The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

22.2. Regional agroindustrial molding

Sered regіonalnih agropromislovih formuvan vіdnosno naybіlshogo poshirennya Svoge hour in the minds of Planning and Economy tsentralіzovanoї Nabeul agropromislovі kombіnati, zhittєzdatnіst digit mіroyu yakih unsold od stage adaptatsії їh to rinkovih minds i ratsіonalnostі pobudovi organіzatsіynoї structure. Protecting the agro-industry of formulating, but building on the bases of 34 administrative districts, did not zmogli adapt to the new minds of the state dignitaries, and they clung to their dreams.

In 90-ies of rock nabula, the width of such a regional organizational form of agro-industrial integration, the agro-industry of asso- ciation of viribnitsa, the interruptions and realizations of the milk. Thus, in the year 2001, Functionality 62 asocialis in the milk industry and in the 30th in the Miasniy. Before the warehouse, the cichos asociaci enter, in addition to the head pidpriemstva - molokozavod chi m'yasokombinatu - syl'skogoospodarsky merchanders and traders' organisations.

Agropromislovі asotsіatsії Je dobrovіlnim ob'єdnannyam of companies in the brain pіdpriєmstva bazі - m'yasokombіnatu abo Lait (creamery), for yakimi zberіgaєtsya gospodarska samostіynіst i right yuridichnoї individuals. Meta stvorennya asotsіatsії - poєdnannya іnteresіv Agrarian that pererobnih of companies th at dosyagnennya tsіy osnovі zbіlshennya virobnitstva m'yasa m'yasoproduktіv i, i milk molokoproduktіv that obsession bіlshogo pributku.

Asotsіatsії - tse yuridichnі individuals, mostly funktsіyami yakih Je koordinatsіya dіyalnostі uchasnikіv in virobnitstvі, pererobtsі i realіzatsії kіntsevoї produktsії, organіzatsіya fіrmovih of companies torgіvlі, stvorennya ekonomіchnih minds for vzaєmovigіdnogo ob'єdnannya zusil at virobnitstvі, pererobtsі th zberіgannі that realіzatsії gotovoї produktsії on vnutrіshnomu i zovnіshnomu Rinks, co-operation of financial and vibro-related resources with the method of satisfying the needs of the states-participants.

By the vigilant body of management, asociation, zagalnie zbori osnovnovazheniyah predstavnikiiv-particulativ, and in period mizh zborami povnovazhnnyi funktsiї pokladanyutsya on Radu, scho sisida not less than once in the quarter. Vikonavchim body asotsitsiії є direktsіya, yaka formetsya Radoyu. Directorate ocholyuє director, confessions Rado asotsiatsii. Entering up to the asociation, the participants have to rewrite the surplus on the igrahon at the statutes of that fund. Їх розміри viznachayutsya neobhіdnimi vitratami na діяльність асоціації в інтересах її учасників.

The spectrum of functions, which are delegated by the agendas of agroindustrial organizations, can be redistributed. Napriklad, Gospodarstwa - virobniki sirovini scho incoming to asotsіatsії, stvorenoї on bazі m'yasokombіnatіv, deleguyut її takі funktsії, yak viznachennya order priymannya, vivezennya, zabezpechennya, zberіgannya i pererobka thinness, vstanovlennya procedure for conducting rozrahunkіv for priya-nyatu thinness and takozh Treasury fund for pidtrimki gosdarstv, scho mayut timchasov fіnansovі trudnoshi. Ці функції делегує асоціації і м'ясокомбінат. In addition, the responsibility of the delegates to the functions and functions, yak pogodzhennya rivnya profitability in the vibrobnitsy and realizatsii m'yas.

Demonstrators - participants in an association to install dogovinny tsini for thinness, vihodachi z ekonomichnih minds, and systematically pe-rezhglyadayut їх із зміною останніх. HEAD factor in ekonomіchnih vzaєmovіdnosinah chlenіv agropromislovoї asotsіatsії, yaky guilty ob'єdnuvati їh materіalnі Interests, Je rozpodіl Chastain pributku m'yasokombіnatіv (ptahokombіnatіv) mіzh sіlskimi tovarovirobnikami, oderzhanoї Ponad rіven rentabelnostі scho uzgodzheny Radoyu asotsіatsії. At a price of 50%, such a surplus is to be directed to the m'yasokombinat (ptahokombinat) and 50% to the state governments - the postmen of sirovini.

Zavdyaki takіy іntegratsії sіlskogospodarskogo i agropromislovogo virobnitstva deyakі asotsіatsії dosyagli vischih rezultatіv virobnicho-fіnansovoї dіyalnostі porіvnyano s іnshimi m'yasokombіnatami th oblasne organіzatsіynimi structures m'yasnoї chi molochnoї promislovostі - vіdkritimi aktsіonernimi tovaristvami, asotsіatsіyami aktsіonernih tovaristv oblasnogo rіvnya abo іnshimi oblasne structures. . Butt Mauger Buti agropromislova asotsіatsіya "Red Promin" target on bazі Chervonopromenevogo m'yasokombіnatu Luganskoї oblastі in 1992 p, "Berdichіvsky dairy" AT "Rhythm" (m Chernіgіv, smut pіdpriєmstvo -. Ptahokombіnat). Асоціація надає допомогу сільськогосподарським підприємствам - participants of асоціації in придбанні паливно-мастильних матеріалів, запасних частин, будівельних матеріалів тощо.

Prote in tsilomu efektivnist robotstvoreny asotsiatsy dos low. The goal of this is to clarify not the crisis in the people's state of Ukraine, including the agrarian sector, but also the underfull of the economical mechanism of the functioning of the organizational structure. The head nedolik danogo mehanizmu poleas in that, sho vin put at privileiovane stanovishe m'yaso-ptahokombinati. Obviously, it will be necessary to "pogodzhuvati" pozdpriemstva "pogodzhuvati" z asootsiatsiyu such a riven profitability, for somebody to gain a pributok ponadsei riven boulo b vysoko neko vzagali nelozhilno. Tobto peremobnomu pidpriemstvu for zikh of minds vigidno zavischuvati normative-planned riven the profitability, oskilki not reached the yogo, all the pributok zalshitsya in rozporyadzhennі such pidpriemstva.

In drugіy polovinі 90 rokіv Winick Taqiy Novi eg agropromislovoї іntegratsії scho nabuv poshirennya for ostannі prophets (2000-2002), yak orenda agropromislovimi pіdpriєmstvami zemlі i virobnitstva on nіy sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, in addition to chislі sirovini pererobki on this pіdpriєmstvі. Vperesh in the great rozmіryakh began to lease land Salivonkivsky tsukrovy plant. Butt agropromislovoї іntegratsії s orendnimi vіdnosinami Je Kamianets-Podіlsky plodoovochekonservny Plant BAT "Adams' s rіchnoyu potuzhnіstyu 80 tubes konservіv, yaky i orenduє land, krіm of zabezpechuє sіlskogospodarskih tovarovirobnikіv, SSMSC zgіdno s contract prodayutsya plant plodoovochevu produktsіyu, nasіnnyam, dobrivami, Otrutokhimikatami. Plant zdіysnyuє zbirnnia vyzhaya vosnoyu tehnikoyu, tobto nada complex of techno-technologic services for vibrobnitsva neobhidnoy yomu sylskogospodarskoi produkcii.

The new form of agroindustrial integration, it began to grow in 2000-2001, ви vibrochnichi structure, yaki nabuvaivat rice holding. So, agrofirma "Svitanok" Vasilkivsky district was bought by 59.2% of the share of the Salivonkivsky zukrovy plant. Vona has gained the opportunity to seamlessly vlistivat on priyonyatya rishen zukrozavodom z oriєntatsiєyu on ostanzhaniya maximally obopilnogo ekonomichnoy vigodi. The iodine technologic cycle of vibrobitveva tsuchiki Buryakiv of those interlocks has been created. In the 2000 p. Agrofirma supplied the plant with 120 tys. T tsukrovogo Buryaku, sho became 49.4% of the usual perekobleni Buryak. In addition, the plant on the land cultivated by them virostiv 90 tis. Т цієї сировини або 37% від обсыгу переробки за неповного використання потужності (54%). Zavshiaki takіі інтеграції factory became pratsyuvati meaningfully effektivnishe. Yaksho from 1996 to 1999 p. Він працював збитково, then in 2000 r. Having gained 2409 yew. Hry pribudku. Zvichayno, singing a positive role here vіdіgrala і and prjatlivyva konjunktura on zinku rink, the main factor of pributkosty became an integration.

Described on the application of agrofirmi "Svitanok" the form of agroindustrial integration is not vinyatkom. Stand on 1.11.2001 p. TSG "Tsukrove" produced 64.2% of the shares of the Zukrov plant. Okremі agrarnі pіdpriєmstva, Hoch i do not volodіyut controlling stake aktsіy tsukrovih zavodіv against їh chastka in aktsіonernomu kapіtalі Tsikh of companies Je dosit great scho daє їm mozhlivіst іstotno vplivati ​​on processes virobnitstva i zbutu kіntsevoї produktsії. Skazhimo, agrofirma "Anbuko" volide 43.5% of the Kirnasivsky zukrovy plant, "Agrofirma Ugrodivska" - 35.9% of the acreage of the Ugrodivsky zakrovy plant, PSP. Tsyurupi - 24,6% of the acrylic plant. Tsyurupi. Має місце і перехресне володіння акціями, if the tsukrovy plant and agrarnoe pіdpriєmstvo volodіyut packets акцій one in one.

Agropromyslova інтеграція з орендними відносинами має і такий різновидід, за якого земля орендує промислове підприємство, що технологічно зовсім не по'їязане з переробкою сільськогосподарської продукції. With the butt of such a variety of integration and agro-industry, a complex of mines. Zasyadka. Here organizovano vibrobnitsu sylskogospodarskoi produkcii on 30 yew. Ha of land. In this complex enter the ptahofabrika svitovogo zrazka, dovorjovatsya dairy-commodity farm bilsh nizh on 1000 goliv corn chorno-ryaboi breed. In villages nabula rozvitku fіrmova torgіlya. The company "Artemіda" in Kirovograd in 2000 r. Rented nearby 200 yew. Hectares of land, pobnistyu zabezpechayachi neobhidnimi resources silskogospodarskogo pokhozhennya.

Слід зазначити, що агропромислова інтеграція з орендними відносинами відіграє abandon local knowledge и не охоплює більшості агропереперених підприємств. Funktsіyu ohoplennya іntegratsіynim processes usієї pererobnoї promislovostі Where Money Does organіchno poєdnuvalisya b ekonomіchnі Interests agrarian i s orієntatsієyu agropererobnih of companies to maximize their dosyagnennya kіntsevogo result mozhut vikonati agropromislovі asotsіatsії, ale for the minds vprovadzhennya them printsipovo new ekonomіchnogo mehanіzmu vzaєmovіdnosin mіzh uchasnikami tsogo processes. Razglyanemo one zmolivich warriors such a mehanism.