Legal Encyclopedia. Letter D


- A representative elected by the people and the power to exercise

legislative power in the representative bodies of state power.

D. are members of the lower chambers of parliament.

The legal status of AD is based on the imperative mandate principle. In democracies, it is based on the principle of free mandate.

The deputy's mandate includes:

1) the possession of a special legal capacity;

2) incompatibility with certain positions and occupations.

The term of office starts with the DA election.

In Dmitry may be a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 years. Powers shall begin from the date of election and expire since the beginning of the work of the representative body of the new convocation.

D. possess immunity during

term of office and work on a permanent professional basis. They can not be in the public service, engage in other paid activities, except for scientific and teaching.

The election procedure and the status of AD is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.