Інвестування - Пересада А.А.

5.5. Practical employment and supervision

Busytya 1

1. Tehnichne project is the method of yogo realizatsii.

2. Budivelne and technologic project.

3. Student projects.

Busytya 2

1. Pricelist in the investment sphere.

2. Кошторисна документація.

3. Principles of warehousing of traditional cow dwellers.

Supervised livelihoods

1. Do you see one thing for the project?

2. Yakі є vid tsin on budivelnu product?

3. Do you want to be charged directly or indirectly?

4. What are the plans for the pogrom?

5.6. Basic terminology

• Design


Price list

• Ринкова ціна

• Statistical price

• Price for purchase

• Straight vitrati

• Provision of vitrati

• Інвесторський кошторис

• Кошторис на вартість

5.7. Literature

1. The order of consolidation of titles in the future (ob'ektiv), budivnitsuto yakih zdіysnyuyutsya iz zaluchchennyam budennikh koshtіv abo koshtіv pіdpriєmstv sobytivnosti vlasnosti: Zatv. I decree to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 08.09.97 No. 995.

2. List of Management of nightmares norms, pricelist and examination of Dzerzhbudu of Ukraine dated 20.10.97 No. 6/498.

3. List of Management of nightmares norms, the price that the expertise of Derbyudu of Ukraine dated 15.01.97 No. 6/22.

4. List of Management of koshtorisnih norms, tsinotvorennya ta ekspertizi Derybudu Ukrainy vіd 11.10.97 № 6/390.

5. Peresada AA Basis of investment activity. - To: Libra, 1996.