Groshovo-credit systems for foreign banks - Ivanov VM


10.1. Groshov's system of reforms in tsarist Russia

In Russia from 1769 to 1895 rubles. Інунув паперово-грошовий, it is important інфляційний обіг. Lishe nislya reform Kankrina in 1839-1843 rubles. Currency (Hochi and for a short period - up to 1853 r.). Stabilizuvati. Tsia persha in Russia reformed the polygal in devaluation of the indicative ruble and in the established monetalism. With a vicious odinitseyu becoming srіbniy ruble із вмістом in one spool 2.1 parts of pure срібла. Асигнації steel допоіжними signs with a rate of 3 rubles. 50 copecks. For 1 ruble ruble. In 1841 the river. Було випущено нові грошові знаки - кредині білети номінальною вартістю 50 руб. - розмінні on срібло.

At the friend's half of the XIX century. Rozvitok promislovogo kapitalizmu in Rossii zmusiv tsarist regiment rozpochati reorganizatsiyu groshovoi sistemi, shchob zhdomom vіd інфляційного грошового обігу go to sistemy of gold monometalizmu. One of the main approaches to the tsarist class in the penny-making penny reform was a pile of gold reserves (it was fixed in 1881 - 1897 rubles). Z cією metodo vzhivalisya naiрізноманітніші заходи для збільшення експорту сільськогосподарських продуків за кордон (починаючи з виідповідної системи the incentives of halls and tariffs and закінчичи посиленням податкового тиску на селян).

In the rock of perebuvannya to posadі mіnistra financіn S. Vіtte tsі polіtica dopovnila garyachkovy sysilami zaluchiiti in Rosiyu yakneibіlі less іноземних капіталів іриримати posings behind the cordon. The villages in 1887-1897. Bulo otrimano stern force behind the cordon on the sum of 1050 million rubles.

The succunity of the tsikh zahodiv fought against it, on the first day of 1896 r. The gold fund of Russia was 963.8 million rubles. Against 366.5 million rubles. For 1 січня

1886 р.

The pile of the gold reserve in the so-called velikіy kіlkosti allowed the zmug to move to the system of gold monometalism, the latter was built in 1895-1897. Vnaslidok reform, held by the Ministry of Finance S. Vitt. Перехід до нової системи грошового обігу знаменував нову епоху у грошовому обігу Російської імперії.

The result of the reforms in 1895 r. Allowed to operate with gold, buv vypuschenyi pivmperial - 5-ruble gold coin for 7 rubles. 50 copecks. Кожна та імперіал - 10-ruble coin, tobto було здійснено девальвацію грошової одниці на ттину.

In the year 1897, Почався розмін крединих білетів на золото. Gold ruble, having met 0,774234 g of pure gold. Boulo has established the rules for the issuance of credit bills by the Bank . Zgіdno zavіvim statute Держаний банк мав право vипускати кредині білети під забезпечення золотом у розмірі, суво обмеженому нагальними, demanding a penny's share: up to 600 million rubles. Gold was turned less than half; Credit lines are 600 million rubles. Povinni buli zabezpecchuvatsya on 100% gold. The coin of the boule has been reorganized for additional use. The release of the monobloc monet was installed in the rozmіrі 3 rub. Per capita.

Decree dated 29 of the serf 1897 р. The system of bank loans has been installed by the bank. Tsim by law, the issuer's bankruptcy, Derzhbank was liable for yogo's gold reserves.

In the case of a penny, the reform of the boulevard was progressive, the incineration of the river banked up to the gold standard and caused the stabilization of the penny systems. Vodnochas slid zaznachiti, scho groshnova system Rosii Bula is motivated non-radically.

З 1897 to 1914 р. Nasravdi in Russia not a bouquet of banknotes, but a bill of gold certificates. Derzhbank actually does not have the right to obey the law. Banknotes, sho buli in the river, for the winches of 1906-1907 rubles, were bent by the original gold fund more than 100%. Тільки за ці two роки під впливом російсько-японської війни, and especially as a result of the revolution, the order of misunderstandings був збільшити кількість banknotes in обігу і gold покриття впало нижче

100 %.

About the non-nationality of the booths of the penny systems to adhere takozh of the high-pitched python of the waga into the sea of ​​gold with the credit bills, but the unproductive vitrati obigu. In addition, Derzhbank zmusheny buv ugrimuvati unproductively ponad mіlyardni gold reserve for the protection of the port of small loans to the credit bіleіv in the bank. Tse takozh dodatkovo zbіlshuvalo vitrati obigu, тоді як країна відчувала госту нестача в каіталах. Such a penny system bula in the road expensive and non-elastic.

The negative manifestation of the bula takozh is the high pitoma of the waga in the north of the monotony - 10%. On the first day of 1901 р. In obygu perebuvalo srіbіnі moneti on 232,7 million rbl. Vypuchayuchi in obyg taku veliku kilkіst srіbla, tsar's order namagavsya obmezhiti obіg gold, zberegti zoloty reserve Derbybanku, and takozh to hold дохід до скарбниці. Sprobi contract in vprovaditi in obyg yakomogo bilshu kilkіst srіbla (in the past, the normative standards of the country allowed the emigration to be released in the yoga yajzha for 400 million rubles). Срібна coin for здійснення платеів була вкрай незручною. A oskilki in rozdribnomu turnover і for small and medium-sized rozmіrіv sum of payment ії vikoristovuvali naychastіshe, then groshiy obіg buv loud and unruly.

Groshov's system of the Russian Empire and the reform can be characterized as a system of gold monetalism iz gold and decorative and in the background. On the first day of 1914 r. Penny Masa in the Oblast became (for example in million rubles and vidosok) [41, p. 143]:

• credit lines - 1665 (65.2);

• Gold Monet - 494 (19.3);

• срібні монети - 226 (8,8);

• Monet Monet - 18 (0.7);

• treasury bills - 150 (6). One-time: 2553 (100).