Legal encyclopedia. Letter M


Is a system of state bodies and institutions through which the fulfillment of the tasks and functions of the state, the protection of its interests are carried out.

MG is characterized by the following features:

1) MG is a hierarchical system of state bodies;

2) MG is characterized by a complex structure, the main and primary element of which are state bodies and institutions consisting of people specially engaged in management;

3) MG facilitates the exercise of power by applying coercive mechanisms, if necessary;

4) MG stands guard over legitimate interests and rights of citizens.

The formation and functioning of MG are based on a number of principles.

1. The principle of humanism. The policy of the state should be based on the priority of satisfying the needs of the individual, ensuring her well-being and the society as a whole.

2. The principle of separation of powers. State power is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. Each branch of government acts independently and apart from the other, based on the principle of checks and balances against each other.

3. The principle of legality. This principle is reduced to the requirement of compliance and enforcement of laws in the activities of all MG constituent parts, in relations with the population of the country and among themselves, as well as with various public organizations and movements.

4. The principle of publicity and openness. Bodies of state power and local self-government bodies, their officials are obliged to provide everyone with an opportunity to get acquainted with documents and materials that directly affect his rights and freedoms.

5. The principle of professionalism and competence. The activities to ensure the exercise of the powers of state bodies (public service) must be considered a highly qualified profession, which is important for the whole state and requires special skill acquired and maintained as a result of systematic and continuous education. This principle obliges to own the procedure for the activities of public authorities, to know their rights and obligations, to actively and fully exercise the functions and powers provided for by legislation and official regulations and instructions.

6. The principle of federalism, which ensures the unity of the MG system and the observance of the constitutional delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and authority between federal public authorities and state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

MG consists of the following structural elements:

1) employees who are professionally engaged in management and receive material compensation for this;

2) a hierarchical system of state bodies that are authorized to perform actions aimed at resolving all spheres of public life; 3) material means, which are necessary for the functioning of the first two elements of MG

There is a hierarchy between MG structural elements.