Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


Грошові розрахунки в Україні здійснимться з допомогою готівки та в безготівковій формаі. Rozraunki gotivkoi zastosovuytsya head of the ranks in the process vzaemovidnosin pidpriemstv, setting those organisatsy in the populated areas, and takozh mizh people, tobto stinks obuslugovuyut rush grosovyh income taatatkіv populated, hocha gotіvka mozhe vikoristovuvatisya i at rozraunkah mіzh juridichnimi osobami. At rozraunkah Mizh juridicheskimi osobami perevazhna bіlshіst sostaviіv zdіysnjєyatsya in bezgotіvkovomu order. Bezgotivkove pererahuvannya koshtіv mozhe osoeredokovuvati і rukh grosovykh prodaziv i izdatkіv populated area, a yogo otnag neznuchny. Basically, in the mizhgospodarskih bezgotivkovyh rozraunkah borrow loans for goods and material prices and services, and takozh fіnansovі pererahuvannya klієntіv.

Organizatsiya bezgotivkovykh rozraunkіv povinna vyprityi protsentu vіdtvorennya, vidpіdati specific wimogs, yakі obomovleni enteristami rozvitku ekonomiki. The head of them - zabezpecchuvati sochechasne otrimannya kozhnim pidprimeemstvo grooshovyh koshtiv for the product he put nadannya ambassador, by yourself, let them squeeze themselves in front of the turnarounds at rozraunkah.

In addition, the organization of roses is responsible for imparting the order of the minds for mutual control of the borrower, that purchase for the dosimannya of the noblemen, and the grotesques of the cattle. One of the most recent zavdan in organisatsiya rozraunkіv є nedopuschennia vikinennya prostrochenoї vzaєmnoї zaborgovanosti.

Безготівкові розрахунки здійснимться через банківські establish, de legal and phisical persons зберігають its own groshny кошти і мають відповідні рахунки (поточні, бюджетні тощо). Deykі bezgotіvkovі payment, yak rule dribnі, pіdpriєmstva ta organіzatії здійснють з допомогою поштово-телеграфних переказів в устано зв'вкуку.

Безготівкові розрахунки здійсниються на основі письви розруунково-грошинвих документаів: платіжних доручень, чеків, акредитивів, вимог-доручень, плавижних вимог, інкасових доручень, веселів. Formi rozraunkіv mіzh by the seller that the buyer viznachayutsya by the lands of them.

For cutaneous rozraunkovogo document is characterized by Ідина in scale країни form, сувора стандартизація, кодифікація реквізитів. The system of registration, vikoristannya ruhu rozraunkovyh dokumentov nazivayetsya dokmentoobom.

Bezgotivkovі rozraunki rozriznyayutsya for the method of payment in the forms rozraunkovyh dokumentov. For proruchennyam svoїh klієntіv banks zdіysnjutot gotіvkovі th bezgotіvkovі payment yak for rahunok koshtіv klієnt, and і on a credit basis. Безготівковий платіжний обіг здійснюється for допомогою переказів та інкасо.

Payments for the return of the rebates zdіysnjutsya banks shlytom write-off koshtiv z rahunka plyaznika i zarahuvannya їh on rakhunok vkazanoї him an individual. Yakshtso platnik i yogo partner mayut streaming rahunki in one commercial bank, the operation is to be started before the debut of one rahunku and litsubuvannya іnshogo. Якщо рахунки відкриті in різних banks, spend додатково міжбанківські розрахунки for допомогою системи кореспондентських зв'язків. So zvyazyki will be yak bezsedrednno mizh duma banks, so і for the part of the central bank, through a kind of zdіysnyuetsya basic osnag mіzhbankіvskih payments. Otzhe, in the payment of money, do not pay taxes to the plaintiffs of the payer and oderzhuvacha koshtiv, but the rahunki bankov, and the obchogovoyu.

Nadchodzhennya takisannya koshtiv z mizhbankivskikh operatsy salduyutsya, and rozraunki mizh banks zdіysnichutsya on the basis of the vseemnogo zaliku nadohodzhen ta vimog (cliring).

Іncaso є widened the look of the commercial banks in the same way, yakі in rozraunkah zastosovuet vekselі і checks. Інсасування векселів to be carried out by the bank for proruchennyam klієnt before nastannya a line of vyplati for a bill (yogo zapushennia). Vona to be decorated with an endorsement of an unsigned statement, an inscription on the promissory note, a capital letter to the bank to pay. Zgіdno zі string otkushennya bank oderzhuє vіd borzhnik potrybnyu sumu, pererahovuє grooshi rahunok klієnta і quit bill (passed yogo to the platnik).

Інсасування чеків means getting to the bank of your own account, check-ups, for rozporyadzhennyam to write-off koshtіv z rahunka klієnta for paying for the goods. At інкасуванні чеків the bank will write off кошти з рахунка чекодавця, yakschoo yogo pochchny rahunok vidkrytiy at the same bank itself, dey rahunok oderzhuvacha, i zarahovuyu їх on pochnchny rakhunok ostannnogo. Yakshto pochkonny rahunok chekodavtsya vidkrytii in the installation of the bank, check with the bank of the payer, and there zdіysnyuetsya payment iz zastosuvannyam sistemi mіzhbankіvskih rozraunkiv.

In the practice of roses, it is also to be documented, yak plizhinnyi vimogi, vimoga-proruchennya and akreditivnya. Platyzna vimoga zastosovuyutsya with primusovym stjagnenny kostyv in peredbacheny chinnimi normative acts vypadkah. Вимого-доручення застосовується at акцепті the goods. The essence of rozraunki in the field is in that, the names of the document, one part (vimoga) is lodged in yakom, at the same time the goods are bought by the purchaser, the cotyou at various times pay for the goods (the acceptance of the goods), zapovnyuet friend of the document (proruchennya) vlasnimi rekvizitami, stverzhuye їх підписом That is the seal and the building to the bank for payment.

The asset is itself a do-it-yourself bank to buy a bank for a post-mortem person to pay for the rest of the day for a valuation on a loan, in the form of an accredited purchase. Vidkritya accredit to be carried out for a rahunok vlasnih koshtіv kupyttsya, abo bankivskoi guarantee, that is conduit (at the first vipadku) depotnuvannyam koshtiv.

Payments for rahunkami pidpriemstvov vikonuyutsya in chergorsti, yaka vstanovlyuetsya yogo kerivnitsvom, yakschoo іnshe not pobabachene legislature.

For the use of property, property can be held in halls vzaimnogo zaborgovanosti without the bank, in the form of accounting for the accounting region of receivables.

Claims, yakі vinikayut for rozraunkami mizh platnikom that a buyer, rozglyadayutsya parties in arbitrazhnomu chi order without the participation of bankovskih installation.

For nesvoechestvenno (pisnіshe day of the day, writing off the document), chi pomilkove decommissioned koshtiv z rahunka, and takozh for nevoyochasne neo pomilkove zarahuvannya bank Sum, yaki nalezhat klієntu, ostannіy maj right vimagati vіd the bank to pay a fine in rozmіrі 0,3% від невоєчасно chi pomilkovo Захраної (списаної) sumy for a skinny day zatrimki, yakschoo інше not before the sake of a bank and a bankruptcy.

For zdіysnennya rozraunkovyh operatsіy banks vyagyuyut z klієntіv fee at the form of com, rozmіr vsebayachaetsya vіdpіidnomu pactі mіzh sides.

Kasove obeslugovuvannya klієntіv polagayє in that, komertsіyni banks priymayut vid them gotіvkovі koshti ta zahrahovuyut їh on the views, razhayut iz tsikh rahunkіv gotіvkovі koshi klієntam for ikh vimogoju na vіdpііdnі tsіlі.

Banks zdіysnjutt kasiv operatsii z obluhovuvannya klієntіv on the basis of the Ідиних rules, established by the National Bank of Ukraine. The rules are the order of the priyanyatya, vidichi, packing, zberіgannya oblіk gotіvki.

For priinya ttya titachi gotyvki in the establishments of banks, organisuyut pributkovi vidotkov kasi. In the establishments of banks with a small oath of kasovikh operations, one can organisovuyvatsya єdinі kasi, yakі zdіysnjut all complex kasovikh operatsiy.

Прибуткові каси приймають від клієнтів готівкові кошти for standard documents: голошення на насеення готівки, прибутковий касовий ордер. The documents, as a rule, designate the nature of the entry - trading virgin, the virus of transport pidpriyatstv ta іn. On priinyatu vіd klієnta sumu gotіvkovyh koshtiv bank vipisuє kvitanatsіyu. Готівкові кошти, що надійшли до каси банку до закінchenня операційного дня, for the day itself, it's not allowed to use the bank, it's secured on rahunki klієntіv.

In the establishments of banks, I accept money from special bags at special bags, organisuyatsya kasi, in some of them I will overdo the groschen, but in ikasatorskih bags (kasi pererahuvannya).

Vidatkov kasi, pocuyut by the extension of the operative day, to see the draft of claytnam zhnnih rahunkiv for grotesque documents - pennies, pennies, little kasovi warrants. At tsich documents klієnti, as a rule, povinni zazchachit, on yakі tіlі stony otrimyut gotіvku (zabotіtnu fee, vitrati for vіdryadzhennya tіn.).

Establish commercial banks to satisfy your customers' needs in gothic overdrive for rahunok gotivki, scho nad beside kasu vіd klієntіv. Ale can be a bush, but there are a lot of ways to get ready for pawning operative consumers in pennies. Skin setting the bank guilty predict its zabezpechenist gotivkovymi koshty. In order to store a rozraunok maybutnih nadohodzhen (2-3 days) to the bank, those necessary payments go to the forecast rozraunku kasovikh revolutions, specialties rozpodilu yogo otpiznikiv in days misyatsya і actual kasovikh revolves. In the case of a rozraunka, the Maybutn nadohodzhennya z sysh dzherel ta majbutny vyplaty u vstanovlenni strings (vyplaty zabobitnosti plati, pensi, stupendі ta іn.). Rosrakhunok show, chih zomozhe setting the bank to secure the Maybutny vyplati for a raznok pochoknih nadohodzhen і zmenshennia pouring gotivki in kas bank. Yaksho z rozraunku can be seen, but setting the bank not in zmozi zabezpechiti will require klієntіv at gotivtsi, vona storazya the request for pidkrіplennya kasi ta nasilasya її to the regional management of the National Bank. Regionalnoy upravlynnia, otrimavshi application, guilty rozglyagnuti її obgruntovannіst, shob do not allow the use of groshovyh koshtiv ponadovanі sumi. With a positive virіshennі pіtіnnya about підкріплення операційної каси bank готівкою воно (підкріплення) здійснюється або шлюом купівлі готівки у регіональному управінні National bank, you can install a commercial bank in your bank account.

Set the commercial bank, sho moyut nadlishok gotivkovyh koshtiv u kasi, mozut to sell yogo seti NBU to the new banks, y yakih vinikla demand in pikkriplenny kasi. Sales of goods can be made during the year when the national food is handled by the regional administrations of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Commercial banks charge you a fee for kassovi services, rozmіr yavії viznachaєtsya ugodoyu.