Legal Encyclopedia. The letter P


- Part of the market in which the purchase and sale of information products (books, databases, etc.) and information services (provision of literature in the library, access to databases).

There are three contemporary RI, which interact with each other: RI proper information; RI electronic transactions; RI electronic communication.

The most common part of the RI, both in Russia and around the world, is the information, which includes a number of major sectors, the main ones being: economic sector information; sector

scientific and professional information; media sector, consumer information; sector socio-politicheskoyinformatsii.

Based on the international practice of formation of RI it can be concluded that the entrepreneurial and management needs: quick delivery

Information about the general economic situation; reliable renewed economic and social statistical information; News containing information about events taking place in the markets; legal information governing economic activity; business information about market participants.

A huge proportion of the said information is submitted to RI by means of electronic communications, and the use of it is possible only in transactions in an electronic form, which includes: an electronic system of banking operations; electronic exchange; Ticket System, etc.

Electronic banking operations in Russia are being implemented with the help of Western technology. For example, SWIFT allows the system to connect to it a commercial bank to participate in the electronic international payments. Currently, a system of electronic banking transactions between the Bank of Russia and its territorial offices, central banks of CIS countries and leading commercial banks. Some commercial banks are Western exercise systems

operations by credit cards International and American firms: VISA, Mastercard, American Express.

Among the electronic communications system secrete various means of communication and human communication: the data network, e-mail, etc. In addition, RI includes such products and services as the collection, preparation and processing of information, libraries and archives services and other products and services.

For the majority of suppliers

information services on the global RI centers are generators databases (TSGBD) centers-distributors of information through databases (TSOBD), lock information services, data transfer services and telecommunications, information brokers, and other structures that serve end users .

In Russia such tasks as database processing and the provision of fee-based services are carried out by large TSGBD like VINITI, VNTIC, INION etc. Accessing Russian consumers to foreign TSOBD can occur through many channels, and first of all, of course, the Internet.

Most of the information services delivered to RI as through libraries, archives, etc. For the most part with their customers they interact on a commercial basis.

Unlike the tasks that are required to solve the consumers of information products and services, at the exit to distinguish the two RI consumer market: the business and the consumer, which in turn are subdivided into a large number of parts. The main database users in Russia are: industrial enterprises; representation of foreign companies; government agencies; banks; Exchange. Formation and development of RI is the main circumstance formation of the information society, as well as provides a person with one of the fundamental rights - the right to information.