Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

6.1.2. Evolution and a typical penny.

Viknennenya groschena viddbuvalos shlyu postupovogo, stihyanogo vidilennya iz zagalnoy massi kavkazov such, yak pochinav vidigravati role of the head subject obmina. In the course of the sale of goods, in that commodity, such a thing as elsewhere, it is necessary to reduce the basic cir- cumstances of the subject to the motivation for co-opting the cronyism of the fatal eqvivalent.

On the parachute stages, the rostock of buns is represented by singly settled products, which are made of material varieties, and are supplemented with vitrifam vibrobitnica cich products. So pennies behind the signs of their material TV were called off product groschen.

Prote leanness, grain, khutro ta іnshі see grocery grocery pawns pervnyi wadi yak zagalny ekvіvalent. Tse, in pershu chergo, nedomozhlіst dovilnogo podilu such products without vtrasti svoyї sobyzhichih authorities, and takozh nezamolivіst trivalogo zberіgannya zak zikh productov. Same through tsi obstavni postupovo pochhid to new groschen, yakі otrimali nazvu metalevich. Metalev grosi - tse takі groshni, materіalne tіlo yakih vigotovleno z pevnogo metalu, and zagalnym ekvivalennom stany zastyaky great vitratam virobnitsvva vidobutok zhogo metalu.

So, the authorities were able to solve the problem of meteorism, which was one-sided, easy to submerge, the building up to the trivial zberigannya and the high labor for small wagons led up to the very sight of a penny typing a meaningful width. Slid dodati, scho prohstvom iistorії meststva rіznі metali viznavalis' in the ancient syspilstvah yak grosi. Історії відомі мідні, залізні, свинцеві, бронзові, олов'яні та інші металеві гроші. So, the halls of Grosh were vikoristovuvali old, Spartans, Britons, Japanese, politicians of the African people. Олов'яні вживались у стародавній Мексиці, Римській імперії, середньовічній Англії, on the island of Java. Свинцеві кики використовувались for дібних платів у Північній Америці. І тільки з IV-III ст. BC. That is, the functions of the groschen perebirayut themselves noble metal - sriblo that gold. With this extension of the trivial hour, two metalies were vikorostovuvali yak groshi parallel. Through the system of a penny-bank, the yak was based on the vikoristan yak penny of two raznikh metalov, otrimala nazvu bimetalichnoi. Prote potrinbno zaznachiti, scho paralelne vikoristanny dvoh metalov yak penny little to own. Nayvazhlivіsa polagala in that, sho kіlkіsne obmіnne spіvvіdnoshennya mіzh zimi metalyami little bakti zakriplene state legislative. At the very same time, the real exchange rate is not less than, but the vibrated vitrifite vibrobitztva was added to the video cytochek metal, post-itally replaced with a bit of boggard chinnikiv. And in order to ensure the continuity of the statutory provisions, the legislations fix the proportionality of the exchange of metals to themselves, but actually it did not promptly sweep it, it did it to the most significant expenses for the economy of the economy, and for the power. Through the rest of the world, she was racking her bagato for that, abi suspilstvo knew that there was one metal in it. І in the ХІХ century. Pid vlivom zrostannya sily that can power in the world, the role of a monster boom monopoly was closed for gold, but it meant the installation of the gold standard that was replaced with a bimetallic grocery system before the monometallic. Monometallic nazivayutsya such a penny system, in the boundaries of the anchor, one singing metal viznatsya for the material basis of the groschen.

The system of the organization of the metal bill of exchange has been increasing rapidly. Yaksho on the parachute stages of the function of the cich of groschen in the boule of the zlivka (zlivok - melting in the form of shmatok metal), and that test of some people to finish the sutesto ryznilis (the test - vmist of pure metal at the alloy), then in the podshshomu їх замінила монета * 1 (singing Kіlkіst metal viznachenoї form, vagi ta probi s vіdpovіdnym sternvnim stigma). The coin z'yavilas yak rozvinuta form zlivka і pochatkovo vidriznyalas vіd nyogo lishhe zovnishno. Prote for zovnishnim transition in one kind of groschen to a little prihovuyutsya bilsh gliboka vidmіnnist, povyazyana z timom, scho povnotsinna coin - tse not tilki product, a kind of role of the fatal eqvivalenta, ale mark of war. The coins do not have the capital, but the call is cognized in the presence of the songs of the vintners on the vibro, but it is not possible to do it in the form of a virtual eqvivalent. Tobto, one side, the coin is a coin , not a sign of a penny sign, a scrap of real money, but of a real one - a real penny in the form of a penny sign. This is the rank, the coin is the same as the one without the averages of a penny sign that real smallness of a penny. Under the law itself, according to a penny sign, і з зоннішнім відносно вмісту, позначваного ним. Tom vmist can change, and a penny sign to be lulled by himself, and if he cognizes the new day, he will not be on the cob.

* 1: {The word "coin" first appeared in Rome's name boginya Junoni in 279 r. BC. E. At the podholshom at the її templeі (Junoni-Moneti), the carbuvati roared, who rejected the name of the name.}

Povoltsinna coin yak pivnyi form of a penny that form will manifest metalevo-groshovo form vartosty is itself a bunch of new type of pennies - nepovnotsinnyh that new form of groshovy vartosty - znakovo-groshovoi. Ale vlasniy rozvitok ostann'go pochinatsya tilki z vremya vidokremlennya penny sign for the pennies of pennies. Її the first shtablem є coin-sign, scho moe vlasnі etapi rozvitku. The foremost of them became obog nepnovnagovogo coins from expensive metals, yakis vtatili part vaga vnaslidok natural oborannya u protsessi obminu. Especially, I will look at the yak in the envelope of a non-pivotal coin, can represent an obovnova, potim boula of vicaristan for a straight line of unrecognized coins from ignoble metals, the appearance of which has become known as a transition to another stage of the coin-figurative form of grotesque wares. The transition to non-monetary coins, allowing not only to lose the costs that are due to the eras of monetization of expensive metals, but even after giving zmogu meaningful zminshiti it will be necessary for the watchdog of the cich metal producers themselves, but allowed the child to do so vikoristy vibropnichi resource suzpilstva. Through the well-known menshi vitrati virobnitsvva on vigotovlennya nepovnotsinnih coins їх real vartisny zmist is already mayzhe znik. Zalishivsya deprived yogo penny sign, a kind of knowledge on the material, but simply nagaduet materialno tilo pogodnika. Z transition to paperovih groschen znikaka і be-a kind of tightness on tsu zgadku, and a penny sign is left vidokremlyuyutsya vіd really vartostі, poznachuvanoї him.

Paperovi grosi - tse takii grooshi, yakі є lisha with signs of vartosty, vizgotovleniyami z papperu, i yakі zmіyshchyut v obіg pivnu kіlkіst повноцінних грошей. Paperov Groshi povchatkovo vypuskalasya state treasury in the form of treasury bilets for pokritta deficit of the state budget and buly obovyazykovymi for priymannya for all kinds of payments before the nominee, which they signified.

Yakshcho coin-znakovaya form groshovo vartosty is the cobs of znakannya real vartisnom zmistu pennies, then the papier-znakova znakomno rozshiruє і погглиблює цей процес. Paperovi grosi - the moment of being seized by the realities of the war, the secrets of the papern groszi - not the realities of the world, the signs of wartism. Oskilki real vartit paperovih pennies mayzhe vіsutsya, then prokvazhenzhennia їх in обіг відбувалося on the basis of the legislative zobov'yanya that vіdpііdіnogo primusu z boku derzhavi. With the help of the method pidtrimannya їх primusovoy course on pochatkikh etapah prokvazhenzhennya boulo partkobe zberezhennya ob obinu for gold. Tobto real vartist paperovih groschen znikate nastilki, naskilki grooshov signs cease mother vnutrishnju vartizhest, ali zberihaєtsya tієy mіrou, osobyu zalyshyatsya zv'yazok ruhn povnotsinnyh groschen zimi signs.

Further zareperchenchenyam real vartisnom zmistu povnotsinnih groshem є kredinni groshni. Loan money - the price of the grocery, yaki are the boroughs of zobov'yaznya sub'ektiv ekonomiki and zavdyaki tsiomu vikonuyt role of signs in the capital. The first form of credit pennies is a bill. The bill is the trade of the Borgozovezobyannya, yak perebachaye spline pevnoy sumi penny special in the line of sightings. Poyva's bills of exchange are used to sell goods from a loan, if the buyer does not flinch at the time of a penny, zobovyazyvaetsya plyatiti ikh sellers for otrimanii vіd ostannnogo goods, if you can not see it in it. Tobto seller is a lender, and a merchant is a bargain. In order to distinguish the vodka from the zobovi zazov, the creditor may, for himself, rozrahuvatis for pridbani him comrade in the third osyb, having placed alternately on the promissory notes of the piñissi - an approval. This is how to transfer money from hands to hands and bonds to a promissory note. One of the yogo inter-duzhe vuzkі, oskilki not vseі sobyttsi mozhut pogodit'sya otrimati at razlitu for svіy goods borgove zobov'janannya nevіdomoї individuals. Qiu virishil vozhiva banknoti - borgovogo zobov'yazannya (bills) to the bank. Banks, zapopovuchi zvichaini velikelі, rozplachuvalis for their own vlasnimi bills. A person does not have a person with a promissory note, but a bank, a certain buv does not want to be registered, but a bil- lish platosphere, and, if it were, a small commercial promissory note, it gave the zemogu a meaningful way to expand the scope of credit loans.

Poyva of credit pennies, one boku, zapechuyot povnotsinnyi grosi in the so-called Істотній func- tion, yak zasib obіgu, oskilki v obmіn on goods zmіshost groshe vіdeєyatsya borgove zobov'yаnnya, and z іnshogo - ostannіse sama pochinaє obvertatisya. On the basis of a bill of exchange, a bank note, a bill of merit, and a zhichaynyi zasib obgu. In addition, the credit of the credit and papermaking pennies is spent in єdine cile. Ninі vipuskom paperovih groschen loans do not treasury, and the central bank vidpіdnogo kraїni, yaky vypuska vlasov bogov zobov'yanya (monetta banknoti). Tse lead up to that, poo paperovi grosi peretvoyuyutsya for the day-to-day minds on credit-papier, economical basis of some - borgov zobov'yazanya power in the tsilomu. To pripinennjam vіnogo obmіnu paperovih pennies on gold for firmly vstanovlomuemom course veneo naveit nynitno bouti zagalnim ekvivalennom, zalishayuchis at ts'mu zvichaynim goods. Tobto vtrachayatsya ostawnniy zv'yazok realno vartosty z її a sign on botsi zagalnogo ekvіvalentata u formulai obmіnu (x product A = y product B).

Potrbno zaznachiti, scho і ninі proizvitku materіal'nyi osnovi groshovoi form vartosty not pripinivsya. Сьогодні у грошовому обігу все більше відбувається заміна руху навіть credit-paperovyh signs of varosty (monetta banknoti), які є borovi zobovyans of the central banks of the foreign regions, on the ruins of the singers of the morning (checks, receipts).

Виникнення цих доручень результатом result of існування депозитів, тобто extracurricular sums of groshes клієнтів to the bank on the old rahunok from the bank of the bank, and the checks are the same as those of the bank who perish the money from the cashier to the cashier on the інший. You should not say anything about the appearance of a new ricochet of credit pennies - a penny of deposit, a deposit in the form of notes to a bank account, but the owner himself will not be wrapped up properly, or the prospect is not viklyuchena.

Takozh dosvalny broadening in promislovo rozvinutih edges nabili klintnі kartki , scho is a plastic nosy, on yakomu it is written in the electronic form of information about the loan to the credit, giving the cardholder the card. At the time of the purchase of the goods, the seller of goods will keep his money to the bank, and the merchant will pay the bank loan for the specific purchase. Through the tenth hour, a credit is given to the repayment of payments by the card holder. Credit cards are not to be wrapped.

I'm starting to get widely accustomed to takozh and debit cards. Wongs do not violently hinder the functioning of credit institutions, but allow them to contribute in turn to the rahunks of their own property. The sphere of the broadening of the debit cards is not great, but actively rozvivaetsya. Potrbno zaznachiti, scho kreditnі ta debetnі kartki є nosіami elektronnoi іnformatsії, and then ninі all talk about the appearance of electronic pennies, yakis, being one of the pockets of deposit pennies, існують у вигляді електронного запису в пам'яті банівського комп'ютера.

Розглянутий вище process is characterized by the log of historical development of the groshovye form of varsti. Він є one-time і логічним, оскільки відображає законірний рух, і історичним, освільки фіксує реальні історичні переходи. Іnakshe kazuchi, ynomu realizovano єдність logіchnogo та історичного. It is stipulated by the process of the yogi etapi moge bouti filed in viglyadі takoї logiko-іstorichnoї sеmi evolyutsії groshovoi formy vartostі :

A. Commodity-grocery-groshny step.

B. Commodity-metalelevo-penny etap [a) metalevo-zlivkovy; B) metal-coins].

B. Sign-groshny etap [a) coin-sign; B) paperovo-signs; C) credit-paperovo-marks; D) credit-paperno-electronic signatures].

Vidpodіdno to rozvitku penny-shaped varsty mozhna vidiliti two nayvazhlyvshih typed gros: povnotsinny ta nepovnotsinny. Повноцінні гроші - це ті, які є zagalnym ekvіvalennom zavdyaki vitratam виробництва on vygonovlenya їh material on the rіnnіnomіnal sign vartostі, yakі on them cognitions. Until the foodstuffs, the products of that metalevy groshi, yaki vygotovlenny from noble metals. Untypical Groshi - tse ti, vitrati on vygotovlennya yakih - meaningfully less than that nominal sign vartosti, a kind of knowledge on them. Before them lay moneties of inexpensive metals, papieri all kinds of credit pennies.