The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

8.3. Technique of a pivot of the Syl'skopolodarskih Ugyd

Payuvannya land kolektivnoї vlasnostі without vidіlennya zemelnoї dіlyanki in naturі became one h klyuchovih etapіv zemelnoї reforms oskіlki vіdkrivalo realnі mozhlivostі restrukturizatsії PCB i stvorennya on їh bazі novih agrarian tipіv of companies, scho pratsyuyut in ambushes privatnoї vlasnostі. Vono zdіysnyuvalosya on dobrovіlnih ambushes vіdpovіdno to the President of Ukraine Decree "On come in schodo nevіdkladnі priskorennya zemelnoї reforms have sferі sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva (od 10.11.1994 r.) Is the" About the order of land payuvannya, have sent messages Collective vlasnіst sіlskogospodarskim pіdpriєmstvam i organіzatsіyam "(od 8.08. 1995 p.), And takozh rishennyam trudovih kolektivіv such sub'ektiv dovodarjannya.

Main zavdannya payuvannya zemlі polyagalo in viznachennі rozmіru land Paju (chastki) in kolektivnіy vlasnostі the ground skin member Collective sіlskogospodarskogo pіdpriєmstva, sіlskogospodarskogo cooperative, sіlskogospodarskogo aktsіonernogo tovaristva without signification (vidіlennya) Tsikh paїv on mіstsevostі. The right to land a piece of flaunting of the members of the penitentiaries, the number of pensioners, who had previously worked in them, and were lulled by their members. By zagalnimi zbori dermal pidpriemstva, zemli yakoy rozpayovuvalisya, utomlyuvalasya komisya iz number pratsivnikiv, yaka zdisnjuvala entire robot on vyznachennu kola sub'ektiv vremlinnyh vidosonin i rozmiru zemnichnykh kletok. The result of the paiyuvannya earth zabulivayut chinnosti pislja zaververdzhennya їх the regional state power administratsієyu.

The method of the pact of the Syl'skospodarskih Ugid, sho rozroblena spetialistami Derzhkomzemu Ukrainy, vobachaetsya viznachennia vartosty land share і yogo rozmіru u cadastrovikh hectares. Vartist land poyu po pidpriemstvu (Vzp) obychislyuyut z vizu:

Bp = Go: Chn,

De Goz - grosova otsnka syl'skogospodarskih ugod, scho pidlyagayut payuvannu, uah; Чп - чисельність пайовиків, які мають the right to the land share.

For viznachennya rozmіru land share in cadastral hectares of spota potrebno rozrauvaty mid-penny otskku hectare sylskogospodarskyh ugіd, transferring from kolektivnu vlastnost pіdpriєmstvu (Sgo) for the formula:

Cr = Go: Pcg,

De Psg - area sylskogospodarskih yugіd, transferring from kolektivnu vlastnіst pіdpriєmstvu. Звідси розмір of the land share in the cleared cadastral hectares shall be assessed from the visage:

Pkr = Bln: Cr.

Tsei osvochnik in tsilomu on gosdarstvu zbіgaється з кількістю фізичних hectarів, які pripadayut on one пайовика - sub'єкта земних відносин. Tobto povinna vitrimuvatisya рівність:

Pcr = K ^,

De Kfg - kіlkіst fizichnyh hectaresі сільськогосподарських угідь on one пайовика:

КФГ = Псг: Чп.

The skinny member of the PCB, the Sylsko-Volodarsky vibro-cooperative, the Solskogosdarsky Accessionary Association, the settlement of the hardened results in the district, the regional administration, saw a certificate for the right to a piece of land (share) without seeing yogo in nature. In such a way, in a way, the land is part of the private property of sub-ects of land vedosin.

It is important to signify that, as soon as the authorities allow the right to a land plot (share) to transfer the right to them to a lease, a slump, a gift, an omnivore and a bunt, a non-repayable otri-mati their land parcel in natural conditions in a one-hour meeting on the part of the Derzhavnogo Act on the right of authority. Takі velikі right vlasnikіv sertifіkatіv vіdkrivayut wide Prostir villagers for Vibor spherical prikladannya svoєї pratsі: stench of toil mozhlivіst, ob'єdnuyuchi svoї zemelnі i maynovі paї, stvoryuvati novі tipi privacy of companies (TOV, cooperatives, komanditnі tovaristva, privatnі pіdpriєmstva toscho), send both їh in Orendum to structures, sight of the landed land in nature and farmer's state, the state abo priadnati її to its own special (pidstobnogo) state without the order of juridical person.

In the 2001 p. Certification of the right to land share (share) otrimali 6.4 million villagers. Vodnoch hour nabuv priskorennya process zameni vkazanii sertifikativ on Derzhavnyi act on the right privetnosti vlasnosti on the land.

When vidіlennі land paїv naturі in (on mіstsevostі) potrіbno pam'yatati, scho through rіznu yakіst land dіlyanok in zagalnomu masivі rozpayovanih land fіzichny rozmіr vidіlenoї in naturі zemelnoї chastki, yak usually not zbіgatimetsya s kіlkіstyu umovnih cadastral gektarіv, zaznachenih sertifіkatі have the right to On a piece of land (share). For viznachennya rozmіru land share on місцевості (Здн) it is possible to be satisfied with the formula:

Zdn = Vzp: Year,

De Year - groshova otsynka 1 hectare sylskogospodarskih ugіd відповідної земельної ділянки (fields сівозміни), яка відводиться під виділення земельної частки в натурі.

Yak seen navedenoї s formula by vidіlennі zemelnoї dіlyanki on mіstsevostі її Ploscha on gіrshih for yakіstyu lands bude bіlshoyu porіvnyano s kіlkіstyu umovnih cadastral gektarіv, zaznachenih in sertifіkatі, and maintained upstream of yakіstyu lands - Mensch. Alya for all obshavin zagalna vartіst vidilenoy land plots, irresolutely on yakomu for yakistyu massivi vona vidilyaetsya, zalishetsya nevertheless, tobto dorivnyuet vartosty land share on pidpriemstvu.

Середній розмір of the land share in Ukraine to become 4.2 hectares of sylvskospodarskih ugіd і kolivayєtsya від 1,1-1,5 hectares in the secluded areas of Ukraine to 7,0-7,9 hectares in південних. To cater to the greatness of the landed dolian and іrііdko stinks nаvіt перевищть розміри багатоо farmerskikh gospodarstv nakremih kraїnakh Zahіdnoї Євроpi.

Thus, the title of the land for the imposed administrative and methodical scheme of the land reform, the incidence of poverty has been reduced to the level of social security and social justice. Ajay, the land, nareshti, is transferred from the power of time, hto on nepriyatju. Itself vdalosya unikuti na selі sotsіalnoyi naprugi. Varto zvernuti uvalu і on that obstavnu, scho without uspishnogo payuvannya lands sylskogospodarskogo gratitude can not bool b realizuvati na praktice The decree of the President of Ukraine "About the inadvertent entering the economy of the agrarian sector of the economy" from 3 to 1999 p.