Legal encyclopedia. Letter P


- a set of methods and methods for exercising political power, which are formed under the influence of interaction of various political forces and institutions, which reflect its content and character.

PR are divided into:

1) democratic, in which the highest authorities are elected by the population and are institutions of representative democracy. Elections are held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, which ensures the freedom of the will of the voters.

The democratic regime ensures the actual realization of all civil and political rights and freedoms, the equal access of all citizens and their associations to participation in public and state affairs, the existence of a multi-party system, a legal (legitimate) opposition. Economic

The foundations of a democratic regime are a multistructure economy with different forms of ownership and market relations;

2) antidemocratic, in which the population is actually excluded from participation in the government and public affairs. Formally, the rights and freedoms of the individual are proclaimed, but in fact they are limited, infringed;

3) totalitarian, in which the state exercises complete, universal (total) control over all spheres of society's life. The economy is dominated by state property, rigid state regulation of economic relations by command and order methods. The economy is oriented towards the military industry.

The hallmark of the totalitarian regime is a special emphasis on the leader whose personality is deified.

The kind of totalitarianism is fascism, in which the idea of ​​the superiority of one nation or race over others prevails. It is characterized by an aggressive foreign policy aimed at seizing foreign lands;

4) authoritarian, which is an intermediate between the totalitarian and

Democratic regimes. Unlike the totalitarian regime, the authoritarian state does not exercise complete control over society. Conditions are created for the emergence of the personal dictatorship of the leader of the ruling elite.