Бухгалтерський облік - Sopko V.V.

B.5.5.2. Зміст of articles and methods of storing zvyotu about vlasny kapital

In the stats "Zalishok na kachatok roku" and "Zalishok na kynets roku", it is necessary to show sums of a strong capital, be imposed on the balance sheet of payments on the ears and on the crown of the zodiac period.

In stati "Zmіna oblіkovei polіtiki", "Vipravlennya pomilok" and "Іnshі zmіni" vіdobrazhayutsya sumi Koryuguvan, podbacheniyah Poshennyam (standard) of the accounting region 6 "Vipravlennya pomilok і зміни у фінансових звітах".

In the stotti "Scorching the Pillar", the dome of the capital capitalla on the ear of the crock of the rock is shown on the map of the Krygyz Peninsula.

In stats, the "Pereotsynka activіv" site should be given data, as well as vіdobrazhayut zbіlshennya abone zmenshennya vladnogo kapitalu as a result of the reestablishment of the main activities and activities that take place in the order, podbarochennomu pidpopіdnimi pozhenni (standards).

At statti "Clean the pributok (zbitok) for zvіtniy period" show a sum of pure pribudku (zbitka) zі zvіtu about fіnansovі result.

In stati rozdilu "Rozpodil pributku" be imposed dani, yakі vidobrazhayut rozpodil pributku mizh participants (vlasynikami) pidpriemstva abo spryamuvannya pributku up to statutory kapitalu, reserve kapitalu tochno.

In stati rozdilu "Vneski sossnikiiv" it is necessary to be given about the violation of the statutory capitals of receivables, and to the unpaid capital in the result of the abolition of the debtor's participation in the extermination to the statutory capital of the receipts.

In states, the "Viluchennya kapitalu" is imposed on the change in the capital stock of receipts in the wake of the participant, vikupu chi anuljuvannya vykuplenyh accey by the partnership, zmenshennya nominolnogo varsty for some reason.
In states, the "Інші зміни в капіталі" site should be given data on all the іnші зміни у власному капіталі підприємства, пo не були вклюи до вищезазначениних статей, зокрема, списання невідшкодованиющих збитків, безкоштовно отримані активи та інші зміни.

At stati "Razom zmіn u kapitali" it is necessary to point a cliche at the warehouse of a cloudy capitallu for a period of time, that is to be noted as a sum of scorching a lump of a cloudy capitall on the ear of rock that all the zmіn with the extension of the rock to the beginning of the recharge of activity, the cleanliness of the pure pribudku, the viluchenya kapitalu ta інших змін.

The data in boxes 3-11 is to be entered with a "+" sign "-", but it means the replacement of the replacement of the external element of the cloud capitall.