The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

8.2. Land reform in Ukraine. The basis of the Land Code of Ukraine

In the colossal SRSF, and the annuity, i in Ukraine, the yak pestered the yogic warehouse, the land of the bula was nationalized and the state became the sovereign power. To the Gromadyans, Syl'skospodarskyi pidpriemstvam, organisatsiyam i iznavam, the land was transferred to the Lisha in the corystuvannya. Panuvannia state power to the land became one of the main reasons of the low rivnya efektivnostі ії використання.

З набуттям Україною незалежності і зачаткуванням ринкових трансформацій виникла об'єктивна необхідність у здійсненні земельної реії, yaka є odnієyu tsentralnykh lankok ekonomichnoy reform, scho provaditsya v nashіy power. Land reform - the complex of approaches - legal, social and economic, technical and organizational, - the directions for the transfer of land through land, the establishment of various forms of authority on the new branches of new forms of government, in rural areas, in order to function in private.

Land reform in Ukraine has passed a number of stages. The first of them bore the cob of the prince of the Land Code of the Ukrainian RSD (1990 p.), Which banned financing of the right to land in the form of dovychnogo decayed volostinya, postynaya volodinya, and takozh postynogo i timchasovogo koristuvannya. Tse buv important krok to viznachennya vlasnosti on the ground. Prote viznannya decayed volodinny earth unequivocally due to the right to use resources, the right to rozporyadzhatisya land zalishalosya behind the races of people's deputies. Velikie znachennya for rozvitku zemnichnyh vinyosnon na tzomu etapi vidrigalo prinyattya Verkhovnoyuu Raduyu Ukrainy Decide on "Land reform" (15 bereznya in 1991), as a buno was bogged down, but the entire land fund of Ukraine was recognized as a land reform, zavodannyam anchors - re-landed land With the method of the brainstorm of the mind for the equal development of the various forms of state dignity in the countryside. In the process of such a redevelopment, the land is small to be transferred from private to the Gromadyans, to the collective syl'skopodarskim pidpriemstvam, to the institutions and to the organizations; At timchasov korostuvannya phizic and juridical persons.

Another stage of the land reform of zapotchakovany in the early 1992. З прийняняттям Верховною Радою України The Law of Ukraine "About shaping the land" and in the birch tree of the new edition of the Land Code of Ukraine. The Tsimi documents of the buli contributed to the formation of land - in Ukraine, three forms of ownership were formed: private, collective and powerful, prichomu legally recognized, and given forms of authority. New zmistu nabili orendni vidosnini. The Orendodavtsy were not for nothing for the sake of the people's deputies, but the rulers of the land, the neighborhood of the Gromadyans, the collectivists of the Solspokspodarski Pidpriemstva, the joint-stock companies, the garden associations. On the basis of the procedure, the private sector realizes the privatization of land in the sphere of commodity sylvskosodarsky vibrobitvtva, zavdyaki priinyattyu to the law of Ukraine "About the countryman (farmer) state" (1992). Nim pobabacheno transfer from privatnu vlasnist such state of the middle peasants' land, scho pripadaet one inhabitant at the rate for the sake of people's deputies.

The third stage of the land reform was the adoption of the Decree of the President of Ukraine "About the inadvertent entering of agricultural land reform in the Silesian Volgogradtsvet" (10 leaves of the fall of 1994), "About the order of the plowing of lands transferring from the collective nature of the sylpospodarskih pidpriemstvam i iz organizatsiyam" (8 .), "About the land" (23 kvitnya 1997 p.), "About the zahist rights vlasnikov land plowk (paiw)" (21 kvitnya 1998 p.) Ta "About fіksovaniya sіl'kogospodarskiy podatok" (18 червня 1998 р.). On the basis of the Decree on the lease of land and fittings, the Siverskospodarsky feed of buli is adopted by the laws of Ukraine with analogous nazvoyu.

We impose normative acts zdіysnena free of charge the transfer of land to the collective that is privatized for the virbitntsva sylskogoospodarskoi products, tobto on the datum etapi vidbulosya її realne rozderzhavlennya. Buv zdіysneny podil lands, yakі surrendered to the collective power, on the land plots (pai) without seeing їх from nature, і видані селянам сертифікати on the right to the land piece (share). The landlords of the land certifications have the right to be rasporyadzhatisya its own land share, which can be ob'ektom obmіnu, daravannya, forcing, spadkuvannya, kupіvlі-sale (ostannn'e right bulo pіznіshe vіdmіneno). The members of the collective syl'skogoospodarskih pіdpriєmstv nadavalasya mozhnivіs bezpereskodnogo vyhodu zі podpriєmstva іz svoiyu zemelnoy pomekoyu (pаєm) і sіlіlennya її in naturі з vidacheyu Derzhavnogo act on the right privatnoї vlasnosti on the land. The Law of Ukraine "On the Land of Land" is more important than the time-honored decorations, and such is the ability of the land plots (pays) to be padded, but not necessary and important in the transformation of the forms of state dignity in the countryside.

By the crook of the fourth stage of the land reforms (for the thought of the author of a special pidrugnik) became the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the inadmissibility of entering the economy and accelerating the reform of the agrarian sector of the economy" (pile of 1999). Nim perebachavsya vіnny vihіd members KSP iz zakladu tsikh pіdpriєmstv zі svoyimi іnnymi і maynovіmi shares іn thаt іn thе basis іnshih sub'єktіv dandy, заснованих на приватній власності. It is extraordinarily important, but by decree, in order to obovyazykov ukladannya legal persons, yakі vikoristovuyot zemlі for syl'skogospodarskih consumption, contracts in the lease of land shares with the payment of rented goods of fossilized rozmir. Requests have been entered into the procedure for the reestra- tion of contracts in the land of land plots, the vil- lage of land plots has been assigned to the iodinim Masovim group of land plots (paiw), yak zvernulasya іz with applications for the introduction of land plots in the country by the method of the spirny vikoristania abo nadannya in the lease cich dylanok. It is important, however, that the Gromadyans have the right to roshiruvaty their own special state property for the rakhuns before they land in the countryside, see the land shares prior to the land share, or not with the legal entity.

In the year 2000 p. Became realizovuyasya vimogu Decree on zamenu sertifikativ on a piece of land (share) for the Derzhavnyi act on the right of private ownership of land. Tsim themselves set themselves up real opportunities for vprovazhenzhennia in our state of the earth's constant earthquake. We vividly crooked the land reforms on the basis of the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the main lines of land reforms in Ukraine for 2001-2005" (30 travnya 2001). In accordance with the Decree, the complex of interdependent legal, organizational, financial, scientific and technical requirements is to ensure that the completion of the land reform in Ukraine is completed, and that the effective mechanism of land regulation should be taken into account by the sovereign management of land resources. Ale of special value for the completion of land reform in our state was nabulo priinyattya novosti edition of the Land Code of Ukraine.

The land code of Ukraine is the basic document of land legislation, which regulates the land use for the method of securing the necessary minds for the rational vicarities of the land and for the development of all forms of land ownership and forms of state property.

Nova editorial board of the Land Code of the Bula was adopted in 2001. Він складається з 10 розділів, 37 chapters і 213 articles. They knew about the law of all the progressive ways of land reform, which were organized in our territory for the remainder of the rock. Vodnochas vin virishuyot i nizku novyh nourish land reform. Tom for his own zmіstom noviy Zemelny code is докорінно відрізняється від попереднього. Vazhlivo, scho vin vidkryvaє shiroki mozmolisti for formovaniya klasichnyh zagalnopriinyatih u tsivilizovannomu sviti zemnichnyh vidosinin, pіd yakimi rozumіyut sushpіlnі vіdnosini shodo volodinnya, korostuvannya i rozporyadzhennya zemli. Pідводиться, зокрема, правове підґрунтя for здійснення заложені зліі, ії купівлі-sale, for introducing the law to vitschiznjanu practice of understanding омежень на землокристування тощо.

The land code remained unresolvably ignoring the problem of land issues - the problem of forms of land ownership. Nimes vobabachaetsya three rіvnovravnі form viasnostі: pri-vatna, komunalna i sovietvna. The sub-eclectic rights of the state on the land of private ownership are the thundering of juridical individuals, on the land of power, the state, the law, through the organization of state power (the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine in the relations between the empires) and on the land of the communal Viasnostі - teritorialnyi gromadi sіl, selishchі і міст, yakі realizеy tse right безссередньо або via organization місцевого самоврядування (at communal ownership there are all the land in the interiors of settlements, territories of state and private ownership, and such land plots of land with their boundaries, on some sites Об'єкти комунальної власності).

The land code is such a kind of privatization, yak spilna vlasnist on land dlyanku. Yaksho in the so-called land of the day, is a part of the skin of the participants in the sleeping estate, then the authority to name the private private property, and without vypnachennya often - the summed sum of money (the amount of money in such a state may be more lax than the Gromadyans).

The land code establishes the norms of free transfers of land to the thieves of Ukraine: for the village (farmer's) estate, in the land of the land, for the members of the sylvic community, for the sale of land, for agriculture, for the state farm; For the vedenya svyasistogo selyanskoho gospodarstva - no more than 2 hectares; For vedennya sadіvnitvva - no more than 0.12 hectares; For budivnitsvta, that obselugovuvannya residential boudinku, gospodarchikh budivel i sporud (prisadibna dlyanka) - no more, 0.25 ha in the villages, 0.15 ha - in villages and 0.10 hectares - in the towns; For індивідуального of summer cottages - not more than 0,10 hectares і for budivnitsvda індивідуальних гаражів - not more than 0,01 hectares.

In the Land Code, in detail rozglyadayutsya umvi nabuttya rights to land (rights vlasnostіo rights korostuvannya) Gromadyans of Ukraine legal entities, and takozh pomodiv pribdannya land dilyankov na pidstavi tsivilno-znakvigih ugod. It is important to ensure the right to land, in addition to guaranteeing the right to land, to the landlords and landowners, who are in charge of the viluchenia (vikupu) of the Syl'sko-Sandsky Islands, the land lands, the chagarnikas for the needs that do not concern the agrarian and the local population Virobnitsvom; A busy hour of busyness for the youngest visions; Vstanovlennya obmezhen shodo vikoristanna lands, погіршення акості ґрунтового покриву тощо.

Land Code unemozhlivlyuє nadmіrnu kontsentratsіyu zemlі in privatnіy vlasnostі okremih gromadyan, scho Yea tsіlkom vipravdanim s looking at sotsіalno-ekonomіchnu situatsіyu, yak sklalasya in Ukraїnі on the cob XXI stolіttya. Zokrema, pobarcheno, scho until 2010 p. Gromadyany that legal person mozhut mati privatnіy vlasnostі lands sіl'kogospodarskogo prisochennya ploschuyu up to 100 hectares (tsya plozh mozhe bouti zbіlshena лише в разі упадкування землі). More than that, until 1.01.2005 p. Власники земельних ділянок не вправі їх продавати або іншим способ відчужувати, крім передачі цих ділянок у спадщину і міни. Intermediate concentration of land doljans in private jurisdiction of legal poklikan і norm of the Land Code, zgіdno as before 1.01.2005 p. To insure the entry of the right to land parcel (share) to the statutory funds of the Lord's comrades.

Vkazanі obmezhennya on danomu etapі Je neobhіdnimi, oskіlki hour їh dії will rozroblenі neobhіdnі laws, scho zabezpechat efektivnosti funktsіonuvannya zemlі market analysis, prevention spekulyatsіy in protsesі її kupіvlі-sale. Here Varto skoristatisya dosvіdom Velikobritanії, Shvetsії, Gollandії, іnshih kraїn de vprovadzheno efektivnі mehanіzmi prevent takoї spekulyatsії through vstanovlennya temple podatkіv on Dodanim vartіst in protsesі sale and takozh temple rates podatku on Prybutok scho utvoryuєtsya od rіznitsі in tsіnі kupіvlі i sale zemelnoї dіlyanki . It is not allowed to speculate in land plots of the servitude and the vimoga of the Land Code. The sale of lands of state and municipal power in competitive ambushes (in the form of a vacancy in the auction and in the competition).

The principle is important - those that the earthly Silesian princes of the state can not do with the private property of the uninhabited Gromadyans, without the gargantry, and in the overseas juridical osibs. Tse means, but be-so, if you nabutty them in the vlasynost tsik lands is not legitimate, it must be counted for, and lands transferred to the slump. Takі zemlі in a long way to rock pіdlagayut vіchchuzhennyu (мають бути проданим або Transmission of powers).

Іnozemnі gromadyani that individuals without gromadyanstva mozhut nabuvati right vlasnostі deprivation on zemelnі dіlyanki nesіlskogospodarskogo priznachennya in furrows abo posture mezhami population punktіv i deprivation in addition razі, if at Tsikh dіlyankah roztashovanі ob'єkti neruhomogo lane, scho nalezhat їm on pravі privatnoї vlasnostі.

We are announcing with the Land Code the right of the land servant, with the right to ascertain the right of the landlord to the landlord of land plots on the landed plots without paying the cost of other land plots. When tsomu land servіtut vstanovlyuєtsya for domovlenіstyu mіzh vlasnikami dvoh susіdnіh land dіlyanok on pіdstavі agreement abo for rіshennyam court s minds, scho bude vіn naymensh obtyazhlivim for vlasnika zemelnoї dіlyanki, schodo yakoї Tsey land servіtut vstanovleny.

Before the main vidіv land servіtutu, vstanovlennya yakih mozhut vimagati vlasniki abo zemlekoristuvachі, vіdnosyatsya right aisle is the proїzdu on velosipedі right proїzdu on transport zasobі on nayavnomu high road, right prokladati its land dіlyanku vodoprovіd s chuzhoї prirodnoї vodoymi abo through chuzhu land dіlyanku right purlin Slim in the face with that hat. Pobachcheni takozh umov pripinennya land servitytu.

Special growth in the Land Code of Privozheniye of the hunting grounds, the main strains of the anchorage and the protection of the native landowner; Zahist sylskogospodarskih ugіd, лісових земли і чагарників від нерурутотованого їх вилучення для інших потреб; Zahist land od erozії, selіv, pіdtoplennya, zabolochuvannya, vtorinnogo salinity pereosushennya, uschіlnennya, zabrudnennya vіdhodami virobnitstva, hіmіchnimi that radіoaktivnimi vіdhodami that іnshih nespriyatlivih technogenic protsesіv; Conservatism of degradation and maloproduktivnyh sіl'kogospodarskih ugіd; The conservation of natural water-marshy mountains.

The land code of takozh peredbachene management in the region of the territory of the state of zhoroni, viznacheni zavdannya і mehanizmi control of vicarities and land. Peredbacheno, zokrema, zdіysnennya land monіtoringu yak Sistemi sposterezhennya pitched for land s metoyu svoєchasnogo viyavlennya for Change, їh otsіnki, vіdvernennya that lіkvіdatsії negatively protsesіv and takozh Keeping sovereign land cadastre. Vprovadzhuєtsya ekonomіchne stimulyuvannya ratsіonalnogo vikoristannya that receptionists land Shlyakhov nadannya podatkovih i Credit pіlg gromadyanam that Yurydychna ladies, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut for vlasnі Costa come in, peredbachenі zagalnoderzhavnimi that regіonalnimi Programs vikoristannya th receptionists land. Predbachaetsya vidilennya koshtiv z stavnogo abo miscevogo budgets to the landlords for the integration into the future, the crocheted is not zhen vin. Especially important - і здійснення за рахунок бюджетних коштів компенсації зниження досу власників земли та землекористувачів внаслідок тимчасової conservative degradation of those low-yielding lands, they have become such not zhen vin.

Odnієyu s central lanok upravlіnnya in the Branch vikoristannya th receptionists land Je zaprovadzhennya vіdshkoduvannya vtrat sіlskogospodarskogo that lіsogospodarskogo virobnitstva, SSMSC vinikayut vnaslіdok viluchennya (redemption rights) sіlskogospodarskih ugіd, lіsovih land i chagarnikіv to require not pov'yazanih іz sіlskogospodarskim that lіsogospodarskim virobnitstvom. Vіdshkodovuyutsya takozh vtrati, zavdanі obmezhennyam rights vlasnikіv zemlі i zemlekoristuvachіv abo pogіrshennyam of Quality ugіd, sprichinenim dіyalnіstyu gromadyan, Yurydychna osіb, organіv mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya abo powers.

On completion danogo power zaznachimo scho velikomasshtabny vpliv on vdoskonalennya land vіdnosin in nashіy derzhavі Land Code zmozhe spraviti deprivation pіslya of acceptance i Introduction to dіyu low zakonіv, SSMSC bezposeredno regulyuvatimut vіdpovіdnі Lanka Tsikh vіdnosin - about zemleustrіy, receptionists land, about rinok zemlі, land cadastre І оцінку lands, about the powers of the land (mortgage) bank and those activities.