Pricing - Yerukhimovich IL


1. Profit is the realized surplus value. It is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of the enterprise (firm).

2. Profit is a condition and source of savings and the formation of financial results of enterprises and the state.

3. Profit is the result of all activities of the enterprise (firm) and consists of profits from the sale of products (works, services) of industrial and non-industrial nature and profits from the implementation of non-sales operations. This profit is called balance sheet and serves as a source of payment of taxes.

4. The book profit can be necessary and limiting:

• the necessary profit is characterized by the amount sufficient to maintain the production and economic activities of the enterprise (firm) with the achieved volumes of output (works, services);

• Marginal profit can be extremely high and extremely low. The extremely high profit is characterized by obtaining the maximum benefit from all the activities of the enterprise (firm), and extremely low - the minimum, below which the production process becomes meaningless.

5. After deducting taxes and benefits from the balance of profits, the enterprise (firm) receives a net profit that is spent for its social and economic purposes. The procedure for using net profit is determined by the enterprise independently according to its charter.

6. Profit characterizes the absolute efficiency of the enterprise.

7. To measure the relative profitability (profitability) of an enterprise (firm), profitability indicators serve. Profitability has a number of modifications: the profitability of the resources used (production assets, total assets, equity) and the profitability of the products (the costs of its production and sale).

Test questions and tasks

1. Give a definition of the concept of "profit". What is the economic essence of profit?

2. Name and characterize the components of balance profit.

3. What is the necessary profit?

4. What is marginal profit?

5. How is the net profit different from the balance sheet?

6. How are profits distributed at state, leased and joint-stock enterprises?

7. What is the rate of return?

8. Name the profitability indicators used at the enterprise and characterize them.

9. Determine the profitability of the products and the balance sheet profitability for the two enterprises based on the following initial data.

(Thousand UAH)



No. 1

No. 2

1. The cost of products sold (VAT included)

2. Cost of sales

3. Average annual value of fixed productive assets and current assets of the enterprise

4. Profit from commercial credit

5. Profit from the sale of unused fixed assets

6. The balance of income and expenses from non-operating operations

1440 900





1680 100




Which of the enterprises uses resources more efficiently? Conclusion of the argument