The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

22.3. Principles of the Aspect of the Economical Mechanism of Integration of Agrarian and Agro-Peer Organizations

With such a mechanism, it is important to vrachuvati svyotyv dovsіd virishenny dannoї problems. Yogo вивчення дає підстави для виисновку, що в країнах To the sunset it is known to finish the effective mehanizm of the part of the silk merchandise at the roses and to the offensive part of them, the surplus of agroperties, through farmers' farms, cooperatives for the overfishing of the silk goods production. In the Baghdach kraineah Європи the cooperative form of agroindustrial integration has become dominant. Nasampered, tsesosuetsya separations of milk, m'yasa, vegetables, fruit. In the territories with cooperatives, 60% of the sylvskospodarskoe products are realized, in the Scandinavian territories - 80, in Japan - more than 90%. In the United States, cooperatives recompense and sell 30% of farm products. It is important that the co-operatives in the interlocking of the silk-goods production fail to obey the norms and standards to the technology of the vibro-industry, that is, to anchor and zastosovuyot zherstkі sanktsії to the members of cooperative societies, yakі їh zashushut. The principle of the agglomeration of agro-industrial co-operatives in the field is that the stench of post-soviet expansion of its vibro- nichi functions in the interests of farmer states. Napriklad, cooperatives pererobtsі milk lead plemіnnu robot organіzovuyut boxed osіmenіnnya korіv, postachayut neobhіdne obladnannya, nadayut rіznі konsultatsіynі Hotel and m'yasopererobnі - lead plemіnnu robot postachayut farmers kombіkormi, bіlkovі toscho additives.

In co-operative societies for perebrotsі sіl'skogoospodarskoi produktії pributok mizh їх rozpodilyayut, as a rule, proportionally rozmіr їх економічної діяльності - the ocampu delivered by them syrovini to the cellar. Such mehanizm rozpodilu pributku vіd sumіsnoї діяльності інтегрованого виробництва досить простий і водночас ефективний, оскільки to put economist on the farmer's bread in the direct fallow, that is a vivid product of the wine virobiv and directed to the bulkhead.

Prote descriptions mehanіzm ekonomіchnih vzaєmovіdnosin not Mauger Buti vprovadzhenim in practice іntegratsії agrarian i agropererobnih of companies of Ukraine without іstotnih for Change i adaptatsії to Suchasnyj minds rozvitku rinkovih vіdnosin i vіdnosin vlasnostі in agribusiness nashoї powers. The reason for this is to criticize the plural forms of the power of agribusinesses: yakshcho in the lands. To the entrance of the Won is cooperative, then we have a corporate one. The very essence of the vimage is introduced to the mechanics of economical interdependence of principle principles. Pereobnyi cooperativities in the lands. At sunset it is necessary to use agrarian pidpredemstvami (farms), and to that of restraints pributok є vlasnistyu yogo zasnovnikiv. Oskilki in co-operative societies, the secondary capital stock, then they are not vinicas with the problems of vyplati diviendendy on the ac tion.

In Ukraine, however, the privatization of the power of agro-industrial enterprises has been done through an accreditation, and to that part of the government, the form of ownership has become scarce. Over 51% of the shares are transferred to those in the process of privatization of agro-industrial enterprises, but in the case of vipadkivs they did not cope with the pile-up operation of the enterprise. And in the daniy hour, with rozvitkom of the secondary market, the price of the shares of the shares of the sylvsk merchandise, as a rule, passed into the hands of the phisical and juridical axes, which do not maim the white dust of the Silesian Volodymyr virgin. Hovered in the past pidrozdіlі actual, if the environment is in agrarian relations with an economical emergency, controllable package of accep- tance items, such a rule, organi- cally eat the agricultural products, leave them alone, and not be able to splash in the middle of the monopoly of the enterprise of the second sphere of the agroindustrial complex. Tom on the hourly stage of the agrarian policy can not vplyuti through the accrual of information on the disagreement of agro-motive pidpriemstv.

In such vynovy vinikaє principally important pittannya, scho vimagae obruntovanogo virishennya: yakiy same efektu naybіlsh vіpravdano rozpodіlatі mіzh postavalnikami sirovini? Mi have already been designated, scho pobrobnі cooperativy kraine. At the turn of the day, roses are piled up by the farms of the pributok pributok in proportion to the oath of delivery of the sirovini delivered by them. For the co-operative form of the organisation of the breakaway vibrobitvtva, it is possible, the shortening of the opportunities for the economical activities of participants in the one-to-one technologic process. Prote in the minds of the corporate organisation of the breakaway vibrobitvita dostyagti tsієї meti through rozpodil pributku vidpodіdno to the scale of the economical diyalostі postavchilіv sirovini bude important. The goal is to explain the tim e, the economical vigoda of agrarian assistance in the integration with the agro-recruitment pidpriemstvami, the meaningful world, the tim, which is effective in the implementation of the implementation. Aje is obvious, but for unauthorized robotics of the interruptive pidpriemstva (prorahunki in management, marketing, and technical background), it will be abusive to low-profitability, and, as a result, agrarian incentives to covet incompetent expenditures. Shchob uniknuti chyogo, neobhіdno rozpodіlati mіzh participants are not pributok, and pennies virchka vіd realizatsії kіntsevoї produktsії.

For the criterion of such a rose, the brothers are viznacheni on the skin stages of the standard technological cycle of normative vitrati: according to the agrarian requirements - vitrati on virubnitsvo sirovini and transporting up to the intermittent massif, and for agroperestries - vitrati for the sirovini shipment, preparation for the realizing the wholesale sales of the finished products. In the technologic lanzug may be included і роздрібна торгівля. The skin part of the integrative process should be directed to such a part of the virus in the realizing of the product production, the dosage of the particulate normative vitarates of the participant in the suppletive normative vitruts, taken at the in-house stages of the technological cycle. For such rozpodil, the skinny participant of the integrative process will hold the same sum of a hemp virgin for a hryvnia, or, in other words, reach the new profitability of selling yak in the agrarian, and in the agroindustrial vibrobit.

Prote vazhlivo pіdkresliti scho rozpodіl groshovoї viruchki proportsіyno vitratam incurred by the participants bude povnіstyu todі justice, if in such protsesі rozpodіlu vrahovuvatimetsya spіvvіdnoshennya mіzh postіynimi i zmіnnimi vitratami on kozhnіy tehnologіchnіy stadії. The need for such vrachuvannya polyagae in that, on the skin agroperestive pidpriemstvі formyutsya postinya vitrati, the magnitude of some do not lie nevertheless can not lie down the steps of the yogoro potency. Tom pogrobnі pіdpriєmstva lishe mozhut functііonuvati, if in the case of rospodili groshovoy virchki vіd realizatsії kіntsevoії produktsії vrahovuvatimsya vіti postіynі vitrati inconveniently vіd, yak bude vіcoristan, the exertion of pіdpriєmstva in the calendar році. Adzhe koefіtsіnnt vikoristana potouzhnostі zmenshuetsya nasampered vid nedopostavki agrarnimi pіdpriemstvami sylskogospodarskoi sirovini, and that boule would be unjust, but the perebyni pіdpriєmstva і tііїї cause were economical відповідальність.

At the same time і а agrarian applications, теж be postііnі vitrati for vіrobnіtі sіlskogospodarskoe sirovini, the magnitude of which is not to be stored nor may not be stored in the virgin's vine. It's scary, in the unpleasant for the weather rumors ric vobi vyroblyayut і deliver to the cellar significantly less than the product, or with the use of the post-vitri not speedily. Otzhe, і on agrarian pidpriemstvah justly vrahovuvaty all the magnitude of postyynyh vitrate nezlevozhno vid, skilki vony vyroblyat sylskogospodarskoi sirovini.

To ensure that the proportions of rospodilu groshovoy viruski vid realizatsii kincsevoi produktsii I will look at the need for the destruction of all the sums of postyynyh vitrates, spochatku potbinbno obislich base the amount of normative sub contractive vitrat - postynyh i zmіnhnih. According agropererobnomu pіdpriєmstvu tsі vitrati viznachayutsya for a 100% vikoristannya yogo virobnichoї potuzhnostі and on the agrarian pіdpriєmstvah - vihodyachi s order obsyagu sіlskogospodarskoї sirovini, yaky neobhіdny for zabezpechennya vkazanogo rіvnya vikoristannya potuzhnostі. When tsomu, Yakscho postіynі vitrati on agropererobnomu th okremo on Agrarian pіdpriєmstvah mozhna viznachiti zagalnoyu sumoyu then rozrahunok zmіnnih vitrat potrіbno zdіysnyuvati vіdpovіdno tonne kіntsevoї produktsії i ton sіlskogospodarskoї sirovini. Taqiy pіdhіd to rozrahunku sukupnih vitrat daє zmogu viznachiti їh guideline values ​​for whether yakogo koefіtsієnta vikoristannya potuzhnostі and otzhe, i rozrahuvati proportsії rozpodіlu groshovoї viruchki od realіzatsії kіntsevoї produktsії, vihodyachi s yogo faktichnoї value.

Such a rank, normative vitrati on agropropertynym pidpriemstvo (HBP), you can viznachiti z vizu:

НВп = PVп + (ЗВп • ГП), (1)

But according to the agrarian norms (NV) for the formula:

НВа = ПВа + (ЗВа • СС), (2)

De PVP І PVa - zagalna suma postійних витрат відповідно по агропереробному і аграрних підприємствах; ЗВп і ЗВа - змінні витрати на 1 т відповідно кінцевої продукції of agropromy pіprprimіstva і 1 т сільськогосподарської сировини * 1; GP - the vibrobleniya finished production of agropererbic pidpriemstva; SS - the osyag placed on the interruption of the Silesian state of sirovini.

* 1: {Змінні витрати на 1 ц продукції рослинництва доцільно розраховувати на пвний рівень урожайності культури, який може бути досягнутий у відповідні сировинній зоні, наприклад, по цукровому буряку - на 250, 300, 350 і 400 ц / га посіву.}

On the contrary, the exertion of the plant is 165 tys. T perebokki roots tsukrovogo buryak for the season (90 days). Normative vibrobitnut zukra for 17% of the biologic tsukristostі і koefіtsі-єntі viluchennia tsukru 0,75 дорівнює 21037 т цукру (165 000 •• 0,17 • 0,75 = 21 037). Vitraty agrarnih pіdpriєmstv vibromnitsu tsuchkikh buryakіv obyagom 165 tis. T sirovini become 8250 yew. UAH, while the number of zmіnnі vitrati is 5774,5 thousand. І postійні витрати - 2475,5 тис. UAH, abo 30% of the total vitrate. Змінні витрати in розрахунку on 1 т rootів дорівнюватимуть 35 UAH (5774,5: 165). Vitraty factory for a detachment of the imposed sirovini oath is 5056 yew. UAH, while the number of zmіnnі vitrati is 3185 thousand tys., And postіїі - 1871 tis. Грн, або 37% від сукупних витрат підприємства. Zmіnnі vitrati to the plant for 1 ton tsukrú to store 151.4 UAH (3185: 21,037).

For such minds spіvvіdnoshennya normative vitrat for participants іntegratsії stanovitime 62: 38, 62% in tobto sukupnih vitratah uchasnikіv stanovlyat agrarian vitrati of companies i 38% - tsukrozavodu (8250 + 5056 = 13,306; 8250: 13 306 = 0.62, 62% abo , 5056: 13306 = 0.38, 38%). Oderzhane spivvodnoshennya vitrat і є proportions of roses podpodilu groshovoy virchki vіd realizatsії tsukru for 100% vіcoristanna pozhuzhnostі, tobto 62% ії directing to the agrarians підприємствам і 38% - to the plant.

The important thing is that the methodology is given, that is, the proportionality of the rospodil of the grotesque viruses, the participants in the integrative process, can be removed from the background of the vicarities of the vicarities. Ці зміни змовіються різною питомою вагою постійних витрат у загальній сумі сукупних витрат аграрних підприємств і перебиного підприємства. Zalizhno vіd kind sylskogospodarskoi sirovini і type of peremobnogo pіdpriemstva (zukrozavod, molokozavod tochno) a part of the postinous vitrate bude rizno.

In order to change over, we reduce the proportions of rospodilu groshovoy viruski vid realizatsii kyntsevoi produktsii, pripustimo, scho in nashomu prikisti potuzhnnost plant vikoristano Lisha by 50%, tobto crushed more than 82.5 yew. T tsrukikh buryakiv i vyrobleno 10519 t tsukru (82500 • 0.17 • 0.75 = 10 519). Normative vitrati agrarian pіdpriєmstvі згідно з with formula 2 becomes 2 475 500 + 82 500 • 35 = 5363 tys UAH, and the normative vitrati zukrozavodu (formula 1) - 1 871 000 + 10 519 • 151.4 = = 3 463 577 hrn.

Співвідношення витрат учасників інтеграційного процесу становитиме тепер 60,8: 39,2. Tobto for the cynicism of the minds of a plant in a rose planting a penniless viruses zrostaє і вона буде ти більшою, чим меншим є кефіцієнт використання виробничої потужності, а саме:

Відсоток використанняпотужності завуж

Пропорції розподілукінцевої продукції


62.0: 38.0


61.4: 38.6


60.8: 39.2


59.0: 41.0


58.0: 42.0.

Mehanіzm vplivu pitomoї crowbars postіynih vitrat in sukupnih vitratah that proportsії rozpodіlu groshovoї viruchki dіє in such rezhimі for yakogo іz zmenshennyam koefіtsієnta vikoristannya potuzhnostі zbіlshuvatimetsya chastka vіdrahuvan od groshovoї viruchki by the participant іntegratsіynogo processes in yakogo Vishcha Pete Wagga postіynih vitrat, i navpaki. Tsya zakonomіrnіst chіtko prostezhuєtsya in Nashomu prikladі i viklikana tim, scho Pete Wagga postіynih vitrat in sukupnih vitratah Vishcha plant (37%) porіvnyano s Pete vagoyu Tsikh vitrat in agrarian pіdpriєmstvah (30%). Yakbi in viroblnikov sirovini tsey ostentatnik buvivshy, then proportional rozpodilu zmіnilisya b na їx korist. For however, the parts of the postinitial vitrates in both cases participate in the process of proportioning the rospodilu of the penny-headed virgins to be lapped by the newcomers for the sake of the self-sameness of the vicarities.

Vikladenі zakonomіrnostі in zmіnі proportsіy rozpodіlu groshovoї viruchki toil printsipove value oskіlki zabezpechuyut odnakovu okupnіst sukupnih vitrat in agrarian i agropromislovih pіdpriєmstvah Square od of yak vikoristovuvalasya virobnicha potuzhnіst protyagom zvіtnogo perіodu.

It is important that, however, the decisions of the mechanization of agrarian and industrial development , as well as the value of the investment, are important:

  • Tsіна на сільськогосподарську сировину перестає бути яблуком роздору між agrarian and agroperestributnymi pіdpriєmstvami, oskіlki demand in such an economical tool for rozraunkіv mіzhim zimi partners povnіstju vіdpaєє;
  • Participants will melt processes іntegratsіynogo obopіlno zaіnteresovanimi in ob'єktivnomu viznachennі of Quality sіlskogospodarskoї sirovini, Aje agropererobnі pіdpriєmstva vtrachayut whether yaky Sens zanizhuvati yakіst sirovini at її priymannі, yak Tse Got Location ninі, bo taka did not bring exposure The їm nіyakoї ekonomіchnoї Vigoda;
  • Mensch GOSTR staє problem rіznoї vіddachі vkladen through neodnakovu shvidkіst turnover kapіtalu in agrarnіy i agropromislovіy areas oskіlki rozrahunok s agrarian pіdpriєmstvami Got zdіysnyuvatisya in mіru nadhodzhennya groshovoї viruchki od realіzatsії gotovoї produktsії, i stink at tsomu vіdnoshennі represented in the minds odnakovі s agropererobnimi pіdpriєmstvami;
  • Integral mechanism of orienations on economical vitrat. Ті аграрні та агропереперебні підприємства, які годарюють раціонально i rapidity затвоки цьому витрати, reaching the limits of the magnitudes of the size, ported with normative vitrates, отримуватимуть більшу економічну вигоду, ніж ті учасники, в яких витрати збігаються або ж перевищують нормативні.

One of the nibbles of the folded feeds of the practical zastosuvannya vikladenogo mehanizmu agropromislovoye іntegrazії і viznachennya normativnyh vitrat i proporazitsy rozpodilu groshovoi virchki vіd realizatsії kіntsevoї produkcii. Qiu problem povinni rozv'yazuvati mіzhprofesіynі spilki, bokratnya yakih nalgalnoyu I will require a soyodennya.