Історія економічних учень - Korniychuk L.Ya.

The concept of "postindustrial sospilstva"

Загальнометодологічною the basis of the conception of "postindustrial sospilstva" є (so, як і conceptііІ «industrial security») евоцііний підхід до історичного розвитку і principle of technologic determinism. Щоправда, останній допонююється іншими принципыми. The term "postindustrialism" itself was requested by the scientific sociologist of the English sociologist A.Pentishche at the end of the 20th century. Він giving і його перше визначення: "stan suspilstva, yake postane pislja rozvalu industriializmu". Vin proponuvav vikoristati tse termin for rozdumіv pro majbutne at zv'yazku zim, "scho industriializm baptized" * 43.

* 43: {Penty A. Post-industrialism. - London, 1922. - P. 14.}

Yak formed the concept of " postindustrialism " in the 70's. І зв'язаний з ім'ям Professor at the Sociology of Harvard University Daniele Bell. Shche з кінця 50-х рр. Він actively propagating the concept. 1967 rock at the conference of American futurologists Bell, articulating the mission of social forecasting. And 1970 p. At the VII International Sociologic Congress, after having voiced his concept of "post-industrial supersession". 1973 p. Bell published the paper "Nastannya postindustriialnogo sospilstva", which is in the nyy oprilyudniv naynovіshy udoskoneneniy varіant concept.

The concept of "postindustrial sospilstva" is the projective design of "industrial syspilstva". The theorists of post-industrialism theorized the yogo tilki yak polipyashenij varіant "industriilizmu", albeit zhdomom їhnya concept became critically critical. The poets were criticized for "industrialism" for the lack of technical support, for technocratism.

Bell Zroby sprobu dati, s one side, sotsіalny forecast rozvitku bourgeois suspіlstva and s іnshogo - utverditi Novi conceptual pіdhіd to tsogo analіzu, yaky bi zaperechuvav monіstichnu teorіyu suspіlnogo rozvitku Marx. Він viznaє great role of Marx in the development of sociology, підкреслює його вплив on соціологів, yakі were engaged in the problems of prospects rozvitku kapitalizmu, і nаvіt claim, іo "all mi post-Marxism."

Bell namagaєtsya naslіduvati Marx logіku sotsіalnogo analіzu once i s tim vistupaє categorically proti monіstichnogo pіdhodu to vivchennya zakonomіrnostey suspіlnogo rozvitku, yak at marksistskomu vchennі viznachaєtsya dіalektichnoyu єdnіstyu productive forces i virobnichih vіdnosin. Bell declares that the short form of the Marxist word about the formality of the form, the conceptual scheme of the suslinnyi rozvitku budetєsya navkolo osі vіdnosin vlasnosti, and for the characterization of capitalism taka vistas neradatna. Translated to the fact that "vlasnist - tse juridna fiktsіya" * 44. Moreover, in the spirit of Bell, the transition from "industrial" to "postindustrial sospilstva" zumovlyuetsya vzhe not stylki materialnymi factors, skilki sotsialnimi institutions. Vіn visuvaє іdeyu about those scho rozvitok whether yakogo suspіlstva vіdbuvaєtsya odnochasno for kіlkoma "osovimi lіnіyami" SSMSC viznachayut yogo ekonomіchnu, polіtichnu i cultural evolyutsіyu. Zalizhno vіd viboru "osi" історію суспільства mozhna rozglyadati in a rіznomu: yak evolyutsіy forms viasnostі, yogo polіtichnoy organizatsії, abo cultural traditional. Belle himself takes as a basis the scheme of the aspirations of the Suspisia on the eve of "the axes of the vibrobnitsa and the types of the vikorovuvannis know". In viznannі viznachalnoї rolі Naukova knowledge vіn bachit dokorіnnu rіznitsyu mіzh svoєyu kontseptsієyu i Look pribіchnikіv "іndustrіalіzmu" OAO All SSMSC suspіlnі zmіni vivodyat deprivation s Progreso tehnіki i tehnologії.

* 44: {Bell D. The Coming Post-Industrial Society. - N.-Y., 1973. - P. 294.}

The system of postindustrialism in Bell is characterized by the following: 1) the transition from virbitnitsva goods to vibrobitvita served; 2) perevazhannya sred pracitsvnikіv "klasu" of professional fahіvtsіv і техніків; 3) the role of theoretical knowledge plays a role, as the basis for innovation in the economy, the social and social structures of the estate; 4) orientatsiya in Maybutnomu on the method of control, and otsynka mozhlivih naprimіv rozvitku tehnologii; 5) прийняття рішень on ambushes of new "інтелектуальної технології". Cis procession, the duma of the American sociologist, is already gaining real life forms, and then the traditional capitalism is decisively znikayut.

Thesis about "economics has served" is one of the most vivid rice "postindustrialism" is not self-interested in the secrecy. Prote varto zauvazhiti, but the character of the Suspensia vidosin is not to lie in that, in any sphere of statehood, there is a smell of a mess. The basis klasovogo podіlu suspіlstva Bell pokladaє principle of knowledge i i kvalіfіkatsії vidіlyaє vіdpovіdno Vier osnovnі class: fahіvtsі (uchenі, іnzheneri, ekonomіsti) tehnіki i napіvfahіvtsі, sluzhbovtsі, robіtniki, zaynyatі fіzichnoyu Prace. Panuy in the "postindustrial sushpilstvii" - "meritocracy" (in Gelbreight - "technostructure") - tseunova elita, yaka sdakadaetsya iz obdareniyah osib z usіh sotsial'nikh vervstv. Tsya elita stae panivnoyu do not deprive virbnitsy, but in the polity.

Зміна соціальної стротури суспільства змінює і character of superpersonality. Bell wrote: "Yakscho to іndustrіalnogo suspіlstva Je characteristic Borotba mіzh kapіtalіstom i robіtnikom on pіdpriєmstvі, the postіndustrіalnomu suspіlstvі konflіkt proyavlyaєtsya in zіtknennі mіzh fahіvtsem i commoner in organіzatsіyah i in suspіlstvі" * 45. The central sign is "postindustrial sospilstva", for Bell - the goal of science, science know. Bell vіdryvaє nauku vіd ekonomiki, progoloshuє її autonomy, rozglyadaє її rozvitok yak peredumovu novі organizatsії і structura suspіlstva. The basic elements of the structure are: to become universities, science institutes, and science and research organizations. Oskilki "great science" perebuvae pose ideology, then Bell namagaetsya protistitiati її "great business."

* 45: {Bell D. Op.cit., P. 129.}

Yasna rіch, Bella's concept, yak і інші concepts, "transformіії capitalism", spirає наt on the actual fact, tendііівіі вільні вільні розвитку. Prote vna vіdobazheє lishe verkhovі уявлення про ці processes. Справді, at the process of science and technology revolution, the role of science, popil on kvalіfіkanu robochu force, підвищується кваліфікація фахівців. Ale science is not a bullet and can not be isolated from social minds, a self-sufficient force in suspilstv.