Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

Розділ 21. The program for realizing marketing methods

PZ for vikonannya zavdan marketers can not zameniti muzhchinu, ale sprijena priinyattu obryuntovanyh rіshen.

O. Tsiganok

21.1. Вимоги до программних засобів Marketing

Automatizatsiya be-yakih marketingovykh funktsiy on pidpriemstvі peredachaє nayavnіst sukupnosti vidpovіdnih programmno modulіv ta іnformatsіynikh setіv dannyh. Vaughn deposits od organіzatsії marketingovoї robot on pіdpriєmstvі, Vibor structuring upravlіnnya marketing rozpodіlu zavdan i obov'yazkіv staff means committing pіdrozdіlam pіdpriєmstva marketingovoї Informácie analіtichnogo i rekomendatsіynogo character on yakіy bazuєtsya of acceptance rіshen s power asortimentnoї, tehnologіchnoї, Naukova-tehnіchnoї i fіnansovoї polіtiki Підприємства.

At be-yoyomu raz neobhidno dotrymuvatisya head rules systemochniki, and sama:

  • Кібернетичний підхід (viznachennya tsіlі marketingnogo діяльності, modulyuvannya structuraty dinamіki rozvitku rinkovikh protsessiv, established direct and short-circuiting, decomposition of systems and modules).
  • Vidkritist, mozhnlivost dopovnennya ta vkoskonalennya vsogo complex and the components.
  • Intrinsic nesperechchilivost on rivnі daniih ta upravlinskih procedures.
  • Minimization of the papermaking document.
  • Максимізація ефективності функціонування всієї системи.
  • The standardization and rationalization of the operation is the culmination of the technological process.

Program zabezpechennya blame mothers zasobi for the cycling of the consignment of the preparation of the preparation of the scenario of the opuwun, the design of the questionnaires, the seizure and control of the introduction of the data and records of the statistical box and the graphical results of the results. Bazhano, where the program was not available for the sake of диdinu mo дляu for the description of scenarios for the description and for the questioning of the questionnaire. The structure of the program is not responsible for buti not in the form of a modulo or modular, but permitting eksportuvati otrimany results in any application programs, and for the purpose of including special controls.

Competitiveness has one-to-one zymov vizhivannya є profesionalny іnformatsіyny marketing. Nayvazhlivshimi yogo storonyami і vidilennya neobhіdny budget, zaluchchennya kvalіfіkovanih managerіv z marketingu, zdatnih proponuvati ta uhvaljuvati correct rіshennya.

For effective robotics, it is very important to create a good relationship between the complex programs of automation and marketing.

In the process of marketing, companies are obliged to borrow the supplies to the market, forecast the sale, advertisements and crossroads, lock the box, we will sell the controls in detail. For вирішення всіх цих завдань необхідна обробка величезної кількості інформації з використанням як простик, так і складних спеціальних методів розрахунків.

One of the problems of robotics with marketing programs is for whom to enter the data of the operative region, the company statistics. Zvichayno in the state of marketing, there are a lot of operators, or to be introduced inadequately by the operator, then in the system the "brudna" information is spent, for cleaning it is necessary for a taxi to spend hours. The responsibility of re-introducing internal marketing and information services in the form of a financial institution, the responsibility for the development of accounting in the region, potim, otrimavshy zvonnishnu marketingu informatsiu, spilno obrobiiti її, виконати звичайні бухгалтерікі фінансові розрахунки з marketingi give yak vhіdnimi. In this way, it is possible to carry out standard (aleans and prognosis) rozraunki of products and goods, the analysis of real financial resources, and of marketing campaigns and visas.