The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.


The Constitution of Ukraine. - К .: Видання To the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1996. - 249 с.

The Law of Ukraine "About Penetration in Ukraine" (, iz with zmіnami i dopovnennami). - In the book .: Posnobnik on the reform of the Syl'skogoSpodarshkih and the breakaway pidpriemstv. 2nd dopovene Vidanna. - K .: IEA UAAS, 2000. - P. 205-224.

The Law of Ukraine "On Gentlemen's Partnerships" (19.09.1991, zі змінами і доповненнями). - In the book .: Posnobnik on the reform of the Syl'skogoSpodarshkih and the breakaway pidpriemstv. 2nd dopovene Vidanna. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2000. - С. 224-244.

The Law of Ukraine "About the Entry of Zmіn and доповнень to the Law of Ukraine" About the Selyans'ke (farmer) state ") // Урядовий кур'єр. - 1993. - 29 sticking. - No. 103-104.

The Law of Ukraine "About the Solskogosodarska cooperative society" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1997. - 14 sickles. - No. 148-149.

The Law of Ukraine "On the Entry of Zmitsin to the Law of Ukraine" About the Encouragement of Pribudku pidpriemstv "// Uriadovy kur'er. - 1997. - 12 chernivnya. - No. 105-106.

The Law of Ukraine "On the Fixings of the Siverskospodarsky Filing" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1999. - 30 birch trees. - No. 18.

Law of Ukraine "About investments" // Voice of Ukraine. - 1992. - 21 leaves of the fall. - No. 226.

The Law of Ukraine "About the regime of the alien estate" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1996. - 25 квітня. - No. 77-78.

The Law of Ukraine "About Pesticides and Otrotochimikati" // Voice of Ukraine. - 1995. - 11 квітня. - No. 67.

The Law of Ukraine "About the state of regulation of the import of the socialist products" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1997. - 17 sticking. - No. 130.

The Law of Ukraine "About the Entry of Zmitsin to the Law of Ukraine" About the state of regulation of the import of the Silesian products "// Uriadovy kur'er. - 1998. - 22 sticking. - No. 135-136.

The Law of Ukraine "On the state of regulation of virbitntswa and realiza- tion of tsukri" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1999. - 22 stickers. - No. 135-136.

The Land Code of Ukraine // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 15 leaves of the fall. - No. 211-212.

Law of Ukraine "About the lease of land" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1998. - 22 жовтня. - No. 203-204.

The Law of Ukraine "About the visualization of the platosphere of the Borzhik abo viznannya yogo bankrutom" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1999. - 15 years old. - No. 172.

The Law of Ukraine "About pіdverdzhenzhenya відповідності" // Урядовий кур'єр. - 2001. - 20 chernivnya. - No. 108.

The Law of Ukraine "On Standardization" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 20 chernivnya. - No. 108.

The Law of Ukraine "About zahist ekonomichnoy rivalry" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 21 birch forests. - No. 50.

The Law of Ukraine "About pidtrimku small pіprpriemnitsva" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2000. - 22 leaves of the fall. - No. 217.

The decree of the President of Ukraine "On the order of the patriot of lands, transferring from the collective nature of the sylvanism of podprimotstvam і organizatsiyam" (08/08/1995). - In the book .: Posnibnik on the reform of the Syl'skogoSpodarshkih and the breakaway pidpriemstv. 2nd dopovene Vidanna. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2000. - P. 283-285.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "Procure the income of goods and services of the Silesian merchant goods" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1998. - 11 of the chernivnya. - No. 128.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the pidrimku sylskogospodarskih commodityovirovannyk" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1998. - 3 children. - No. 231-232.

The Decree of the President of Ukraine "About the inadmissibility of entering the economy and accelerating the reform of the agrarian sector of the economy" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1999. - 8 грудня. - No. 230.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "Proceed with an assurance of the form and function of the agrarian rink" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2000. - 8 of the chernivnya. - No. 103.

The decree of the President of Ukraine "About the inadmissibility of entering the world of stimulation vibrobitvtva and the development of the grain market" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2000. - 1 sticking. - No. 117.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "Proceed with an assurance of zahistu maynovih rights of villagers in the process of reforming the agrarian sector of the economy" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 1 cruel one. - No. 19.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Concept of Amortization of the Politics" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 28 birch. - No. 55.

Decree of the President of Ukraine "Proceed with an inspection of the market of agricultural technology for the agro-industrial complex." // Uriadovy kur'er. - 2001. - 14 leaves of the fall. - No. 210.

The decree of the President of Ukraine "About the add-ons come in the trouble of social problems on the village of the distant development of the agrarian sector of the economy" // Sylsky hour. - 2002. - Twenty-seven. - No. 16.

Постанова Кабінету міністрів України since 25 березня 1995 р. No. 231 "On the methodology of the penny-land of the lands of the Syl'skosporarsky settlement of the population of the points" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1995. - 4 quarters. - No. 50.

Agroprozysloviy complex of Ukraine: stan, tendentsii and perspective rozvitku. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 1999. - 481 p.

Andriychuk VG Economist of agrarian enterprises. - К .: ІЗМН, 1996. -510 с.

Andriychuk V., Bauer L. Management: прийняття рішень і ризик. - К .: КНЕУ, 1998. - 314 with.

Andriychuk VG Economist of agrarian support. Навчально-методичний посібник для самостійного вивчення дисципліни. - К .: КНЕУ, 2000. - 355 with.

Andriychuk VG Otsinka macro- and microparameters of economy in the context of foodlessness of Ukraine // Economics of the agroindustrial complex. - 2001. - No. 5. - P. 61-65.

Worst I., Reventlow P. The economics of the firm. -M .: Higher School, 1994. - 270 p.

Dem'yanenko M. Ya. Basis podatkovkikh vidosnon.-K .: ІАЕ UAAN, 1998. - 263 p.

Dem'yanenko S.I. Management of vibrotic incense. - К .: КНЕУ, 1998. - 264 with.

Economy of property. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 528 with.

Castle E., Becker M., Nelson A. Efficient farming: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: VO Agropromizdat, 1992. - 495 p.

Campbell R., McConnell, Stanley L. Bru. Economics: In 2 tons - M .: Republic, 1992. - T. 2. - P. 238-249.

Kovalenko Yu. S. Syl'skogoospodarske pidpriemstvo in the silver medium. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2000. - 200 with.

Методичні рекомендацииіції з планування, обліку і калькулювання собівартості продукції (робіт, послуг) сільськогосподарських підприємств. Hardened by the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine on May 18, 2001, No. 132.

Methodical recommendations for the norm of the werewolves in the agrarian sector (M. Ya. Dem'yanenko et.). - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 1998. - 37 with.

Nelep V. M. Planuvannya on the agrarian pidpriemstv. - К .: КНЕУ, 2000. - 370 with.

Postnik in the transition to a new system of accounting. - К .: The US Agency for International Development "The Draft Reform of the Accounting Sector in the Private Sector of Ukraine", 2000. - 301 p.

Posobnik on the reform of the Syl'skogospodarskih ta pererbnikh pіdpriemstv. 2nd dopovene Vidanna. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2000. - 633 p.

The problems of formulating the Rink economy. Special opening "Restructuring of agricultural enterprises and land reform: mill, problems, prospects". - К .: КНЕУ, 2000. - 420 with.

Sabluk P. T. Agrarna ekonomika і політика в Україні: підсумки минулого і погляд в майбутнє. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2001. - T. 1. 430 p .; - T. 2. 481 p .; T. 3. 485 pp.

Сільськогосподарська кооперація: The essence of the problems rozvitku in Ukraine. For Ed. M.J. Malika. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 1999. - 163 p.

Fedorov MM Economical problems of land issues. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 1998. - 293 p.

Formulation of markets in the material resources of the agroindustrial complex. For Ed. Member-cor. UAAS Pidlisetskogo GM - K .: IAE UAAS, 2001. - 428 p.

Formulation is the function of the market for agro-industrial products. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 2000. - 556 with.

Khorunzhiy M. Y. Organizatsiya agropromyslovogo complex. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 340 with.

Ціни, витрати, прибутки агровиробництва та інфраструктура продовольчих ринків України. For Ed. Acad. Shpichaka OM - K .: IAE UAAS, 2001. - 585 p.

Yurchishin V. V. Agrarny peredvorennya in Ukraine: non-alternative views on the problem. - К .: ІАЕ УААН, 1999. - 65