Товарна інноваційна політика - Kardash V.Ya.

Terminologicheskii vocabulary keyovikh understand those

Anthropometry (for the Greek antropos - lyudina, metron - world) is one of the main methods of the dosage in anthropology, and in polygamy in the vimyryuvannya riznyh parts of the people.

Vizraznist form - vidopovidnost zvnіshnogo viglyadu vypricennuyu і konstrukcii virobu, zdatnіst form of stvojovati ekstoblivy emotsіyny nastriі y mneni, scho vidpіdіdі typіcі situation vіcorostannya danygo virobu.

Garmonіya (od Graetz harmonia -. Phone reception, strunkіst tsіlogo, uzgodzhenіst Chastain) - spіvrozmіrnіst elementіv, skoordinovanіst FORMS Chastain virobu, uzgodzhenіst їhnіh plasticity kolorovih i kompozitsіynih characteristics zagalna kompozitsіyna organіzatsіya scho zabezpechuyut dosyagnennya tsіlіsnostі virobu yak ob'єkta estetichnogo spriymannya І оцінювання.

Harmony colleges - spoluchuvannya kolorіv z urahuvannyam usіh їхніх the main characteristics: kolorovogo tone, rape, shape and rozmіrіv kolorovih ploschin, їхнього взаєморозміщення в просторі.

Decorative (od lat decor -. prikrashayu) - vlastivіst virobu, pov'yazana s yogo Especially konfіguratsії shape, silhouette, and takozh koloru, texture texture materіalіv i scho spriyaє pіdvischennyu estetichnogo rіvnya subject-prostorovogo seredovischa Where Money Does vіn is staying.

Design - a complex scientific and practical dіyalnіst z formavannya garmonichnogo, estetchno povnotsinnogo srednevischa zhittyadіyalnі people and the aggregation of materials in material culture; The self-styled form of artistic design, inasmuch as to project the subject of virbitntsva with the singing estetic authorities.

Design-marketing - the designer of the detachment of virobes, if the design characteristics of the syglagodayut yak basic chinnik proshuvannya to the market.

Design-marketing otsynyuvannya - a kind otsinyuvannya produktsii, kolichestveni design and those rinkovyi characteristics rozglyadayut yak complex vzaimozalezhnikh otzaznikiv.

Design-marketing characteristics - the power of the design, the design of the sukostnosty vzamoozalezhnosti riven yogo spozhivchih jakostey ta mozhnovosti proshuvannya to the market.

Design-program - directive address document (with viznachennyam resources, vikonavtsіv і terminіv) šodo sistemnogo proektovnya complex of folding obladnannya і zagalnoy iesetichnoi organizatsiі vibrochnichogo sredovischa.

The design of advertising - designer of the project is the beginning, of the spontaneity of the advertising of products, the formulation of advertising strategies.

Ergatic system - the system of "lyudin - technics - the middle world", in yakіy lyudin є providіnim functional folding.

Ергономіка - наука, яка вивчає діяльність людини abo group of people for the minds of the hour virbitnitsva, motivation, dosing with the method of optimization of the rules, motivated goods, minds pravtsi tochsch.

Aesthetic value - the appearance of a subject in the subject matter of the subject matter to the esthetic people.

Estheticality of the virobu - ostentatious anchor, commodity, yo vizobrazhayot yogo artist viznnist, ratsionalnist form, tsіlіsnist compositії, досконалість виробничого виконання.

Call of Wisdom - visually sprinkled the form of the virobus. Зовнішній вигляд є єдиним джерелом естетичної оцінки виробу in the process of yogi spriteattya.

Combinatorics - a method formoutvorennya, yaky ґruntuєtsya on vikoristannі varіantnoї zmіni prostorovih structures zadlya dosyagnennya neobhіdnih ekspluatatsіynih characteristics garmonіchnoї tsіlіsnostі FORMS virobu scho pіdlyagaє rozroblennyu.

Kompozitsіya (. Od lat compositio - skladayu, skladayu) - materіalno-prostorove rіshennya virobu, processes garmonіzatsії yogo form, if i viznachayutsya shall communicate to єdnostі OAO All data Form: rozmіri, proportsії, ritmіchna structure, texture, kolіr that іn.

Compounding (in the lat.somrono - I am storing) - the process of poshuku naylіpshogo rozmіschennya rіznih elementіv virobu stosovno one one.

The image (for design) - уявлення, що постає у свідомості people in the process of formulating the design of the design, through the interface, the design of the artistic design.

Ob'ekt design - the subject-spaciousness of the middle and the yo-elements, but I peep through the design.

Оцінювання design-marketing - a kind оцінювання продукції, іїї ініївнійіні ринкиі characteristics viznachayut yak complex взаємозалежних показників.

Plastic - characteristic estetichnostі scho viznachaє beauty vzaєmnih perehodіv, ob'єmіv that obrisіv, plavnіst i gnuchkіst elementіv form, uporyadkovanіst grafіchnih that zobrazhalnih elementіv, color, dekorativnіst, vzaєmozv'yazok kolorovih spoluchen i vikoristannya Decorative vlastivostey materіalіv.

The object of design is the design characteristics of the design.

Раціональність оргаізації Form - characteristics of esthetics, yaka viznachaє mіru vіdobrazhennya formіі і constructive vіrіshennyam produkії її інівні знаціння, functііональних показників, principle дії та особливостей виготовлення.

Seredovishche zhittyodіyalnі people - sukupnist subjects, processes, natural and technogenic chinnikiv, yakі viznachayut umov zhitvidetіyalnі people.

The system of "lyudin - tech - mid-range" - a system, which is to fold up the folds, which are interdependent: people who are technologically and socially deprived, and in the middle of the world.

Styling - The designer of the crushing of the calligraphic virobu, the yoke is not affected by the yogi's function and does not cover the yogo technical characteristics of the performance.

Tektonichnost - the characteristic of construction and material, yaki become the material structure of the virobus.

Technicheskaya estetika - galuz naukovyh znan, yaka vivchaє sotsіialno-kul'turniny, tehnichnі ta estetichnі problemy formvannya garmonichnogo subject medium for zabezpechennya naylipshshih minds praci, motivta vidpochinku people.

The form (form of form, form, form, form) is spacious and motivated by virobu yak sistemi materialnyh vidnoshen dot, liniya, facet, kutiv, poverhon, fygur, ob'єmіv, sho majut singing rozmіr.

Hudozhnє konstruyuvannya - CREATIVE DESIGN dіyalnіst, spryamovana to bring up odnoї Sistemi funktsіonalnih i kompozitsіynih zv'yazkіv Subject kompleksіv i okremih virobіv, їhnіh estetichnih i ekspluatatsіynih characteristics іz metoyu vdoskonalennya navkolishnogo subject seredovischa.

Художньо-інформаційна виразність - рівень виявлення у звнішній формі поживчої суті та призначення виробу, відповідність goods style та моді.

Artistic vizraznost - sukupnist power, yakі dajut mozhnivist vidrizniti goods vid bagatooh podibnikh zvonnishnoyu formuyu.

Цілісність композиції - показник якості, що визначає міру гармонічності поєднання сукупності such power virobu yak is a large-scale structure, it's scale and proportionality, tectonics, plasticity.

Controlling food

1. Tehnichna estetika ta ob'ekti її vivchennia.

2. The essence of the ergonomics of the topic.

3. The design of the product і yogo role in pіvіschennі rіgtоrprodozhnostі goods.

4. Aesthetic vimogi to the latest products.

5. The rule of "golden rubble".

6. The headwinds to the national ergonomic design of products.