of the вимоги. Перевідступлення the rights вимоги to be made out by letter for the sake of обідідомленням about це боржника.

Translated the Borgu to be formalized by letter for the sake of Mizh by the primordial Borzhik and by the Borzhik. Lodging for the sake of translating borgu mozlive tilki for zgodoyu komertsynogo bank, yaky having seen a pose to the pristine wrestler.

Інвестиційні операції банків signify the contribution of коштів at цінні папери підприємств (sovereign, collective and private) for a three-hour period. Інвестиційні цінні папери - це боргові збов'язання у вигляді акцій, облігацій, векселів, сертифікатів тощо. Цінні папери муть бути об'єктом банківських інвестицій за умов виільного обігу їх on the stock market.

Funktsії bankіvskih іnvestitsіy polyagayut in stvorennі vtorinnih rezervіv for zadovolennya require at Costa, yak vinikaє vnaslіdok viluchennya klієntami svoїh vkladіv, abo nadhodzhennya of order on pozichki scho perevischuyut nayavnі resources. Zdіysnyuyuchi іnvestitsіynі operatsії, banks underwrite metі: doderzhannya BEZPEKA penny koshtіv, zabezpechennya їh diversifіkatsії, income that lіkvіdnostі.

Banking authorities' investments in factoring. Vidilyayut three tactical factors: the credit risk, the financial risk that the percentage risk.

Credit rizik pov'yazany s tim, scho fіnansovі mozhlivostі emіtenta (yuridichnoї individuals scho vipuskaє tsіnnі Papero) zmenshuyutsya on stіlki scho bude vіn not zmozі vikonuvati svoї fіnansovі zobov'yazannya (splachuvati income of formі divіdendіv, protsentіv, i pogashati svoї tsіnnі Papery).

Fіnansovy rizik viplivaє s of scho at zv'yazku s neperedbachenimi zmіnami on market analysis tsіnnih paperіv chi in ekonomіtsі privablivіst deyakih tsіnnih paperіv yak Mauger Buti ob'єkta vkladen chastkovo vtrachena, to їh sales mill mozhlivim deprivation s great znizhkoyu.

The percentage risk of misconduct of interest rates for oblasts at the time of the issuance in the year when there is a strong collation of interest rates. Chim more than an hour before extinction obligaciy, tim vizschy rizik, scho pozhyazany z dinamikoyu interest rate.

Іnvestuvannya potrebuє sistematizovanogo analіzu riziku tsіnnih paperіv, SSMSC pridbavaє bank otsіnki of Quality Tsikh paperіv, viznachennya zdatnostі bank zdіysnyuvati іnvestitsії. For the purposes of continuous and continuous testing, the control of the mill is in the form of zinc paperns.

Інвестиційна діяльність комерційних банків повинна мати захист від ризику збитків та втрати ліквідності. One іz metodіv zmenshennya riziku Je formuvannya іnvestitsіynogo portfolio rakhunok bagatoh vidіv tsіnnih paperіv scho toil rіzny rіven rіznі of Quality is the repayment of the line.

Цінні папери, що въть до інвестиційного портфеля, згідно з їх призначенням, поділяються на інвестиції та вторинні ліквідні reserve. Вони різняться між собою ступенем ліквідності. Secondary reserves can be negoyno peretvoriti in groshovi koshti shahom sale on the market tsinnih paperyv. Інвестиційні цінні папери розраховані на більш тривалий строк, ніж цінні папери наронних резервв. Establishment of the boundary lines of the local paperns, to lie down to the secondary reserves, to lie in the bank of the kerivnitsva bank. Tom tіnnі papery for the whole hour to go from one category to another.