Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

6.3. The fussy functional forms of a penny

Functional form of a penny and a penny. Groshov aggregates M0, M1, M2, M3.

6.3.1. Functional form of a penny and a penny.

Можливість utvorennya th rozvitku funktsionalnyh forms are pledged in the very existence of a penny, natural functions. Tsya mozhnivist is equipped with the bagatloniness of grotesques, tim, sho grooshi vikonuyt, from one side, sspilnu funktsiyu zagalnogo ekvіvalenta vartosty, and znisogo - є tehnicchnym aparatom, sho obslugovu te chi іnshy aspect of commodity obminu.

Funktsionalnye form є pohіdnimi vіd penny functions and іyyatyut itself †"really real втілення. Wongs vystupayut yak a form realizatsii tsikh functcіy in the minds of structurally rozvineny commodity vdosin. Mayuchi vidnosnu samostinichist, forming a penny is characterized by the sovereign suknnistyu funktsionalnykh evidences. In order to realize the rospodil obov'yazіv mіzh rіznim їх елементами в загальній системі грошових відносин. Protecting the functional form of a penny is not autonomous. Wongs є Linche structured forms of the system of pennies vneshinos, de kozhna okremo taken functional form, it is not possible to break the viraziti all the incompetence of the grotesque invoices.

Risni visions of penny-sized forms of eating at the pioneer unit. Groshovy aggregate - tse vstanovlennoe legislatie vidpodіdno to the principle lіkvіdnostі specifіchne grupuvannya penny-shaped forms. Під ліквідністю розуміється можливість використання певного активу в ролі засобу обігу (чи платежу) і One-hourly yogo zdatnіst zberigati its vartіst. Same єдність цих двох властивестей є істотною для розуміння ліквідності. Nedostatnіst viznachennya lіkvіdnostі deprivation yak zdatnostі yakogos asset vikonuvati funktsіyu zasobu obіgu (chi dehto Pichet about zdatnіst Shvydko peretvoryuvatis on gotіvku) pomіtna in good minds visokoї іnflyatsії, if okremim platіzhnim zasobam (іnodі and right to reach i produktіv) pochinayut vіddavati perevagu to credit and znetsіnenimi Paperovi grishmi.

Understand "penny aggregate" to finish accurately vidbiivyat sutnist yavishcha. Bagato s yogo warehouses (napriklad, check sertifіkat chi Credit kartka) ninі not mozhut samі on sobі roztsіnyuvatis yak groshі, ale stink vikonuyut yakus іz funktsіy abo pіdfunktsіy pennies vіdіgrayut їh role zaluchayutsya i agreguyutsya grіshmi in svіy ruh yak vlasnі Elements.

Groshov aggregates M0, M1, M2, M3.

The first groupings of functional forms of a penny are a penny aggregate of M0 , which is the state of the hands of banks. Groshovi aggregate М0 має найбільшу ліквідність. Yogi with structural elements є:

Monet, and so on;

skarbnichі bіleti scho Yea kaznacheyskimi zobov'yazannyami, Key infrastructure yakih pov'yazany fіnansuvannyam defіtsitu s sovereign Budget (tsya form of pennies in ninі Ukraїnі not vikoristovuєtsya);

Banknotes, which are a kind of credit of pennies, the existence of certain central banks (in Ukraine, the National Bank). Banknote pays off the turnaround і, як і монета, абсолютну ліквідність.

Another grupuvannyam funktsionalnyh forms of pennies є a penny aggregate M1 . I yogo nazivayut penny masoy at the university's rozuminny. Funktsionalnye form of groschen, scho poednanni in the unit M1, vikoristovuyutsya is important in the function of zasobu obigu. Structural elements of a penny aggregate M1 го gothic gros (aggregate M0) are transactional deposits.

Transactional deposit is the deposit of the phisical and juridical securities from the commercial banks of the second installment, which can be transferred to the individuals in the vigilant payments, but also for the receipt of checks for electronic refunds of money. Transactional deposit is the contribution to the supply of the flow of that rozraunkov rahunki. Wants can not bring vidsoctiv, and give them to the zemogu їхнім весникам corystovatis checks that electronic referrals (in the number of credit cards). For its own voucher, checks, deposits, loans, bezgotivkovy obog groshe, є nayposhireenimimi. For їх допомоги у країнах Заход здійснюється понад 90% усіх видів оплат. Zavdyaki tsiomu system of check money is progressively. Vona ґрунтується на використанні новітньоо е еронноної техніки. Oskіlki structure that bankіvskih Savings SET, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut vіdpovіdnі operatsії, postіyno rozshiryuєtsya, the tse pіdvischuє lіkvіdnіst transaktsіynih depozitіv, nablizhayuchi її to rіvnya lіkvіdnostі gotіvki.

We come to grubuvannya functional forms of a penny є a penny aggregate M2 . Yogi nazyvayut penny masoy in a wide rozumnіnі. Funktsionalnye form of groshe aggregate M2 vikoristovuyutsya not tilki yak zasib obigu, ale i yak zasіb nagromadzhennja ch zberezhennia krupivelnogo prodomostnosti. Yogo structural elements œ a penny aggregate M1 that row deposit, but rejected the name "pennant penny" or "penny-active". Strokovі deposits yavlyayutsya him groshі, SSMSC zberіgayutsya on bezchekovih rahunkah Savings banks that have komertsіynih Savings establish pro scho їh vlasniki otrimuyut pevnі svіdotstva - sertifіkati. Peretvorennya czih groschen na gotіvku chi інший високоліквідний платіжний засіб умомовлене певним строком. Groshi on such rahunki zastosovutsya zdebylshogo function zasobu nagromadzhennya, and not zasobu obygu, to that їх ліквідність є більш низкоькою.

There is a lower level in the quiet of the pennies, yakі klієnti zberigayut on rahunk, vikrityh for vedennya banks previrchih operatsiy. The acyclicity of the active ingredients and the penny-set M2 becomes a penny-set M3 . In the active regions it is seen that the unit L, which includes the M3 aggregate, the treasury bill and the active agent, is included in its warehouse.