Strahuvannya - Osadets SS


Розділ 17. Re-insurance and співстрахування

17.1. Sutnist and the role of reinsurance

Vazhko vstanoviti, if the very name of reinsurance , a kind dogovar poklav yomu kachatok , ale mozhna z upvernistyu stverdzhuvati, but vobo zavzhdi rozvilosya slіdom for the very insure, oskilki reinsurance operation - "the second", pokhidnimi vіd insurance.

For some of the necklaces, the better the reinsurance the Bull was held in 1370 rotsi: it was reinsured part of the flight from Code to Bruges (Belgium). Інші датуть перші перестрахування кінцем ХVІ століття, if the insurances-merchants have supplemented themselves with the riziki in the singing parts.

Пізніше, зі зростанням обсягу рестраховувальних операцій та ускладненням їх nature, виникли спеціалізовані компанії. The first professional reinsurance company of the bullet "Koloniya Reinshurans" (1846 рік, Німеччина). In 1863, the Swiss boulevard had a Swiss reinsurance association "Svis Re", in 1880 the company had a reinsurance partnership with Munich. In Russia, there were two reinsurance companies, two of them: "Association of the Russian Reinsurance" and "Dopomoga". First of all, the borderlands of 1885 rotsi, vikonuvalo znachny reinsurance operations. In the years 1910-1915 in the Ukraine, the country's insurance companies reinsured riziki from the wolf.

At our time, the scientific and technological revolution is unlimitedly multiplying, the dedalі pіdsiljєєєє іх concentrіsі, and tse, at іtѕ worm, збільшує як кількість, and і розміри збитків. Нові держави, корі після розпаду колишнього СРСР zdobuli politichnu ta ekonomichnu nezalezhnnost, pozvjayut posilennyu rol ri reinsurance. Natsionalny insurance rinok formetsya, spirajuchys on pevnu pidtrimku power. Проте вітчизняні страхові компанії мають відносно невеликі можливості щодо прийняття ризиків. A demand in pokritti rizikіv zrostaє shvidshe, nizh statutnyi fondi.

Кожна страхова компанія прагне створий стійкий стабілізований the insurance portfolio. Alya zhurstka competitiveness on the insurance market can not be enabled for a strong competition of favorable conditions, for that portfolio of insurances can be relieved by risks from the arrogance of a high turnover. In such a situation, the nastane deprived of one great coffin can be called up to the most important financial investments in the company. Strahovіy kompanії zagrozhuyut takozh velikі zbitki vіd masovikh dribnikh rizikіv, concentrating on the small teritorii (napriklad, koliddedetsya about inshchuju budivel u sіls'kі mіscevostі). І саме перестрахування дає змогу передбачити всі зазначені випадковості. Otzhe, demand in nyomu vinikay for such obstavin.

  • Morning zbotok, pozhanyaniya z great rizikom.
  • Можливий катастрофічний випадок, тобто кумуляція збитків у результаті однієї події.
  • The average frequency of zbits is to be overloaded.

Klasichne viznachennya reinsurance boulo is given in the legislation of Great Britain on the pillow of the ХІХ століття: reinsurance - we are injecting insured already with insured riziku.

Viznachennya nimetskikh insurvikiv takozh lakonichnee і tochne: reinsurance viznaetsya strakhuvannya risikiv, priinyatih insurer.

In practice, insurance policy providers are vikorostvuyetsya takie viznachennya: reinsurance - insurance by one insurer (assignor, reinsurance) on viznacheniyah contract vmyviv riziku vikonannya part ovovyazyv in front of an insurer of a new insured (reinsurer) resident of a non-resident, a kind of insurance policy, a reinsurance, zgidno z legislatstvom Kraїni, in yakіy vіn regestrovany. Tobto in the contract and reinsurance take the fate: insurance comradeship, sho transfer rizik; Insurance comradeship, take pride in the risk of your own admission; Mediarum (not obovozyazkovo). The process, the actions of transferring the risk, to name the jealousy , the abortion. Insurant (reinsurance), sho viddae rizik, nazivayut tsedentom. Insurvik (reinsurance), kotriy rizik priymaє, - tsesionarієм .

Insurant (assignor, reinsurance), a kind of loss from the reinsurer of contracts for reinsurance, to be littered against the insured person before the insured person in accordance with the insurance contract.

In case of an insured vipadka, the reinsurer is not responsible for the loss of zybotim on himself zobov'yazannymi reinsurance. Vidnosini insurances and reinsurance regulyuyutsya agreements, sho ukladanyutsya mizh them.

Rizik, priyutnyat reinsurer viz reinsurance, mozhe bouti znovu transmissions at pevnіy partinі іnshomu reinschaviku. Tse protsiivayut retrocession . Side, but transfer an indirect riszik, nazyvayut retrotsententom , and side, but take on such a rhizik - retrotsionaryarієm (Figure 17.1).

At the result of re-insurance (ces), retrocessionally, it is necessary to underwrite the risks, insure the insurances of the insured by the insurances both on the inside and on the call of the zinc.

A hose of a retrocession part of the risk may be transferred to the direct insurer (cedentovi). Shchob uniknuti takoї kumulyatsії zbitkіv, the contract and reinsurance can be zrobiti vidpovidn zasterezhennia.

Yak in insurance, so in the reinsurance operations, they are not mediocreped. The necessity of a visa service to a broker is remedied by the specialty of risky in reinsurance: the riches of rizikiv, the high quality of the goods, the demand in the markets for special purposes. The broker gotue all the information for the purpose of proposition and in the best way in the best way. Після розміщення пропозиції брокер готує перестраховувальний договір. And після його підписаня забезпечує необхідний документообіг. Broker otrimuє komіsіyu, scho varіyuyutsya, yak rule, from 10 to 15% net-premii.

Cesía and Retrocession Fig. 17.1. Cesía and Retrocession

Отже, головні функції брокера такі:

  • Presented by the client;
  • Advising;
  • Negotiation;
  • Rozpodil rizikiv.

Oskilki u natura i strahuvannya i perestrahuvannya є bagato spilnogo (rozpodil riziku mizh zatsikavleniemi of the contract insurance insurances reinsurance, the similarity of the insured, the cotransfer is the risk of reinsurance, the insurance, the cotransfer is the risk of the insurance of the company), then with the reinsurance operations are carried out on the principle itself, Scho d with insurance, zokrema: the principle of insurance insurance; The principle of messing up zbits; Principle of nayvishchoy sumlnnosti.

At разі купівлі in the reinsurer захисту (guaranties від збитків), the insurer transfers to the yom part of the risk, and takozh i part of the premiè. Alya for organisatsiyu priyomu riziku on insurance of insured person is the right to otrimannya komisenny vinogorodi, abo komіsії z premii. Otzhe, komіsіya - tse gazodozhena part of incurred by the assignor vitrate z ukladannya kontrolіv insurance.

I would like to cancel my visit by:

Ориііінальна комісія - відрахування з премії на касть цедента. Виплачується в перестраховувальній цесії.

Reinsurance of a comission - vidrahuvannya z premii on the corridor retrotsententa. Vikoristovuyutsya when retrotsіїї.

Брокерська комісія - відрахування з премії на користь брокера. Pokrivaet vitrati, pov'yazany z rozmistchennyam reinsurance contract, іраховує прибуток по цьом розміщенню.

The insurer (assignor) is the right to tantyomu - vidrahuvannya to the reinsurance of the reinsurance, which can be returned for the results of passage through the contract of reinsurance. Tantiema viplachuyutsya shoroku із sumi net pribudku, yaky otrymu reinsurance company. Tse form zaohochennya reinsurance reinsurance shodo nadanoї participants in the contract reinsurance, sumlіnosti ta obachnogo vedennya spravi.

Значне місце у перестрахуванні посідають перестраховувальні пули. Rozriznyayut two types of pools: pool of insurance and pool reinsurance. The pool of insurance to carry out sales of goods, for any of the participants to take on themselves earlier than the yearly part of the meeting. The pool of perestrahuvannya perebachaє, scho insurances vypuskayut polihi samostіyno, utrymuyut gorodzhenzhenu chunk, and sieve transfer from the pool on the basis of the quota to the licensee. The reinsurance pool of the yoke is a mediator, rozpodilyayuchi transferred to reinsurance riziki mezh its members. З I will look at the syllabic dossier for the docent to vvazhaetsya stovovaty bullets in the insurance of risks to the possible catastrophic consequences (nuclear risks, aviatsiyny, kasko marine vessels).

Special significance of bullets nabuvaivat at kraїnah, de vіdbuvaetsya stanovlennya rinku insurance and reinsurance. Слід зауважити, що для збільшення місткості національного ринку перестрахування вживають різних заходів, one of them - the strictness of insurance and reinsurance pools. The first parrots of such insurance companies have already been announced in Ukraine.

The need for reinsurance in the days of zrostatme through huntsman's insurance, the devil's bilhose, the great, speci fi c risks, and in the case of privatization processes, which are invoked in our territory. Ajay ob'ekti privatization, yaki vtratili pidtrimku z boku budget, organіv upravlennya, opinyayutsya in risizhiky situatsіyah.

Otzhe, the role of reinsurance is important to overestimate.

For the sake of reinsurance, the insured person can be whistled off in the Vidadkivs (sprinkineni neperedbachuvanimymi obstavnami) vidhilen rozraunkovoy zbitkostyі vіd її actual rivnya in streaming rotsi. Tom reinsurance є neobhіdnoyu umovoi zabezpechennya fіnansovoї stіykostі i okol'noї dіyalnіі insavikova nezalezhno vіd rozmіro yogo kapitalu ta izavivikh zapresiv.

Reinsurance, fіnansovo підтримуючи insurance company, сприяє розширенню її страхової діяльності. Tse duzhe it is important for the insured, a kind of zatsikavleny at rozshirenny mozlivostey svoyeh companii. Insurant, ponochayuchi robot in the new for nyogo types of insurance, as a rule, actively vikoristovu reinsurance, scho dye yomu mozhnivіst nabuvati potibnogo dosvidu bezpechnim for himself a hat.

Reinsurance does not deprive insurers of insurance, but they can cope with the fear of the insurer; Insurance companies in insurance companies; Accidents in the company of underprivileged pribudku; The power of guarantee of the supremacy of the claims on insurance of goods and services.