Історія економічних учень - Korniychuk L.Ya.

The French variant of the "economy of economy"

The French variant of "zmishaniye ekonomiki" is basically a principle of meeting in the future, not conceptually. Frantsuzkі sotsіalіsti, SSMSC vіdіgrayut virіshalnu role in formuvannі "lіvogo" directly sotsіal-democratic Ruhu, uvazhayut scho natsіonalіzatsіya vlasnostі Je nevіdvorotnim, ob'єktivno-obumovlenim processes.

Yak vazhlivu peredumovu dokorіnnogo transformuvannya suspіlstva stink rozglyadali Completion (s pochinayuchi kіntsya 50 pp.) Polіtiki "sotsіalno-ekonomіchnoї modernіzatsії", scho znayshla vіdobrazhennya doktrinі in "The Third Way" of General de Gaulle. Її warehouses of boules:

- the nationalization of key institutions, banking and financial institutions, and the strengthening of the role of the state sector;

- Strengthening dirigisme: the state minimum plan of the state economy and the directive plan for the economy of the national sector, the pre-urban, middle-eastern and streamlined planning and programming;

- the fate of the workers in the surplus;

- Spivuchast working in the management (pidzvitnost management structures in all the rivers), regulated Suspilnyh lands, rozvitok self-government in gospodarskomu ta teritorialnomu plans;

- control of the prisons;

- control over the resources of resources;

- Protecting stosovno natsionalnyh vibroknik;

- the state of regulation of the call of the economy;

- the state control over inland lands;

- development of social services, requesting a wide range of social programs;

- control of the rope of the cultivar.

The program "socially-economical modernizatsii" fought the outcome of the Francis of the economic crisis.

Zi zmіnoyu Uryadov vnaslіdok coming to Vladi respublіkantsіv (1974) obrany rate LUVs deprivation chastkovo skoregovany, refinements nabuv neolіberalnih rice (system pererozpodіlu dohodіv through podatki), Ale schodo mostly warehouses vіn zalishivsya so himself. Певної корекції зазнала і програма соціалістів, які з 1971 р. Igroagayutsya peremogi on the vibors. Соціалісти не вважають більше націоналізацію alternative to the economy of economy. Rinkovі mehanіzmi rozglyadayutsya yak Umov formuvannya "zdorovoї" Economy, ale "global regulator" progoloshuєtsya plan yaky viznachaє orієntiri rozvitku, zabezpechuє sotsіalnu orієntatsіyu, viznachaє minds ekonomіchnoї rіvnovagi, Je zasobom Borotba s crises, mainly stabіlіzatorom Economy. Planuvannya Got Booty prescriptive tobto bezperervnim i zagalnoobov'yazkovim, ale yogo buduvati required on pіdstavі lands on printsipі democratic tsentralіzmu (Reigning formuєtsya plan vihodyachi s grass-roots planіv) vono not Mauger poshiryuvatis zarobіtnu on board, the scope of that torgіvlі poslug. The main object of the plan is to mute the buti investments.

Vidtak frantsuzka "zmishana ekonomika", hochi і ware in a few sectors - the state, the collective and the private, or manage the social principle.

Zahіdnonіmetskomu "etatichnomu (state-sponsored) sotsіalіzmovі" skandinavskіy modelі "rozpodіlchogo sotsіalіzmu" leyboristskіy modelі "corporate sotsіalіzmu" frantsuzkі sotsіalіsti protistavili model "samokerovanogo sotsіalіzmu".

Naprikintsi 70-ies of the cannon system of social guarantees in the promising provinces allowed the zemogu to speak about the situation in the czech lands "socially-democratic consensus".

I continue to transform the further suzpilnym rozvitkom model zmishanogo economical fret transform. Cі clarified vidbuvayutsya pіd vvivom borotbi mіzh conservative (neoconservative) and social-reformistichimi techichi in ekonomichniy teorii. Osobivihh zmіn tsі modely zaznali in 80-tі rr., If the economy has become in front of neobhіdnіstyu chergovoї structural perebudovyi і na zmіynu kontceptії regulovanoї ekonomіki prišov monetarizm, nesumіsniy z іdeєyu vernavnogo sovremennaya.