Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

6.2.2. Funktsії groshe.

Have a look at the rіznі підходи до розгляду функцій грошей. У літературі існують різні підходи до розгляду функцій грошей. K. Marx, vyznachiv p'yat function of the groschen: miri vartosty, zasobu obigu, zasobu utovorennya skarbiv, zasobu payment i svitovikh pennies (div .: Marx K., Engels F. - T. 23. - P. 101-146 ). L. Kharris vidilyaet three head functions: zasіb обігу, лічильна одниця та засіб збереження вартості (div .: Harris L. Money theory .- М .: Progress, 1990. - С. 75). KR R. McConnell and S. L. Bryuznayvat funktsii zasobu obygu, miri vartosty zasobu zaoschadzhennya (div .: McConnell KR, Bru SL Economics, Principles, Problems and Politics - T. 1. - 264).

A mustache is said to be a whistle. Otzhe, which is an ekvіvalent wartostі, groshim themselves vіsteyayut zasobom vimіro wartostі іншого товару в обміні. To that nasampered stink vikonujut funktsiyu miri vartosty. Її здійснення дістає прояв у категорії ціни як грошового вираження вартості товарів. And itself vartizhest, is presented at groshivіy oditytsi, vygoden yak scale for tsin. If the role of the penniless was vibrated by the noble metal, the scale of the tsin was vouchsafed by the state through the gold chi srіbniy vmist of the grotesque odysnitsi, and the wagon of the metal of the bula yoga. Наприклад, російський рубль 1897 р. Vmischuvav 0,774234 g of gold, the American Dollar 1973 p. - 0.736736 g of gold in bulk. And the price of a be-yak merchandise was vigilant at the singing odnichniy tієї мінімальної вагової киількості металу. For zruchnosty virazhennia tsіn різних товарів мінімальна вагова грошова одниця could podіljatis on рівні разні між a part of itself. So, the ruble was added to 100 kopiyok, dolar - to 100 cents and so on.

Pochatkovo groyniv oditnitsi ta ikh name, as a rule, buli povyazyany in pivnoyu vagoyu noble metals. For example, the pound sterling means pound sterling (English sterling - povnotsinny, spravzhny, clean, povni vagi). However, in one hour, the scale of the tsin was more vivid in view of the fine wag of the noble metal in the grotesque odinits. Odnією з з cause цього becoming перехід від срібла to gold як вимірної base of hemp systems. At the time of the process, the old name of the groom's wife was lapped, the proto, teper vona meant not a pound of gold, but I certainly lost a bit of gold, while for the war I bought a pound of gold. Before zmenshennia vagi groshovoi odinnitsi, it was received, and the state, the yak of the carbuncle, did not take any money from the zhenshennya їхньої ваги відповідні доходи. Zokrema, in England srіbna coin pennі in 1300 р. Vazhila 22 grams, and in 1364 rivers. - Lisha 12. In France, however, the number of copies in 1309 r. 2 lіvri wolfed, and in 1720 р. - 98. In Nimecchin in the 1326 r. In 234 g of the grape, 2 stamps were worn, in 1378 r. - 4, and in 1506 r. - 12 marks.

At the time of the fasting of gold in the world of grotesque odnitsi vzagalі not vstanovlyuetsya, scho symbolize the residual perihid vіd metalo-penny etap rozvitka formed vartosty to sign-groshnogo.

In the process of exchanging goods, the goods virazhayet its vartist in pennies. Otzhe, groshi vygystyayut zasobom virazhenna yogo varmosti. Ale viraziti її stinks to tlilki in that time, yakshcho sami istimutut himself oditnitsu vartosty, through the yak can virazit vartit goods. Tobto penny oditnitsya, in order to reduce the variability of other goods, it is guilty of dissolving odnitsyu vartosty. At tsіy rolli groshni є zasolom virazhennja odinnitsi vartosty.

Іnakse sahuuchi, functіія міри вартості розпадається на дві підфункції : засобу вираження вартості інших товарів і засобу уособлення одниці вартості, який використовується як lіchilna odіnit приa vyrazhennі vartostі tіого товару.

Prote grosi not just vimiryuyut vartіst, but represent її in russia, the transition from one sub'ekta ekonomichnoy diyalnosti to the next, in payment for goods and services, for podatkovkim payments tochno, tobto є a payment by the way (by pokrytty pobnyh zobov'azan). Платіжний засіб виступає таким відносно і продавця, і покупця. Alya for ostannogo vin є takozh kupivelnim zasobom (zadolnogo pridbannya neobhidіdnogo goods). Functionality of the purchase and payment of the property is secured by the function of the tax. Ajer through the functions of com to be brought to the real ruin.

In K. Marx, the function of the payment of salaries (the bail-out of the borings of chi nadannya to the loan without the emergency ringing of commodities) is rooted in the yak osoblyva, sho існує order of the function of the zasobu обігу (the breeze of real goods, if the penny osoeredkoyuє protylezhnyi їм рух товарів), иілізується після функції Zasob uvovornya skarbiv. Logic, yak is laid in the basis of K. Marx's entry, pologa in that, povozitsinnyi groshi, vypadayuchi z obygu, peretvoyuyutsya on skarbi, і після цього ім nadayatsya mozhnivіst vygodati nov novіy funkії - zasobu kazhdu, yaka і vіdmіnnuyu vіd funktsії groshe zasobu obіgu, Oskilki not obusluvuyutsya ruh goods.

When you read in the text, the fact that in the process of the functioning of the payment system is paid to the unwashed, non-self-evident vigilant is the moment of the day. For the seller of commodities, the act of exchanging "grocery goods" is to be sold, and for a frivolous seller, I buy. In the case of the act of the fires, the business and the yak of the purchase, and the pay of the pay. Same zavdyaki takіy єдності grooshі osoeredkotkovot rukh tovaru i vіstupayut yak zasіb обігу. Yaksho stinks do not vikonuyut funktsiyu kupivelnogo zasobu, then zalishaetsya suto plizhiznaya funktsiia, and sami kreditnі vidosnoni, such a rank, vystupayut tiyeu lankoyu, yaka oberedekovuyu obmіn goods. The principle is important here - those that are paid for by the function of realizing not the goods, if the payment is made without the goods in the protivolezhnomu, the sale of all the act of purchase, sale of money for its own commodity, and that for you when you look at the credit cards, you can Talk about the reality of the free flow of goods. Same to it є unacceptable piece vidokremlennya funktsia groshe yak zasobu pay vid blishsh wide-function - zasobu obigu ta vidotolenii їx rozglyad.

Prior to the extremely important functions of pennies, it is necessary to nurture such a function of preserving zarobzhennia vartosti . Хоча при цьому різні author називають її in-rіznomu - zasіb utvorennya skarbіv, zasіb zaoshchadzhennya, zasіb nagromadzhennya. Ale is the essence of the function of one and the same is itself - zberezhennya groshivіy odinnitsi tієї krupіvelnії sili, yaka characterize її yak odnitюyu vartostі, todi koli grosi timchasovo vypadayut і obіgu.

K. Marx write more simply one function of a penny, yak stink ponichayut vikonuvati, if vyhodyat on the international arena. The purpose of the function is to collect pennies. I propose to him the function of svitovikh pennies can not be put in one row with names already, oskilki vona virazhaye not a way of realizing the daily penniless, but the sphere of zhidisnennya. In the sub-classification of the need to talk about the sphere of the function of the groschen, yak mіsceva, natsionalnaya ta svetova, de grosi realize her sutnist yak mіri varosty, zasobu obigu i zasobu zberezhenna vartostі.

Uzagalneyachi all imposed by the Wisconsin, the basic functions of that pennant are the following:

1. Міра вартості:

А) засіб вираження вартості;

B) the time for the isolation of the students (scale tsin).

2. Засіб обігу:

А) purchased сісібі;

B) I will pay for the payment.

3. Засіб збереження вартості чи засіб нагромадження.