Товарна інноваційна політика - Kardash V.Ya.


9.1. The role of technical esthetics in the field of competitiveness of new products

Zrostania vimog spozhivachich before the harmonious feeding of the creeping authorities and the esthetic zvnіshnogo viglyadu virobіv і characteristic rice rozvitku svitovoj rinku. Ninh, if the technology, vartibyst vibrobitntsva and obgovgovuvannya in the developed territories approximately the same, vidrizniti be-yak virіb vіd podibnih to ynogo mozhna tilki zavdyaki vikoristan in the process of securing the new product all over the technical ethics of the country. Themselves of directing scientific pocushku є vzaimlivimi warehouses plіdnoї, creative people, yak ber uchast ukrörnný produktovoy іnnovacії. Technicheskaya estetika tergonomika doslidzhuyut osoblivostі vzemodії sistemi "lyudina-tekhnika-seredovische" (SLTS) with the method of harmonic rozvitku cich components. Taka system mіstit folds, yakі vzaimodіyut: mnogonu, tehnichny zasobi dіyalnі і sredovische, in yakomu realizuєtsya діяльність people. SLTS, de lyudina (spizivach, korestuvach) is a functional functional fold, nazyvayut erghatichnoy sistemoyu. Будь-яке ергономічне rozroblenya treba rozpochinati z analilizu preduzanovannoi dіyalnі people iі perebachennya osoblivostey funktsionovanna yergatichnoi sistemi. Marketing rinkov doslozhdzhennya spyayayut dozhyagnenyu golosnoi meti meti analizu - viznachennu rol'i mneni v rozv'yazanni zavdan z dopomogo novoyvoryuvanoї ergatichnoy sistemi. Result doslenie dopomagayut vydeljuvaty zagalnі psihofizologichnyi characteristics majbutnyo diyalnosti, zdіsniti rangirovaniya ergonichnyh chinnikiv vplyu on efektivnist system of ta sta korostuvacha (spizhivacha).

Technicheskaya estetica vivchaє sotsіialno-kul'turnі, technіchnі ta estetichnі problemy formovannya garmonіchnogo subject seredovischa, scho stlyovoretsya rіznimi goods, for zabezpechennya naylіpshih minds praci, motivta vidpochinku people. Otzhe, the subject of technological esthetics є vivchennia esteticheskih aspektiv formovaniya serdovischa zhittєdіyalnі people. Same von to become the theoretical ambush of the artistic design (design), vivchaє statiirnosti rozvitku, the principle of the method of professional creative design artist (designer). Stnovuyuchi folding goods, designers, rozroblyayut spetsialnі maketi abo modelі, for dopomogo yakih viznachayut ratsionalnyi form virobu yogo storonyh, pіdbirajut neobhіdny kolіr, zabezpechuyut інші естетичні вимоги відповідно до запитів споживачів. Thus, the design of the product is yak spozhivchu tsinnist і robit yogo korossnim, zruchnym, beautiful. Design must be recognized as a complex scientific and practical tool for the formation of the harmonious, esthetically-mediated medium of living and people and the aggregation of materials in material culture.

The term "ergonomika" is similar to the Greek slov "ergos" - pratsya and "nomos" - laws. Ергономіка вивчає functціональний стан, діяльність людини або групи людей за умов сучасного виробництва, inducement, дозвілля з метю оптимізації знаядь праці, destined goods, minds pravtsі тощо. Tse applied science, kotra z'yasovye laws vplyvu materіalno-subject otochennya on muzhinu, vzemodіyu її тіла з різним сучасним we will drive обладнанням that виробничою технікою for забезпечення ефективності, безпеки та комфорності життєдіяльності. Vidilyayut two strazmki rozvitku ergonomiki: kormygualny and preventive. The foremost pinnacle of viplivaє z consumer in modernizatsii vyrubіv, yakі vzhe vyrobnitvom і vivedennі on the market. The other is on the draft of the new products. Methodological basis of the ergonomy is to become a systematic pidhid, a certain way to regulate zastosovuvati in ergonichnyh doslings in riznyh povednanney methodical aparati dosleni, zapozichcheny z marketingu, sotsiologii, fiziologiia ta gіgієni praţi, functatsionalnogo anatomii, kibernetiki, systemochniki, tochno.

The main objects of the implementation of ergonomics are the systems "lyudina - virіb - seredovische". Until such a lie be-yakі sistemi, u diyalnosti kotrih ber take the fate of the lyudin-operator. On the other hand, the automation of the system of management, the generalization of people for the administration of those organizations, the management of transport services, the type of "verstat-operator", the system, and the interdependence of the incentive environment of the people who live there. Mozhna skazati, scho ergonomika vivchaє vzaemodіy mіzh mnogonoju ta tehnnikoyu. Vona maє however vrahovuvati yak tehnichny, so i anthropologichnyh warehouses. Teorotichnі і практичні завдання ергономіка розв'язує у взаємодії з технічною естетикою. So, the artist konstruyuvannya blame most brothers to respect ergonomichnimi. Vodnochas і ergonomіka vyhodit z neobhdnnih esteticheskih vimog ta result in the artistic konstrujuvannya. The reason for such an organisational approach is the degree of obedience of oboskovkikh strains, yakim і system "lyudina - virіb - sredovische". Otzhe, vzajmozv'azok tehnicheskoi estetiki і ergonomiki viznachaetsya laws naukovo-tehnichnogo rozvitku svitovoї tsivіlіzatsії, the prospect of a new cushion of a new tysyacholіtty poyagayut priskorenomu sintezuvannyi kul'turi i tehnologii. Prote mizh them takozh існують і відмінності in the methods that are the ways of completing the yak obekta in the book, and i yogo okremi hoardings.