Legal Encyclopedia. The letter P


- The science of the device, the distribution and exercise of power in the political community, carried out through the interaction of the public power institutions, society and the individual.

PA is an independent scientific discipline, because of this it has its own special subject, object, category specific to her own content, methods, functions, principles and laws.

Subject P. constitute social relations in the sphere of the exercise of power, the interaction of its individual elements, as well as relationships with individuals.

P. Composition includes the following elements: political relations; the political system; political culture; political power; political regime; State; political processes; political parties;

socio-political organizations and movements; political ideology; policy and


P. as a scientific discipline studying the occurrence, functioning and development of political opinions, theories and concepts, character and content of political power, political processes, the impact of individuals on the change of social system and development of public relations and other political events taking place in society.

AP includes some other sciences, such as:

1) the history of political doctrines;

2) political philosophy;

3) political sociology;

4) political psychology;

5) political anthropology;

The object in the GP is the person who more or less engaged in political activity. It explores the background, conditions of entering people in this area of ​​social life, interested in political


All understandings P. presented as a multifaceted phenomenon, the meaning of its scientific comprehension depends not on its attribute, and on the integrity of a variety of methods and approaches.

The dialectical method - is a theoretical reflection of the integrity of the object detection

its basic components and structure of the relationship between them, the establishment of the major trends of change, the sources that provide the dynamism and development.

formalization of the method allows to compare, compare political events and the whole political system of the general parameters of their existence.

The method is empirical knowledge description and survey. Description - this observation and record taken in political science important features, manifested in the object of life. Questionnaires (conversations, interviews, anonymous surveys) used to determine public opinion on a particular political phenomenon, to create a view of the political opinions of participants of the political process.

With the help of statistical methods accumulation and synthesis of a variety of data, data that reflect various aspects of the state of the object.

Mathematical methods are applied in the modeling of political processes Drawing up schemes of the objects of study that reflect the main qualities of the object, knowledge of which is

the main interest.

Content analysis - This technique for identifying important features in the content and use policies of kinds of speech information (documents, voice, programs and the declarations etc.).

P. determined by the functions it performs for the individual and society.

Cognitive function AP is one of the most important, as in other sciences. PA in all its branches and at all levels of study provides the growth of knowledge in various areas of political life, this feature allows you to reveal patterns.

Moti vative feature is closely related to cognitive. It helps policy as a science to provide an explanation and interpretation of complex political processes, it helps to reveal the mechanism of these processes as the interaction of human goals, interests, ambitions, etc.

AP creates certain values ​​and ideals of political life, directs the political activity in the realization of these values ​​and the achievement of certain ideals.

The practical side of AP is that it is able to produce the scientific predictions about the political development

society. It is responsible for this predictive function.

SP can offer:

1) The long-term forecast of the range of possible political development of a country at a particular historical stage;

2) Alternatively, future processes related to large-scale political action;

3) calculate the possible loss of each of the alternatives given the side effects.