Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.


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Розбудова in Україні ринкової економіки виснула на frontier edge of economics science that practices дослідження і вивчення сутності та механізмів functціонування категорій "гроші" та "кредит". On їh vikoristannі gruntuєtsya bіlshіst іnstrumentіv rinkovogo gospodaryuvannya: tsіnoutvorennya, rozrahunkovo-platіzhnі vіdnosini, bankіvska dіyalnіst, systems ekonomіchnogo stimulyuvannya, komertsіyny rozrahunok, іnvestitsіyna dіyalnіst, stock i foreign exchange market, strahuvannya toscho. W urahuvannyam zakonomіrnostey funktsіonuvannya pennies i trumpery market analysis, bankіv, bankіvskoї Sistemi formuєtsya Ekonomichna polіtika powers vzagalі i penny-Credit polіtika central bank zokrema, zdіysnyuєtsya Reigning regulyuvannya vsіh areas ekonomіchnogo Zhittya suspіlstva.

At zv'yazku zim vivchennya disciplinary "Groshy ta kredit" ("Groshi ta kredit") і neobhіdnoyu umovoyu pіdgotovki ekonomistіv вищої кваліфікації. Especially important is the role of the disciplinary board in the preparation of the financial statements for the banking, finance, insurance, accounting and auditing for audit, which is important for the development of the tsei pidruchnik. Vin zabezpechuє naukovo-teorichtichnu i metologichesku basis for formovaniya sistemi znan z zakonno-prikladnykh diziplin n za kozhnoyu z nazvani spetsial'nostej.

Підручник, що пропонується Вашій увазі, докорінно відрізняється від підручника під такою ж назвою, видного за участі наших автоів у 1992 р. Vidavnitvvom "Libyod."

According au-Perche, Ukraine vzhe mayzhe 10 rokіv rozbudovuє ekonomіku rinkovogo type Nabeul digit dosvіdu vikoristannya pennies i loan Nadto folding minds perehіdnoї Economy, experienced nebachenu for peaceful minds gіperіnflyatsіyu, rozbuduvala in the main іnfrastrukturu Vlasnyi bankіvskoї, groshovoї i valyutnoї systems sformuvala in zagalnih Rice penny, stock market and that of the currencies of the country. The authors have shown a wide range of possibilities for translating theoretical positions on the practical use of those actual materials of their own, which was not boo when written by a 1992 planner.

Alternatively, dokorіnno zmіnilasya A typical programa distsiplіni "Groshі that loan," uniquely posilen її theoretical-methodological-gіchna spryamovanіst have zv'yazku s denote at tsomu pіdruchniku ​​z'yavilisya novі rozdіli, deyakі - viluchenі and Ti, scho zalishilisya, Суттєво переоблені.

On-trete, during which time the Ukrainian science duma was actively active in the sphere of pennies, credit, bank news, numbered publications, articles of journals and science publications, articles published in journals and scholarly publications, and published in the same way Chimalo perekladnih fundamental pratz zarubizhnih avtoriv. Tse gave us the opportunity to clarify to us precisely the position of our positions in the region, to dig out the discourse in the context of the collapsible topics of the course.

In the fourth, for tsі Rocky pomіtno polіpshilasya pіdgotovka studentіv ekonomіchnih spetsіalnostey vischih The Teaching zakladіv-thirds that of the fourth rіvnіv akreditatsії, zokrema s makroekono-mіki that ekonomіchnoї teorії, Zi spetsіalnih distsiplіn scho gave pіdstavi authors uniquely poglibiti that uskladniti viklad usіh rozdіlіv rate zoserediti Main Respect for the yogi theoretical and methodological aspects and і menshe respect for priadlyati practical-applied to the food, schoc unikunti dublyuvannya.

Authors okremih rozdілів підручника є: М.І. Savluk - kerivnik of the author's collection (front, height 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.3, 10); AM Moroz (rozdil 12); M. F. Pukhovkina (rozdil 11); /. M. Lazepko (rozdili 8.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6); /. V. Shamova (files 4.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 13.1, 13.2, 13.5); / V. Tokmakova (the birth of 13.3, 13.4).

Authors will vdyachny all vsecham pidruchnika zauvazhennya ta propositsii y zyvostu drive, the structure is designed. Own vidguki that zauvazhennya perimo nasilati at the address: m. Kyiv-03113, Vul. Дегтярівська, 49 "Г", Українська фінансово-банківська школа, проф. Savluk M.I.