Історія економічних учень - Korniychuk L.Ya.

Ліберальне народництво

In the middle of the 80's. At suspilnomu russia perevazhayut ідеї ліберального народництва. Цьому сприяють розвиток капіталістичних відносин у країні і сисилення диференціації селянства. Hoch lіberalnі narodniki, yak і revіtsііnі, vіstіdіі іmenі vіsіgo selyanstva, protiv bouni buly actually vizrachnikі Іnteresіv sіls'koї bourgeoisie. The ideologists of the liberal nationality of the Buli: VP Vorontsov (1847-1918), MF Daniyelson (1844-1918), MK Mikhailovsky (1842-1904), SM Krivenko (1847-1906), C M. M. Yuzhakov (1849-1910) that they are.

At the meeting of the revolutionaries, the liberal populists were invited to participate in the struggle against autocracy and concentrated all the respect on the pro-russia programs of the so-called "Malih dil". Its economical program stinked zideanuyu ідеею некапіталістичного шляху розвитку Росії, яка was primed on vchennі S.Sіsmondi. Spiruyuchis on teoriyu realizatsii Sysmondi, the Narodniks ignored the virbitnich spozhivannya, vartizhest sukupnogo product led to sumy income. Відтак робився висновок про скорочення внутрішньогого ринку, неможливість Real-life додаткової Вартості without zovnіshnіh rinkіv, about postійну кризу надвиробництва. Tse served as a pststavoyu for bringing the lack of prospects for the development of capitalism in Russia.

So, V. Vorontsov writing, scho Rosii, yaka pizno became on the sidelines of a capitalistic development, can not be rozrachovuvaty on the vinyin zvonnіshni rinki. Intrinsic rhinoceros, signifying vin, teszh skorochuyutsya, bo kapitalizosti nezdatnny "vitratiti all dodatkovu vartizhest", and the Russian peasant "strongly sagging," otzhe, in Russia, there is no ground for developing capitalism * 15.

* 15: {Div: V. V. (pseudonom V. Vorontsova - L. K.) The fate of capitalism in Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1882. - P. 32.}

Vorontsov did not miss Bachichi Yavnikh, he knew how to develop capitalism in the region. Prote vіn suprising the facts nazivav "усе це більше грою в капіталізм, ніж проявом його дійсних відносин" * 16. Zmusheny viznati rozvitok kapitalalisticheskih vidosin in okremih galleys promislovosti (napriklad mashinobuduvanni), Vorontsov explained that the fact of the protivovugannyam series.

* 16: {There itself, with. 24.}

Otzhe, Vorontsov, from one side, insisting on the marriage of soil in Russia for the development of capitalism, and for the sake of the misfortunes of the Buvs, they should recognize the growths. Same vom vin zaklikayet vzhiti zahodiv for zatrimki rozvitku kapitalizmu.

Analogichnu positsіyu z ciogo pitannya lynav і S. Yuzhakov . Zvertayuchi respect for zaprozu kapitalizmu, yaka nasuvaetsya zadoku, vin notifying, scho її not pizno zupiniti і turn to the old patriarchal orders.

At nekapitalalistichesku evolyutsiyu Rosii pokladavsya і M. Danylson * 17. I mean, it's obvious, it's obvious, it's obvious, "... all the bills of the bishop part of the vibroks are expropriated ..." * 18, він закрикає розум і соссть вряд наявали капіталізму. Здійснити цевін сподівався through зміцнення community and ініверівів of other rural villagers.

* 17: {M. Danylson's re-engraving "Kapital" in the Russian language.}

* 18: {Nicholas - he (pseudonym of Danialson - LK). Essays on our post-reform social economy // Word. - 1880. - No. 10. - P. 60.}

Vypupayuchi criticized capitalism, yaka bagato in chomu small "romantic", dribnobourgeois character, the Narodniks protested the yom of the non-bourgeois way, reprezentovany "people's vibrobitvtvom, yak, on the duma, Panuvav in Russia. Prior to the "people's vibrobit", stinked the communes with villagers, artisanal promenades and navigations.

Ideal lіberalnogo natsnitsutva bulo mіtsne selyanske gosdarstvo, yak counter-capitalistic. Same for zabezpechennya tsogogo gospodarstva stinks vimagali rozshirennya selyans'koi zemelvodinnya, ordering of orend vidosin, nadannya selyanyam posichok, zavodnya na selі oschadnyh kas, riznykh form cooperativii, zabezpechennya peasants polishchenym sylskogospodarskim reymant. Otzhe, in fact, yshelas about strenrenya minds, neobihdnih for kapitalisticheskogo rozvitku sylskogo gospodarstva. The economical program of the liberal nationalities is small, with such a rank, a bourgeois-democratic character.