The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

4.6. Economical ambush of the function of farming (farmer) statehoods

Selyansky (farmers') statehoods have become a mere vinikati for the first stage of agrarian reforms. Svіtovy dosvіd perekonuє, scho stubs to lead vibrobitnitsu vysokoproduktivno і ponnistyu virishuyut food problem. In the village people's realities one of the nairadical forms of private ownership is ensured, zavodyaki chomu pravtsivnikiv ponnyistyu vidrodzhuyutsya poteutty gospodar.

Selyanske (fermerske) Gospodarstwa (SFG) Je Form pіdpriєmnitstva gromadyan Ukraine, SSMSC viyavili Bazhannya perevazhno NKVD Prace chlenіv tsogo Gospodarstwa viroblyati trademark produktsіyu sіlskogo Gospodarstwa, zaymatisya її pererobkoyu i realіzatsієyu. Tse pіdpriєmstvo є juridicheskoju especial, maє nazvu, a typing-print і a stamp, працює on ambushes самоокупності.

The economical and socially-legal prisons of the state and the functioning of the village governments are regulated by the laws of Ukraine "About the entry of clan and dopovnen to the law of Ukraine" About the countryman (farmer's) state "," About the authorities "," About the land "and the Land Code of Ukraine. Їm guaranty rіvnіst zіnshimi forms of the state dignity in the countryside and self-esteem in the virubichi ta komerciynіy dіyalnі.

The head of the village (farmer) statehood is a yogi, a bureaucrat on whom I see a power act on the right of the land to the right of private / private ownership. Members of this state can be friends, їх батьки, діти віком 16 і більше років та інші родичі, які об'єдналися для ведення спільного виробництва.

Виробничо-економічні відносини з державними, кооперативними таіншими підприємствами, з оргаізаціями та громадянами селянське (фермерське) годарство будує на основі договоів. Держані та інші organization do not flout the right to embark in yogo gospodarka diyalnist. Zapodіyanі vіd such vtruchanya zbitki vіdshkodovoditsya vinnimi.

Zgіdno zchinnim on the ear half of 2002 p. Legislvstvo rozmіr zemelnogo ділянки for vedennya SFG mozhe stanoviti up to 100 hectares of lands sylskogospodarskogo gritschennia (zemli y privatnіy vlasnostі і zemlі, nadanі u postіyne koristuvannya).

At the first time, the priinya prinyattya chinnogo legislativnu about prichernya selyans'koho (farmer) gosdarstva such pidpriemstvam without payment was transferred to the land in the middle parts of the section, but fell on one Silesian resident in the territory for the sake of people's deputies. Zi stvorennyam PCB i of acceptance of the Presidential Decree "On the order payuvannya land, sent messages from Collective vlasnіst" (od 08.08.1995 r.), S Yakim Leather zgіdno member of the winning pіdpriєmstva right viyti s Demba Zi svoїm land paєm for organіzatsії Selyanske (fermerskogo) Gospodarstwa , Rozmіr such pаy viznachavsya for іnshim principle, if vrahovuvalysya area sіlskogospodarskih yііі підприємства та кількість yogo member, including pensіoneriv. Skin, hto vyhodov z kompanii KSP with the method of securing selyanskoho (farmer) gosdarstva, the land share was transferred free of charge. The rule of law was vitally affected by the restructuring of the PCB in private pending with the Presidential Decree "On the inadmissibility of entering the economy and accelerating the reform of the agrarian sector of the economy" (dated 3.12.1999). In the process of such restructuring, the boulou is devolved, in all probability, 1,254 farmer's states.

Selyansky (farmer) gosdarstvo nadano right dodatkovo, to viznachenoї by the legislation of the boundary area to lease the land, and so the brothers in the rent of technical means for the expansion of the scale of the virginia diyalnost. Ninі bagato SFG zavdyaki tsiomu peretorelisya u dosit velikі pіdpriєmstva z ploschuyu sіl'skogoospodarskih lands for a number of hundreds to more than thousand hectares.

Over the minds scho SFG stvoryuyutsya on neosvoєnіy teritorії de Absent ob'єktіv virobnichogo i nevirobnichogo priznachennya on perіod formation of such Gospodarstwa Power nadaє Yomou Relief for rakhunok Reigning tsentralіzovanih kapіtalnih vkladen, mіstsevih byudzhetіv.

Усі СФГ здійснють a payment for the ground. Before the 1999 p. Such a charge was consulted in the form of a land tax, a rozmіr yakogo viznachavsya zalizhno vіd anchorі і місцезназнаходняня земельної ділянки. З 1 січня 1999 р. Tsі підприємства, як і аграрні підприємства інших оргаізаційних forms of the state dignity in the village, splice the Ідиний фіксований сільськогосподарський податок. Novostvoreni SFG zvіlnyayutsya vіd sdelati podatku prodolzhom trihokh rokіv z chasu nadannya їm zemelnoy dilyanki.

Seljansky (farmers), the state of zobov'azanі efectively vikoristvuvaty land, zahischati її vіd вітрової і водної ерозії, селів, залолочення і засолення, заростання with chagarnikami і drіnbіnlіssіm, timchasovoe tinned, degraded land, not protected by the rights of the landlords and landlords.

Land, mayo, and voroblena products, groshovi koshti, tsinnyi paperi farmerskikh (selyanskih) gospodarstva nalezhat yogo to members on the rights of spilnoy sumisknoy vlasnosti, yakshcho іnshe not pobabachene for the sake of mіzh them. By its lane you can rasporyadzhayutsya vlasniy rozsudem: mozhut yogo prodavati, podnevati іnshim pіdpriєstvam і organіzatsіyam, obmіnjuvati, zdavati for rent, nadavati in timchasov korostuvannya. Selyansky (farmer) gospodarstvam nadayuytsya wide rights in gospodarskiy diyalnosti. Wongs selfishly vsnachayayut spetsializatsiyu vibrobitvtva i yogo scales, on vyssnyy rozsud rozporyadzhayutsya vyroblenuyu them produktsiye, dobirayut partnerov in ekonomichnyh zvoyozykah. At the diligent ambushes of the SFG, you can arrange for an agreement with other people on sales of your products with payment for pre-tax items. On the solution of the production of stink samostiyno vstanovlyuyut tsini, vypodyasci z popitu ta proposoziії.

Dzherelom formovannya earnings tsikh pіdpriєmstv є virchka vіd realizatsії produktsii (robot, іsg), divііdіdi na tsіnnі paperi, pributok vіd partі from діяльності спільних підприємств та інші надходження. It is important, sho selyansky (farmers) of the statehood of roses to come home on their own, keruchuychas vlasynimi enteressami. Bagato of companies through such sezonnіst sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva not zmozі zabezpechuvati visokodohіdnіst virobnitstva without employment for a robot іnshih gromadyan for labor contracts, scho skladaєtsya vіdpovіdno to vimog zakonodavstva about Prace Ukraine. In the course of the transaction, the payment for the payment of the privilege and the trivalence of the paid compensation for the recruitment of oasibs is not to be blamed for the least amount of minerals, investments by the state. Payment for the right of execution does not lie in the final results of the village property (farmer's) state property.

Takі підприємства відкривають у бы-якій установі bank (state, commercial) розруунковий та ішийший рахунки, in the number of currencies. Pong on Vlasnyi rozsud virіshuyut power about vikoristannya penny koshtіv, toil right to take short i dovgotermіnovі loans pid outpost lane, privatizovanoї zemlі, viroblenu produktsіyu, surety, that garantіyu INSHI Vidi zabezpechennya zobov'yazan.

Law of Ukraine "About Selyanske (fermerske) Gospodarstwa" peredbachaєtsya Reigning sotsіalne strahuvannya i pensіyne zabezpechennya chlenіv tsogo Gospodarstwa that osіb Naiman, SSMSC pratsyuyut in nomu for contract narіvnі s іnshimi pratsіvnikami sіlskogo Gospodarstwa. An hour of robotics in the category of pratsivniki in the village (farmer) gosdarstvіi included before the zagalnogo and lifetime experience.

Diyalnist selyanskogo (farmer) gospodarstva mozhe bouti pripinena z riznykh zakon, zokrema through kotorovilnee rіshennya member gorodarstva about pripinennya yogo diyalnosti, viznannya yogo bankrutom and in times pripinennya rights vlasnosti on land, the rights korostuvannya zemlynoy dіlyankoyu zigіdno z vimogami zemadnogo Kadastru Ukrainy ne abo vypadkakh, If not zalishaetsya zhodnogo member SFG chi spadkoemtcya, a kind of bazha prodvzhiti diyalnist state.

On the ear rim of 2001. In the Ukraine it was 38 428 SFG, in the corridor-like boules 2157.6 thousand yew. Ha sylskogospodarskih yugіd, that number of 1994 yew. Ha rіllі. In Fig. 4.1 induced dynamika kіlostі SFG ta їh srednnі rozmіri for ploschuyu sіl'kogospodarskih ugіd. After giving the date for the date of the area of ​​the Sileskopolodarskih Ugid on one day, the state became 56 hectares. Отже, відбувається постповеббільшення не лише кількості, а и розмірів СФГ, що слід віднести up to the positive zrushen at the development of the country's Silesian government. Through the lack of technical support and technology, and the lack of a start-up capital for pribbannya in the necessary system of material revolving funds, the SFG has not been wholly deprived of the right to be effective in the workplace. It has been riddled with the most complicated forms of state dignity in the countryside. Zaymayuchi 5.2% of the sylvicultural communities, poultry farms, 5.1% of the grain virgin of the virgin yogo virobnitskva, 5.7% buryak tsukrovi, 10.0% of the coryza, 0.3% of the carters, 1.4% of the vegetables, 4.9% % M'as, 0.5% milk, 0.1% egg, 0.3% of the beverages.

Кількість СФГ

Zveratє self esteem і nezalansovannіt galuzevo structure of SFG: stink of the head ranks of roslinnitskі galuzі і лише парково - тваринницькі, які є більш трудомісткими, and through недоліки у ціновій політиці - були і менш економічно вигідними ни збитковими взагалі. Tsya is set up to negatively vіdbiovytsya on rodyuchostі ґruntіv through porushennya sistemi fertilizer - rіzke zmenshennia vibrobitvtva і vystenennya v تрунт оргаічних побрив. Signifi- cantly, according to the SFG, there was a tendency towards a decline in tvarin. Yaksho y 1993 p. On one SFG there fell 0.95 of the head of the Great Horned Lung, in that number of corn - 0,88, pigs - 1,1 і ovat ta kіz - 0,73 of the head, then on the ear of 2001 r. Ці показники відповідно there were 2,7, 0,91, 1,4 і 0,14.

Bagato SFG in gonitvі for sogodennoyu ekonomіchnoyu Vigoda pereyshli on ruynіvnu for ґruntu structure posіvnih Area, viroschuyuchi perevazhno visokolіkvіdnі rentabelnі Culture - zernovі i Sonyashnyk. For example, in 1999, In the structures of the docked areas of the state grain, 56.4% were hired, and 29.6% were soybean. In okremih areas de Je spriyatlivі minds for viroschuvannya Sonyashnyk, SFG brought yogo chastku in strukturі posіvіv 40 i bіlshe vіdsotkіv (at Luganskіy oblastі - 48.5%, Zaporіzkіy - 46.7, Dnіpropetrovskіy - 45.8, in Donetskіy - 42 ,4 %). Taka no vivazhena organіzatsіya virobnitstva scho zdіysnyuєtsya bagatma SFG, to put the Great, іnkoli nepopravnu Skoda zemlі and to її not guilty Booty in maybutnomu. With a sense of humor, the yak was already signified earlier, adopting the law on the shelter of the earth. Slid takozh ochikuvati, scho SFG postunit rozvivati ​​produkte ne viribnitsu tvarinnitskoy produkcii. Tsezmovleno zrestanjanam popita na danu produktіyu i істотним підвищенням цін на неї. Їх досягнутий рівень already in 2000 р. Allow for the normal minds of the state darling to lead tvarinnitsku galuz profitably.

Fermerskі Gospodarstwa slit nedostatno zaymayutsya pererobkoyu sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії (i bezposeredno through company profile pererobnih kooperativіv), scho zvuzhuє mozhlivostі obsession them dodatkovogo ekonomіchnogo efekt. Strugmuyuchim factor in rozvitku bugatoy farmerskikh gospodarstvennost є lack of technical equipment їх, especially kombaynovim park і vtotazhnimi avtomobilyami. Prote s of acceptance of the Law of Ukraine "About stimulyuvannya rozvitku sіlskogo Gospodarstwa on perіod rokіv 2001-2004" (od 18.01.2001 r.) That have been approved privatnoї vlasnostі on selі i posilennyam polіtichnoї pіdtrimki farming s side vladnih structures polіpshennyam kon'yunkturi sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії market analysis, s away rozvitkom orendnih vіdnosin on selі i zmіtsnennyam dovіr'ya to SFG orendodavtsіv - vlasnikіv land i Mainova paїv ob'єktivno stvoryuyutsya spriyatlivі minds for zmіtsnennya Economy Tsikh Gospodarstwa, away їh kіlkіsnogo zrostannya and otzhe, i posilennya їh rolі in naroschuvannі masshtabіv sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva І підвищенні його ефективності.

As a result, the SFG has to file serious competition with other types of agrarian pi-priests. Zavshyaki takіy rivalryії vigrajut is not deprived виробники sільськогосподарської produktsії, and th насамперед її споживачі.