Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

10.2.3. The slope of the percentage point.

Poschkovy percent - tse vartizhest oblegi, yaka nadaetsya creditor pozhalniku (klієntovi), viglyadі nadannya yomu for a fee pevni sumi pomosmovlenie strings. Calculate vin percent of the loan, prichomu mentally, vizhodyachi rozraunku korostuvannya credit extended to rock. A rivet of percent to be stored in a rozmir pose, rows, їх забезпечення, forms of credit and steps of credit ризиків.

Nagadaєmo, sho ekonomichnu nature poschkovogo percent rozgljanuto in temii 9.

The rate of interest is itself vidnoshennya rіchny sumi percent to vartosty pozhchkovogo kapitalu. The rate of interest in the rituals of thorough rink competition can not be greater than the riches of the pributku, yaka zabezpechuyutsya vikoristannyam poschchkovogo kapitalu. The percentage yak fee for korostuvannya poschkivym kapitalom є yogo tsinoyu, and then, yak tina on be-like goods on the market, vin to lie on the sideways and propnuvannya on pozhkovyv kapital.

Banking system - the warehouse credit and banking system and the basic function of credit.

10.2.4. Credit, yogo funktsії i form.

A loan is a form of collapsing a positional capital, a toto of a penniless capitalist, and a nude in a pose. For its own day in the world, the positon in the grotesque commodity form on the minds of the person with the balance of interest and characterizes the creditor and the pos- iter.

Credit, virazhayuchi vidosnoni mizh creditor and poshevelnikom, zabezpechuyu at ts'mu transformatsiu vylnogo groshnogo kapitalu in poschkovy.

The need for credit in the economy of economy is reinforced by the very nature of the capital and the laws of the yogo circle and the environment in the process of creation. In the process of credit lending vidbuvayutsya rukh timchasovo vіlnyh koshtiv to gospodarskih sub'ektiv, yakі їh demand. The credit of the yak is flexible, the determinants for the overflowing of the capital capitals from some of the galusies in the environs and zrivnyannya normi pributku mizh them. In addition, the loan can be granted to the creditor of an indi-inual capitaal on the shnyah of the yogo zostannia yak of the warehouse saspylnogo capital.

Credit vikonuє soі functіії :

Akumulyuє і мобілізує грошовий капітал;

Перерозподіляє грошовий капітал;

The rapidity of the vitrage;

Прискорює concentrating and centralizing capital;

By the regulation of the economy.

Organizing loans will be financed by additional principles, verification, stringing, material security, payment.

The loan is in concrete forms:

Commercial - sales of goods from the bargain with payment; Znarjadja - the bill, scho to mourn through the bank;

Bankivskiy - to be given by banks that by their credit and financial institutions, to mend litsenziyu, riznim gospodarskim sub'ektam u formi grosoviks posk;

To settle accounts with banks, financial and credit institutions and trade receivables to private individuals to pay for goods in the pre-urban crocheted country;

Іпотечний - під from the outpost;

State power - a poshchalnik - a power; Creditor - population and private business;

Міжнародний - між державами в грошовій або тованій формі.

Серед усіх форм credit to the central office of the bank .

10.2.5. Bankівський прибуток.

Diyalnist komercitsnyh bankovov spymovana to otrimannya pributku. Bankіvskiy pributok is a rіznitsu mіzh percents on the contributions of capital and interest rates for the pockets. Resultivnist robot komercitsynogo bank viznachaetsya normu banknyskogo pributku - vidnoshennyam net pribudku to vlasnih koshtiv (vladnogo kapitalu) to the bank.