Історія економічних учень - Korniychuk L.Ya.

Економічні ідеї американських ліберал-реформаторів

Революційні події в Росії ніяк не позначилися на суспільным житті США. 20-ті роки для цієї країни були економічно сприятливими. Sposstagalos pozhvlennya інвестиційної діяльності, відбувався інтенсивний процесентції та централізації капіталів, shvidkimi temp zrostalo promislova virobnitsvto, active fіnansova діяльність. Tomu revolutionary situation here is not a vinical, pozhvlavennya polichnichnogo zhittya not spostyagalos, hoch in the science ekonomichniy lititeri vzhe formulyuvali ідеї соціалізації суспільства у зв'язку з посиленням корпоратиції економіки.

Economical policy in the Territory in the Migration period (1920-1930-t. R.) Was based on the principle of non-reciprocity in the economy, macroeconomic self-regulation. Alyoshe 1929 р. A group of American students came forward with a bit of criticism of the neoclassical ori- entation of economics, pointing out to those who are mono- polarized in the virbitnitsa, who do not care about the power of the state nevruchchannya, von prizvede before the crisis, yaku is inconvenient to explain the marginal positions.

On nessimiznnost naukovo-tehnichnyh peredvoren'ta lіberalno-individualistkoe povedinki sub'ektiv gosdarjuvannya vkazuvali, zokrema, economist Ch. Bird and the philosopher D. Dyue. The stinkers vvazhali, scho suto american economical indivydualizm becoming galmy on the shlyakh rozvitku і neobhіdna mirna "sotsialnaya revolyutsiya", in the course of the power of the camp of the people, and її vtruchannia in economics not rozglyadatimetsya yak vtruchannia v individualnnyi freedom. Such a "social revolution" matheme naslidkom secrinalya suspilstva "third, suto american type" (not socialistic and not fascist).

The number of people who created the special property of the state administration, prior to the entry into the economy of the economy. Цей підрозділ мав аналізува економічну ситуацію і розбляти на підставі нановііших наукових досягнень економічну політику держави з реформуванняня й регулювання суспільної економіки. The group has been sown for the sake of the legitimacy of the economy, the development of economics, the establishment of corporations, the identification of the reforms in the ambush of the "American democratic tradition".

The members of the group were waiting, but the main problem, in which little Zosrediti respected the state, the problem was the problem of a poorly developed, uninhabited rink, the pressure on the proletariat was prevented by the development of the vibrobitvita, the yogi monopolisation. Tsya superechnnost vyznachala makbutnyu share ekonomiki - investment hunger and financial crisis, through nezbіg obyagіv "paperovih" (fictive) and real capitals.

So і справді became: зростання ролі фінансових капіталів, зокрема обсягів ринку цінних паперів і біржових операцій з them, has called up to the crisis, yaka has become known in all spheres of suslinny zhittya. The nature of the crash of the boule is new, not earlier.

Koli 1933 r. Before Vlad came the admissibility of Roosevelt, the situation in the economical boula folding: nebrobitty nabulo nebuvalih scales, enflation succumbed to pikovoe knowledge, virobnitsvto Mayzov zovsim hupinilos.

The unit rasprobiv program for children (Roosevelt's "New Deal" ), which was based on ambushes to strengthen the sovereign regulation of economic and social processes.

As a basis for the economic program, the Koneansian economical doctrine was taken, and on the form of the new course the great alms were met by the United States economists - R. Tagwell, A. Berli, G. Mina, R. Moli.

R. Tagwell boule the doctrine of the directive planning of the doctrine, scho, yogo dumku, little vyznachatiti shchikh vikoristannya kapitalyv, rozmіri tsіn, pributkіv і zdorovіv populyarnya. Він пропонуваъ створити відповідну законодавчу база, яка б забезпечила зміну nature власності і сприяла веттню момов для форвання планової економіки. Tse, vlasne, meant the formulation of the new Suspisol-Economical system. R. Moli did not add radicality to the economical views of R. Tagwell, although takozh rozumiv, the corporation of virobnitsva would need to vytrichana power in the economy at the form of planning. The doctrine of the economical reform of the state economy, R. Moli, included the transformation of power in the Suspina. Alya Vin respecting for the necessary constitution of the basis for primusovoe kartalizatsii ekonomiki i vporyadkuvannya rivalry borotby (tsі ідеї підтримали й предвники великих корпорацій).

Naybilsh completed viglyad ekonomichna teoriyya transformatsii napsula in A. A. Berlі and G. Mіnza's prikas, yakі have seen corporatization yak shliakh up to the new form of ownership and vkazuvali on those in the syspilstvі vіdbulos vіdokremlennya vlasnostі vіd vladivka, vlada passed to the hands of managerіv, otzhe, For the economic management of economy.

At the duma of R. Tagwell and R. Moli, A. Berlie G. Meena, the head line of the state power planning and regulation is to make the money come-go, but pobezpechyut platosprozdomny popit. Як і всі інші американські економісти-reformers, stinks naholoshuvali on зміні macroeconomic priorities: від "економіки пропозиції" до "економіки попиту", від self-regulating to the state management.

Roosevelt's "New Deal", in the basis of which the boule was pledged, the ma- tional and institutional character: the state took control of economic processes in its social sphere. The Bulo has adopted a number of laws, such as the law of the country, the regularity of the promissory one, the reform of the banking sector, the regulation of the regulation of competition, the hiring of hiring robots and hacking entrepre- neurs. The banking sector was reformed and revived (the actual centralization of banks was carried out, the exchange rate was rapidly decreasing, the role of the Federal Reserve System was overlooked), the reimbursement system was reoriented to the redistribution of corporate earnings to the cessation of suspetia. In addition, the bool was established by the state control over the prices of goods for the production of the Silesian state and that of the Solskogosdarska technika. The system of subsidies, the crediting of farmer's states, was upheld. Boulo is buried to grab gold for the cordon, it is legislated by vivezennya capitals. The unit rasprobiv system of huge robots.

"Novy Kurs", who was deeper to the Keynesian schemes, was restructured for self-regulation, did not like such a high rivet vtruchanya power in the economy. Al let me transfer Roosevelt's "new course" to those who, in spite of the fact that they themselves are crooked for fiscal balance; Defitsitne budgetary fіnansuvannya rozglyadalos tіlki yak timchasovy zahіd, shоo пізніше забезпечило більшу стійкість економіки в perіоди кон'юнктурних коливан.

The high riven 'of the state economy, the crocheting on the pie-motion of the effective popita, giving kindness, and that vzhe barbecue has put the nut about the balance of the budget and the speed of the financing of the financing of the huge robots.

The crisis of 1937 р. Put the squad before nepohіdnіstu vprovazhenzhenya кейнсіанської цеми відродження суспільного виробництва, scho has sent a lot of power to the economy, or has managed to actively pursue active activities. Such a rank, the demand of the US for the special "folk" suspolity of the "third type" is practically not realistic.