Strahuvannya - Osadets SS

19.2. Vitrati insurance companies

Vitraty insurance companies , so itself, yak і доходи, пов'язаніі діямм характером її діяльності. Vicremlyuyut vitrati on the insurance of insurance operations (the form itself is to formulate the collection of insurance indemnities), and vitrati for the performance of the earlier operations (vitrati, and so on), and that of the yogic income of the zychaynoyi diyalnosty nazvichaynih operatsi.

Ponad 90% zagalnoy sumi, insurance company insurance, falls, without interruption, on the "insurance" vitrati. Ці витрати дуже разнорідні. Ushu їх сукупність можно за економічним змістом поділити на three великі groups:

  • Vyplaty insured sum insured vidshduvan for insurance contracts reinsurance;
  • Vitrati to the service of insurances and reinsurance;
  • Vitrati on utriannya insurance company.

Two of the remaining groups of vitrates are possible for the participants to understand "vitrati for the custody of the police" .

Naivagomisha statu vitrat insavikika - vyplati insured sum insured vidshkoduvan.

Згідно із The Law of Ukraine "About insure", insurance vishkohduvannya - the price of a penny of sum, yaka viplachuyutsya insured for the symptoms of the mine insurance and insurance against impairment in the course of insurance vipadku. Shch ososuyutsya osobistogo insure, then the payment for the mentality of such insurance in vitichnyannomu insurance is not "insured vidshkoduvannam", but " insurance sumoju . " Vikoristana neodnakovyh terminov povyazanye zim, scho khiddeddsya about vidshkoduvannya, then zvichayno pіd him rozumyut compensating material zbitkiv, yakі majut penny otsinku. Shcho up to school, zapodіyano zdorov'y mneni, abo vtrati it zhittya, so zіbitki can not otsіniti u groshovіy formi. Tomu ydetsya here is not about compensating insured material zbitkiv, and about the payment for the insurance coverage of the insured sums of the partial part of the insurance contract. Тобто ця виплата має швидше nature of financial support to the insured abo yogo rodinі, аніж відшкодування збитків, як у майновому страхуванні та страхуванні відповідальності. That is not called von "we insure vidshchoduvannam", but "insurance sumoju".

Insurance vidshkoduvannya, zgіdno zchinnim legislation, can not perevishchuvati direct zbitku, yakogo zaznav insurance. Indirect zbitki vvazhayutsya insured, yakschoe tse pobarcheno contract insurance.

At times, if the insured person does not have insurance against the maynym insurance, the insurance of the sum insurer does not finish the insurance of the insured object, but becomes a part of the yoga ward, the insurance is inspected in so-called private parts for the insurance of zbits. With the help of a proportional system of insurance. Yakshcho umovami insurance in front of the vicarage of the Belarusian system (for example, the systems of the "first risiku" abo systems of the boundary security system), then it is necessary to follow the current scheme, in order to please the host.

Viplaty insured vidushkouvan і insured sums of vitrati, yakі, up to the structure of the tariff rate, be insured with insurance net-premiums (Figure 19.1).

The insurance contractor insures the insurance contract in accordance with the insurance contract, insure him with the law on submitting the insurance insurer (the yogi of the right-of-interest, omitting the insurances of insurance), and the insurance certificate (avarial certificate), and storing it by the insurant with his special (avarin komissar) form, yaku viznacha itself Insurant.

In the case of consumer insurances, you can take care of the property, you can be insured by vipadkom, to law enforcement organizations, banks, medical pawns and other organizations, installation of an insurance company, information about the insurance vipadku, and can be self-inflicted cause of harm Compose insurance vipadku. Legislation zobov'azuet pіdpriєmstva, established organisatsії nadisilati insurvarians vіdpovіd on zapit about vіdomostі, pozhyazannyі zі vyhimvim vipadkom, beside that number danny, scho є kerertsіynoju таємницею. At tsymu, zgіdno іz Law of Ukraine "About insure", the insurer is not responsible for the abuse.

Duzhe vzaimlivee znachennja moe termin pribleniya inshovykh sumy i izvolovykh vidshchodavan on the corridor of the insurer (insured, right-hander). Згідно із The Law of Ukraine "About insure", the insurer of zobov'yazaniy through the length of two robotic days, but not in the camp of the insurance vipadku, vzhiti zahodiv zhodo zakonodlenna vseh nehokhdnikh dokumentov for svoyachno vyplati. Willing to pay the insurance contract at the end of the contract with the term. Він несе майнову відповідальність за невоєакнуну виплату by the strike of insurance of penalties (penalties, penalties), розмір anchored in the contract of insurance.

Yakshtse tse perebacheno contract insurance, then in the zagalnyh vyplat vyplat otsyaetsya takozh vidshkoduvannya strakhuvalnikovi vitrat, yakі vіn ponіs nastannіi vypadnogo vipadku, shchob zabibіgti zbitkam ov zmenshiti їх.

To the phisical persons vyplati zdіysnayutsya yak gotіvkoyu, so і безготівково: з каси insurance companies; A refusal for bankovyh rahunok otrimuvacha; A refusal for the robot's world.

Legal entities, as a rule, otrymuyut vraplati vyplati in bezgotivkovyi formi, perekazuvanannyam vidpііdnyh sumy bankіvskogo rahunka іn insurance company on bankівський рахунок страхувальника.

At разі дострокового припинення the contract insured legislation of Ukraine fenced off turn of koshtіv готівкою, якщо insurance premium було it is brought in безготівковій formі.

There is a group of coins of insurances - vitrati on the service of insurances and reinsurance. In practice, insurance compa- nies and vitrati are sub- lated to akvizitsinі, іnkasacіynі, ліквідаційні.

Аквізиційні витрати - це витрати, по'язані із залученням нових страхувальників, укладанням нових догововив страхування. Wongs can include payment for the service of a box of minds, rules for insurance, and for conducting actuarial roses; Komіsіynu vinarogodu insure mediators (brokers, agents) for ukladannya and obesgovovuvannya pact of insurance; Відшкодування we insure agents with vitration for the services of travel, which are charged with the visions of їхніх обов'язків; Payment of services to special services, taxes on insurance; Vitrati on vigotovlennya blankyv insurance documents; Vitrati for advertising.

Ікасаційні витрати - це витрати, по'язані з обслуговуванням готівкового обігу страхових премій: on payment of services to companies, yakі забезпечуть отримання страхових премій у готівковій формаі; Vitrati on vigotovlennya blank forms of receipts and receipts shodo priyomu insurance premiys; To pay for banking services, which are involved in insurance claims.

Ліквідаційні витрати - це витрати, по'язані з урегулюванням збитків. Wongs include payment of services to special services and zyasuvannya reasons і viznachennya rozmіru zbitkiv, zavdannih ob'ektam inshawn; Vitrati on the pile of information in the information and information; Payment of bank services, which are charged to the insurance premiums of insurances; Витрати на проїзд аварійного комісара та експертів до місця страхової події і назад; Ships and vitrati; Postshtovo-telegraphic vitrati of this insurance premium; Відрахування in reserve збитків тощо.

It is intended to be vitrified at once with insurance payments - tse spezifichnі vitrati. Same vony vidriznyayut vitrati insavika vіtrat інших суб'єктів госдарювання.

Ostannya group of vitrate - vitrati for utriannya insurance companies - tse taksya svetyi ​​adminostistrativno-upravlinsky vitrati, yakі maє be-yak gospodarjuyuchy sub'ekt. Wongs include a payback to the staff of the company (mainly iodotkovu) with naraukhuvannami, payment for the rent of the property, payment of communal services, served the call; Vitrati on pribbannya clerical and merchandise goods, advertising, vidrjuzhennya, utriannya and obsgovovuvannya motor transport, amortizatsiinі vidrahuvannya that інші витрати, які, згідно з чинним законодавством, відносять to the warehouse of the operating insurance policy vitrits.

I will look at the structure of the tariff rate with respect, with respect to the vitrality of the process of insurance and reinsurance, that of vitrati on utriannya insurance companies, all the vitrati on the vedenya spravi, zvichayno become 20-25% of the insurance tariff, then yak on vyplati insurances sumyi і insurance відшкодування припадє від 60 to 80%.

In practice, the Ukrainian insurers інкасаційні витрати у склаі спецфічних витрат страховика не виокремлюються. The Law of Ukraine "About insure" its hour by forcing such a warehouse insurance policy:

  • Vyplati insured sum insured vidshkoduvan;
  • Відрахування в центлізовані страхові резерні фонди (наприклад, у ті самі two funds of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine, about which occurred in p. 19.1);
  • Відрахування в технічні резерні, інші, ніж reserve unfrozen premii;
  • Vitraty on spent insurance (tobto zvichaini vitrati on utriannya firmi і zdіysnennya її basicno dіyalnosti).

Oksim vitrat, yakі zabezpechuyut vikonannya insurer of yogo basic diyalnosti (insurance and reinsurance), and on the basis of what is to be done, the insurance service, the insurance company, the insurance company, the insurance company, its assets, and the passive. The character of cichlorate vitrate is stored in specific types of structures that are active and protected by the insured. Zdebnilshogo soi vitrati zakladayutsya z pay for the ambassador of the financial and credit institutions, yakі diyut on the market of pincers. Portovnyano z income from the investment projects, ti vitrati viglyadayut to finish up with the ignorant, the protagonists of the story. So itself yak і vitrati, pov'yazhenі z oderzhannam budetiv vіd іnshoї zvichaynoї operatіynoї діяльності та надзвичайних операцій. Усі перелічені види витрат страхова компанія бере до уваги при визначенні фінансових результатів своєї діяльності.