Товарна інноваційна політика - Kardash V.Ya.

Terminologicheskii vocabulary keyovikh understand those

Bionika is a science, it is a vivcha of the law and principle of the function of living organism for securing the analogy of the technical systems.

Hypothesis - naukove pripuschennaya abo admissibility vazemozv'yu the causes of the former apparitions, which are unavailable for the bezsredednogo sposte-rezhennya.

Competence - рівень кваліфікації експерта в певній галузі знан.

Forecast - pobabachennya yavishcha, kotre based on the science of theory, empiricheskih give rozvitku yavishcha that obruntovanyh admissions.

The forecast for absolute veri fi cation is the forecast , the correctness of what I translate in actual terms is given in the transition to the transition from the last month to the last.

The prognosis for the method of analogy is a transfer of knowledge about one thing at a later date.

The forecast for the method of expert assessments is a prognosis , which is carried out by examiners of an informative and logistical analysis with problems that kilkisnu otsinku sudzhen shodo rozvitku nevertheless in Maybutny.

The prognosis of the intuitive (expert) is the forecast, the forecast is based on the enumeration of the individuals, the experts and the financed ones, if the project is forecasted for the sake of forgiveness, abo, nappaki, the folds of the folding, the vyhavati vplyiv bugatokh factorov, yakі dіyut іn різних direct lines, practically nemozhlivno zhodnim In a different way.

The system of the automated project of the present is an organizational and technical system, which is automated in the design of the objects.

Tendency - napivmok rozvitku yavishcha.

Controlling food

1. Basic principles of the stage of creative work.

2. The classification of methods of science and technology is imperative.

3. Factographic methods of generation.

4. Expert methods of generation.

5. Sutnist that spicy stuck in the "Delphi method."

6. Logistical methods.

7. Methods of innovation and combining.

8.   Automated project system.