Groshovo-credit systems for foreign banks - Ivanov VM

6.5. Groshovo-kreditna polichika ta її evolyutsіya (1945-1998).

Грошово-кредину політику Японії розробляє і здійснює Bank of Japan yak is not isolated because of legislation. Prepare penny-bank loans to the bank in 1945-1978. Відізнялися від тих, які використовували центральні банки розвинених капіталістичних країн.

The main instrument of the groschen-credit policy was a loan to the credit, the interest was played by the role of the interest rate with the regularized flows of capital. Zhorstko adjusted the main rates on the market of bank loans. Vidkritogo rink tsіnnih papperіv practically not існувало.

Power zdіysnyuvala zhorstkiy control over the disinformation of private banks. Vin Polagav at such a special japanese junior loan and credit, yak re-lending. Upprodzh 60-80-s rockov apogee perekreditovannya pripavav on periodi stabilnogo ekonomichnogo rozvitku of Japan. Predkredituvannya vidbuvalosya todi, if mіsіk banks poured out poses to the non-financial sector in the bargaining, but they were reacquired on deposits of koshti. The Bank of Japan is the creditor in the rest of the country for private banks, and the annuity, the stink of money were posted by the post-soviet central bankers.

In Japan from 1945 onwards. На відміну від багатох країн з розвиненою ринковою економікою banks do not booze nationally. In the 50-ti rock, it is guaranteed by private FKI to be committed to the establishment of the state powers (Japanese Bank for Development, Export-Import Bank of Kazakhstan).

Кількісне раціонування credit to the credit of the credit for loans to banks, the central bank having pushed in the FKI, the one in the managed credit expansion, the toto in the administrative control over the deposits of banks of private resources in its own cli- nites.
Viokremljuyut takі basic ozsobi groshovo-kreditnoї polichiki Bank of Japan :

• koriguvannya oblikovoї rates - the maximum reserve rate is to become 20% (єnovi pasivi nonresident in that foreign currency deposit of residents reserve 100%), 17 to install on the basis of rіvnі okremo for categories рахунків і категоріями ФКІ;

• reguljuvannya obsyagіv komіvіlі-sale інігацій та векселів;

• Sumi obovvyazyakovogo reservoir for some of the rahunks for having a chance to pay a deposit with the Bank of Japan in the course of a month. For nedrahovanu sumu contracted a fine for rozmіrі oblіkії rates of commercial bills і 3.75% річних (table 10, 11);

Table 10

Normi ​​obovvjazkovogo reservoir for banks in Japan *

Deposits of deposits (including non-resident companies)

Strokov's contribution to that deposit, sertifikati,%

Інші deposits,


Up to 50 billion єн



From 50 to 500 billion єн



Від 500 billion єн to 1.2 trillion єн



Від 1,2 to 2,5 trillion єн



Ponad 2.5 trillion єн



Resident deposits in foreign currencies



Non-resident єнові рахунки


Non-resident and non-residents


Borgov zobov'yazannya bankov


Грошові трасти


* Stand on 16.10.91.

Table 11

Normi ​​obovyazyakovogo reservoir for banks in Japan


1992 p.

1996 р.







• monetoring banknews dіyalnostі (здійснюється міністерством фінансів once for 2-3 роки): виявлення тренцій фінансового ринку і sistemi rozraunkіv, vstanovlennya ризику неліквідності, забезпечення збалансоіваного іvanівіння банівськоююююю;

• Shoddeniy control of the bank's balance sheets in the form of forecasting of retail loans in Maybutnykh loans and depositing on deposits;

• a deposit of proposals from the plan of bank loans to creditors of the credit and financial services.

Controlling food

1. Зміни, що відбулися у грошовій системі Japan in the XX century.

2. Shcho pidvistchennu pushed the course єni 80-90-ti rock XX century.?

3. Banks, branches at the border with the laws of 1872 and 1897 r.

4. The structure of the credit system of Japan.

5. Special financial and credit institute of Japan.

Test of evil for self-control

1. Bank of Japan otrimav right fіdutsіarnoi banknotnoe іgіііії згідно із law:

A) 1897 rubles;

B) in 1931;

C) in 1888;

D) in 1948;

E) the correct ones, a), d).

2. Zolotyi standard yak form organizatsiyi groshovoї sistemi існував у Японії в період:

A) 1897-1948;

B) 1897-1931;

C) 1888-1931;

D) 1897-1914;

Д) усі відповіді неправильні.

3. Перетерення єни на регіональну Reserve the currency in the list:

A) structural changes in the economy;

B) productivity;

C) znizhennia vitrate process vibrochnoї діяльності;

D) the tempo of the economical zrostania;

Д) стабілізації цін;

Е) усі відповіді правильні;

)) Correct є a), b), c).

4. The credit system of Japan is implemented:

A) by a bank with banks (Bank of Japan and commercial banks);

B) the Bank of Japan, commercial banks, non-banking financial and credit institutions;

C) the central bank, commercial banks, non-banking financial and credit institutions;

D) by banks that non-bank financial institutions and credit institutions;

E) the correct ones, a), d).

5. Main functions of the Bank of Japan:

A) the amount of money;

B) the services of the state burg;

C) vidavannya normative acts;

Г) здійснення грошово-кредитної політики;

E) kasovo obsluhovuvannya skarbnitsi;

E) by the right ones, a), d), e); Є) усі відповіді правильні.